Written by Don Shay at theantimedia.org
The 1.2 Million Muslims in Xianjing are currently not allowed to celebrate the religious holiday of Ramadan. The Chinese government, which identifies as atheist, reportedly made an announcement on websites for state schools, government agencies and local parties, saying,
“No teacher may participate in religious activities, instill religious thoughts in students, or coerce students into religious activities.
“Students shall not participate in religious activities; they shall not study scripts or read poems at script and choir classes; they shall not wear any religious emblems; and no parent or others can force students to have religious beliefs or partake in religious activities,” the statement said.
Restaurants in heavily populated Muslim areas that normally close in the daytime during Ramadan are being forced to stay open. Shops have also been threatened with closure if they do not continue selling alcohol and cigarettes throughout the holy month.
China has demanded all parents in Muslim areas pledge that they will not force their children to fast. Last Ramadan, 3 Muslim students testified that their professors forced them to eat.
Until recently, China has not had much to say in regard to Islam and fighting radical Islam. Some incidents have changed that. During the beginning of 2014’s Ramadan, violence broke out in Muslim-populated Xinjiang in an open-air vegetable market.The terrorist attack left 43 dead. At the end of last year’s Ramadan, 13 radical Islamists were killed in a clash with Chinese police. Violent attacks at a train station in Urumqi were also blamed on Muslim extremists.
Based on isolated incidents of violence, it appears the Chinese government is demonizing Muslims in a way similar to how they are scapegoated in the U.S. media. It is punishing over a million people in a collective push against radical Islam. One can only hope the same sort of violence will not occur this time around.
I really can’t understand what China government is trying to show the world by banning the holy month of Ramadan, As a Muslim I’m really depressed and upset for my brothers and sisters out there for being forced and stuff, but meanwhile i hope for peace and prosperity .
Because Islam is the religion of peace .
I really can’t understand what China government is trying to show the world by banning the holy month of Ramadan, As a Christian I’m really depressed and upset for my brothers and sisters out there for being beheaded and stuff, but meanwhile i hope for peace and prosperity .
Because Islam is the religion of peace, and peace means behead all infidels.
You are a true true idiot.
Right you must be some kind of professor .. Go dig up truth then talk thanks.
I think you are being a bit of a bigot here.
Islam is not about ‘beheading all infidels’ as you so nicely put it.
If i go around and kill all people who disagree with being non-religious. does that mean ALL non-religious people are bad? Or just myself?
People of power ALWAYS use religion to attempt to gain more popularity.. Look how many times George Bush, Obama etc use the lords name. “God told me to do this etc”
Religious people are easy to manipulate.. Especially the Christians.
You can blame the whole 2.2Billion + people… (yes, thats 1/3 of the world, roughly) for the few thousand that are part of ISIS, ISIL and other ‘terrorist’ organisations.
Open your fucking eyes before making bigot comments like that.
Extremely sorry but when all other communities have freedom to speak anything anytime anywhere about Islam why Muslims don’t have it ?
only freedom for Christian , Jews , baddest ?
Madly, You are and idiot that knows nothing about Islam. Stupid is too small word for you.
Screw your brothers and sisters. you need to get over shit ass belief and pick another path in life! Yes I hope for peace and prosperity, with no muslims in the world this is possible…
Another idiot putting two cent worth of opinion.
now why cant the rest of the world ban them if islam is so great why do so many emigrate from that sharia hell hole then want to convert the rest of the world into the same shit hole look at sweden’s problem with islamic rape gangs
Ur just another damn fuck dr blais who the fuck do u think u are to say shit like that fucking ass hole man i hope u die soon so u can go to hell faster
Thanks for making his point fucktard
Get fuck yourself you racist pedophile. Go fuck a goat
I guess its cool for a islamic idiot to use profanity and still go to heaven. Mohamed is a Bitch!
Why did you even mention our prophet? What was the point of mentioning him? Why on earth are you trying to get more haters and ruin ur own personality? Go and google our prophet and learn about him before even daring to say such stuff!! Get a brain!! Stop being such an ignorant person.
lets be honest here Mohammed what he said is true! if you love your religion so much, take it back to where it belongs. Or you could maybe leave it in the past with every other religion. The idea of religion in general in the first place is one of the stupidest things in the world you’re all so dumb to believe that shit man -_-
Muslims are so hateful against other people dear God forgive them they don’t know what they do bless al people in Jesus name!
Sorry people I left this dumb thing behind . Let me clear it . Sorry for the dumb shit it spouts .
Peace,justice?,Dont you Dare talk about peace and justice! ! ! ! !
you may wonna shut up, u do shit things then say those fucking muslims did it, don’t u hear that mosques are being bombed by ISIS, so basiclly muslims are bombing their place for praying
SO what do you expect will happen to children who see it from their childhood who grows up only hating it not clearly knowing it all they will look into is “bad side of it”
islamic rape gangs ?
how do you knw it is islamic rape gangs it may be chritian rape gangs jews rape gangs budhist rape gangs
its all the IF n MAYS that the media has fed about ISLAM to you
LOL go do your home work
wanna reply sure go ahead am not bothered about replyin back
Doesn’t take much for the anger and hatred to start to spew out over anyone who wants a peaceful life.
I hope the rest of the world follows this example. Islam needs to go..
Why what did the RELIGION do to you?? What did the QURAN do to you?? what did ISLAM ITSELF do to you?? Do u even understand what you mean? Have you even thoroughly understood what Islam is before hating it?
its a good start.. Islam needs to go completely
If people want to eat, no one should prevent them, I don’t think China is “demonizing” Muslims, I think it was the guys who butchered 43 people that did that… if people secretly want to starve themselves or pretend to fast by eating at night when no one is looking (have Muslim friends, know all about it… it’s a farce) then let them, but at least the government is there saying we will support you if someone else tries to impose this “deprivation” against your will…
For your kind information, Muslims fast only from before the sun comes up till sunset, that means they can eat at night, asshole.
No human being has the right to force their ideals, likes,dislikes, opinions on OTHER HUMAN BEINGS. Just because they have more power than others that does not mean that they should lose their humane actions and behaviours! Please Chinese government don’t be so INHUMANE/VILLAINOUS/SADIST. You guys aren’t setting a good reputation towards your OWN CONTRY FYI.
Wait till judgement day. We will see who is right and who is wrong. Don’t worry about it now.
I hope other governments around the world do this! All religion needs to be stamped out. Christians, Jews, Muslims the lot need to go. They are all as bad as each other, killing people in their Lord or prophets name.
I think China is actually trying to radicalize its Muslims. Why would Muslims put a bomb in a vegetable market during Ramadan? Killing and war in general is forbidden during Ramadan. A Muslims may only defend himself in Ramadan but never take the initiative to kill in Ramadan
(No don’t tell me about ZISIS, those goons are not Muslims, exactly for this reason, killing in Ramada and bombing mosques on Fridays)
China is saturating the Muslim part of china with Chinese huns and by radicalizing it it will have a excuse to altogether drive them out of their land.
This is an absurd law but more absurd and disturbing is the fact that people who pride themselves as democracy’s founders and caretakers are the ones cheering this absurd law. Democracy is truly dead and that is very sad.
About time Islam is like cancer