The Million Mask March 2014 – Largest World Protest by the Most Influential Group in the World


The Agenda: “Remember who your enemies are: billionaires who own banks and corporations who corrupt politicians who enslave the people in injustice.”

The Mission: 7 billion people to 1,400 billionaires is 5,000,000 to 1 million-maskmarch

What is The ‘Million Mask March’? 

Last year thousands of people worldwide joined Million Mask March rallies organized by the amorphous Anonymous movement. Rallies, both peaceful and confrontational, protested austerity, surveillance, corporate greed and corrupt governments.

In a mass demonstration of people power, crowds in 450 cities around the world filled the streets wearing Guy Fawkes masks. “The corrupt fear us. The honest support us. The heroic join us” – under this motto protesters united in a global mass-march to deliver various messages. 4440721_orig

From Sydney to Los Angeles, from Johannesburg to London – thousands came forward to make their voices heard. Among key ideas which virtually connected all different protests were anti-capitalist idealism and the rejection of NSA surveillance. Some rallies had a sense of carnival, where whole families with kids marched in protest, while other gatherings – like in London and Washington – turned more intense, with people not hiding their rage.

You Want To Participate This Year In The Million Mask March 2014 with thousands of others all around the world?

Here is all information you need for 2014:



Make sure you have the latest version of Google maps.

Go to:  (.com, .org & .net lead to the same place).  Once you start zooming in,  city names/event pages and the search option will appear.   As a protective measure, copy this link for safekeeping in case anything ever happens to this web site:


1.  We add events to the map that you create.

2.  If you only see a 2013 event, contact the group, ask if they’ll update it to 2014 and email us here or on Facebook with the link so we can add it to the map. Posting links on our FB discussion threads as the only way of informing us is discouraged.

3. If you don’t hear back from 2013 MMM event page admins (don’t wait more than 24 hours), trying searching for: “Million Mask March Facebook Wednesday (your city)” to see if a 2014 event has already been created. If you find an event, message us the link so we can add it to the map.

4.  If you can’t update a 2013 event and don’t find a 2014 event, create a new event page for 2014, we’ll add it to the map and reference last year’s page.  Set privacy settings to public.

5.  If you think any of event pages are hijacked duds, make another one and we’ll add it the map. Yes, you have power and choices.

Please allow 24 hours for updates.

eMail:  [email protected] and [email protected].

Christine Ann Sands, MMM Domain Owner
Tel:  860-888-3127 – Washington, DC



Defend the right to truth always:  Free Julian Assange today.

Masks are permitted since no harm is intended.

Tell them Million Mask March or Anonomobile sent you (in the notes section with your order) and you’ll get a FREE Million Mask March package (stickers) with your order.

In the spirit of ending tyrannical rule with civil disobedience, it is hereby recommended nobody obtain permits. Please, however, be courteous to other groups who may have events planned in places you wish to gather.

Bring pepper spray decontamination wipes just in case.

Use Facebook, Twitter, Craigslist and posters. millmaskmarch2014


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  1. As a citizen of the United States of America. And a fighter for freedom and justice. We the people have the right to form a more perfect union. Let’s do this

    • Just wondering, you make a statement like “As a citizen of the United States of America. And a fighter for freedom and justice. We the people have the right to form a more perfect union.” What does that mean to you??

      • To accept all for who and what they are, and protect basic rights, civil liberties, and strive to keep everyone safe, and live in peace. To have congress represent the people: GET MONEY OUT OF POLITICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Hey “Citizen” < do you know what that means under the law? It means you are a corporate fiction and an employee of the United States of America Corporation. You are bound by all its Legal Statutes and procedure. You are a Freeman of the Land under the United States Constitution FOR the people, not OF. OF the people is the phony corporate constitution we live under, its fraud. Our 54th Congress committed Treason when they allowed this in 1871. Learn some shit or you will never be free.

  2. thanks for all u do and have done for we the working class, salt of the earth people, i live in arlington texas which is right between fort worth and dallas. would like info on demonstration in my area. again thank u


    • NYC brothers and sisters you can take the Mega Bus to Washington DC. Call Mega Bus and ask how much is the fare to Washington DC…Many buses leave NYC STRAIGHT TO DC. FOR AS LOW AS $40 ROUND TRIP. At arrival at DC. you only walk a few blocks…first you bump into 500 homeless before you get to the W.H. Am in Albany, NY and I travel to DC. DC IS WHERE IS AT!

    • I am all for this, approaching this in a peaceful way is crucial. “The people of the power will not overcome the power of the people”.

  3. Rhode Island needs to be part of this movement!!!! I don’t see the urgency in the people. Most don’t even seem aware of the problems now and future problems that could be MUCH worse. Need to educate on what the problems are. The FED and military industrial complex are the two main big problems. Money in politics is a close second!!!

  4. Together, we are unstoppable. Remember… “People should not fear their government, government should fear their people.” With that being said, I in no way endorse violence at the march. I instead recomend signing the Wolf PAC’s petition. Money out of politics. Give the people a voice once more.

    • And what happens when the government sends their pigs out after us? Do we still refrain from violence? I personally prefer to engage civil war in such a situation, though I am more than willing to remain peaceful.

  5. I don’t think this is a good idea, i believe the goverment will use this million mask march to spread the ebola viris, and then blame anonymous and scapegoat them for it to turn people away from anonymous, not saying thats what they will do, i’m just saying its a possability and i appologize for the miss spellings i’m just a bit drunk, but all things considered please for the love of god, just give this possibilty some thought.

    • Hmmm, even if they do, it’s the ultimate smoking gun. besides you are more likely to be killed by an arrogant cop during a minor traffic stop than ebola, fear is their greatest weapon, but also their greatest weakness. when I see every filthy piece of shjit politician’s and bankster’s head on a pike and a pile of dead cops around it, I do believe the message will be very clear.

      • And what happens when the government sends their pigs out after us? Do we still refrain from violence? I personally prefer to engage civil war in such a situation, though I am more than willing to remain peaceful.

        • Agreed! Our government is not going to fear people holding a sign, regardless of numbers. We need to be strategic with this, I’m not saying violence is the answer because no matter what we do there will need to be some sort of order before we can decide what happens next. We outnumber government, police, federal agencies so why in the hell are we all afraid to actually take back out rights?

        • Agreeing and complying with are two different things… Most cops I’ve ‘met’ utterly fail to uphold Constitutional rights in favor of a sense of superiority and a self-given ‘right’ to sophist practices. That being said, I wouldn’t go so far as to say all law enforcement is corrupt but a positive absolute statement like that is ludicrous.

        • ALL COPS believe in the constitution, hmm could have fooled ALOT of us seeing how ALOT of them stomp all over them daily, also they are arresting people for unconstitutional laws, which the constitution says they are not valid, so how can they “agree” with it and not hold it up as the law of the land?

  6. We need to start this, to much talking. And no action. I will be going to the one in Los Angeles. But for all this to change. We have to go to war with the government. A revolution. Over throw our government. We the people work hard for this country. While they sit down and live of us. Enough is enough. I am tired. Abd it gets me pissed off that people dont wake up.

  7. The government can try anything they’d like. But we need to stand up and show that we aren’t afraid of what they possibilities and outcomes could be.they will use fear to their advantage. We can’t let them win. They already have locked onto us through GPS and smarter technology, let’s fight them from getting any further in our lives. We were built to be a free country, now look at us, the majority either brainwashed , locked up, or sick. They have weakened us already, we need to become strong again. I’m sixteen female with a job working to get a second one, but I say LETS DO THIS !

  8. I will be standing with my fellow citizens as a victim of #FamilyCourt corruption. I am ready to show the government that they have f*cked with the wrong momma!

  9. ophies choice. A means to justify an end. Anonymous , I come to u today with my beliefs For a longer life people will do anything once the illuminati or government complete the Ebola spread the vaccine will be all of a sudden available. I come to the conclusion from your previous video about the rfid tracker chip to be placed under our skin begging to start of December of 2013 that this is the goal I am 1of u we see we remember W5Ar5waTcH1nG (*_*)

  10. Remember, remember the fifth of November,
    Election fraud, treason and plot.
    I see no reason why fraud, lies and treason –
    Should ever be forgot.
    Put on your mask, and rise to the task,
    ‘Tis time to stand and be heard.
    Join your brothers and sisters, Misses and Misters –
    Together we march for the word.
    Freedom’s not free and no longer are we,
    Our right to free speech is a myth.
    Corruption abides upon our local tides –
    ~ Poem Adaptation by L.M. Smith, Author

    (feel free to share but please be sure to credit the author)

  11. Remember, remember the fifth of November,
    Election fraud, treason and plot.
    I see no reason why fraud, lies and treason –
    Should ever be forgot.
    Put on your mask, and rise to the task,
    ‘Tis time to stand and be heard.
    Join your brothers and sisters, Misses and Misters –
    Together we march for the word.
    Freedom’s not free and no longer are we,
    Our right to free speech is a myth.
    Corruption abides upon our local tides –
    ~ Poem Adaptation by L.M. Smith, Author

    (feel free to share but please credit the author)

    • Yes! At the state Capital tomorrow. Search million mask Trenton on facebook. Although I can’t find a firm start time, I’ll be there 🙂

  12. i love to march with you guys but im too far away im from ph ..
    but I’m with you,I support the Anonymous!
    We are legion!
    We are one!

  13. Could you please add ‘Den Haag’ in the Netherlands? Quite a large number (including me) is gonna demonstrate there in front of parliament.

  14. The American refugees will be going.also hopping talk shit radio will be able to attend as well.we are in pirate country Tampa Florida. Remember our police have never been tolerant. So always be aware of your surroundings & try not to give them a excuse.
    On a brighter note I think I’m gone get the black & gold mask.if you are there & a civilian starts trouble with you & aggression isn’t your thing, feel free to seek assistance from the American refugees.

  15. The American refugees are going. We also hope talk shit radio can make it.I’m getting the black & gold mask. We’re in the Tampa Florida area.

  16. I totally agree and support you guys, however I think some sort of protests should be done to highlight that the people are not happy with radical Muslims being allowed to do what they want in our countries as the government is too scared to stand up for the citizens! I’ve had enough of the radicals and immigrants who come over n take the piss out of our countries xx

  17. Is there a march near the South Kansas City area? And are there other ways to mask yourself? I don’t have the money for a mask, but I wish to participate.

  18. Hi, I hope everyone’s doing well. I’d just like to inquire about the Million Mask March in Johannesburg, South Africa. Where and what time will the march be?

  19. What about Macedonia,are we on the map…I would like to join you on the Million Mask March,& become one of Anonymous!!! We Are Legion!

  20. I really would like to be a part of such a march, since I am not old enough (I am still under 18) and don’t have such contacts I cannot organize one in my place. I live in Indian-administered Kashmir and such demonstrations are almost impossible to take place here.

    We are anonymous! We are legion!

  21. “As soon as you’re born they make you fell small. By giving you no time instead of it all. Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all. Working class hero is something to be.” So lets so thm what we are made of my fellow working class hero’s. We are Legion, they are few.

  22. Hope I can take place in this, but may have to work. Thanks to this organization for putting the economically screwed people ahead of the well off, and giving us a say in our futures.

  23. Yes. I 100% fully support the anonymous ideaology. Have been for the past couple years. Sadly i have never made it out to masked march as much as id like to, i live in Connecticut and was curious if any marches are happening within close distance of groton/new london?

  24. I feel fear … What if Anonymous are raised by gov to destruct minds of common men … they don’t have any guaranty do they??? Don not follow any one and if you want to be a great then be a rule model .


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