By Claire Bernish at theantimedia.org
San Diego, CA — The Mexican Supreme Court just paved the way for nationwide cannabis legalization after voting 4 to 1 that prohibition of personal consumption and cultivation of the plant violates constitutional rights.
In fact, the highest court in the land concluded that cannabis prohibition “violates the right to free development of one’s personality,” as the Drug Policy Alliance stated Wednesday in a press release.
“This vote by Mexico’s Supreme Court is extraordinary for two reasons: it is being argued on human rights grounds and it is taking place in one of the countries that has suffered the most from the war on drugs,” explained Hannah Hetzer, Senior Policy Manager of the Americas for the Alliance. “Uruguay became the first country to legalize marijuana, Canada is expected soon to follow suit, medical marijuana initiatives are spreading throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, and marijuana is legal in a number of U.S. states. Now with this landmark decision out of Mexico, it is clear that the Americas are leading the world in marijuana reform.”
Mexico’s first legal medical marijuana patient made headlines around the world in September when her parents were granted the right to treat her Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome with cannabidiol medication. Eight-year-old “Grace” had suffered nearly 400 epileptic seizures daily — preventing her from walking, attending school, or even speaking.
This ruling by the highest Mexican court further weakens the brutal and notorious drug cartels that have plagued the country with violence, paves the way for legal recreational use, and — hopefully — sets the example for its northern neighbor, the United States.
This article (Mexican Supreme Court Rules Prohibition of Cannabis Unconstitutional) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Claire Bernishand theAntiMedia.org.
November 6th???
hi anonymous team. I love your work and what you do and organise and uncover! The problem is your work doesn’t get out to enough people. I run a journal magazine which at the moment caters to approximately 15-20 thousand students. Id love to get my reading base to get to know about you and what you do and follow your page so if you could email me a poster about anonymous and what you do and send a message to my reader base (majoritavely students), i am happy to dedicate a page to ‘advertise’ you guys. you have my email so just email me the poster before the next few day. it would also be great to put you on the front cover of the next issue, if you could also send me a cover photo you think would be good. i was thinking the million mask march riots in black and white with a child thats in the protest in colour. it would be great to have this by 24th as we print on the 25th.
look forward to it.