Written by: TechAnonymous
Projects, potions, inventions and ideas… How do they get from your head to your hands? In some cases an idea never makes it any farther than a scribble on a piece of paper. In other cases, an immense amount of scavenging may yield a functional yet prehistoric looking version of said idea. What if a project is not a tangible, “hold in your hands” assembly of parts, pieces and whatnot? Perhaps it’s an idea to get the voice of a group heard. A project to raise awareness or simply protest? It all comes down to one basic item… money. Dollars, Euros, Pounds etc…
Enter Indiegogo to the rescue. “Indiegogo empowers people to activate the global community to make ideas happen. Then, we help you spread the word.”* Known as a “funding engine”, it’s a simple to use tool that can help your ideas reach out to countless numbers of people; especially the ones that think it could be a fantastic idea but don’t have an endless amount of money to invest in you. Donations to your campaign idea can be made by credit card, Paypal and now with Apple Pay, the one touch payment system for phones.
It’s a chance; what more could we ask for? “What kinds of ideas have been brought forth already Tech Anon?” Glad you asked! One group of people in Australia thought it might bring awareness to what they think are some distasteful laws being passed** Their idea is called “educate the senate”. It involved raising money for the purchase of 90 copies of a book called “1984”. These books would be bought and sent with a pleasant and personalized letter to each of the people in their senate in hopes they would read them and see where the people believe they are moving toward. The possibilities are endless as long as they are “on the up and up”.
Head Image From Educate The Senate Campaign On Indiegogo
Even more recently in Pennsylvania, $22,000 was raised in 5 days in order to purchase James Tully a car. Who is he? He is a man that was mistaken for Eric Frein (who is accused of killing a PA State trooper and wounding another) Mr. Tully is one of those folks that is well liked in his community and does what he has to, including walking to work every day in all kinds of weather to support his kids. He was stopped over 20 times and put to the ground a few of those times by federal and state officers even though he was wearing a day glo vest and wearing his work ID out in the open… some good quality cowboy crap there.
To those of you Anonymous out there whose bell rang when we touched on these points, Anonymous encourages you to start trying to raise money for your ideas or lawful protests and gatherings. Not only are your chances good for raising the funds to keep awareness moving, you’ll also help spread the word of what you’re trying to do by using the funding engine. If for some reason your project or idea is not acceptable to this particular fundraising platform, we ask that you send an email to AnonHQ about it. If there are enough emails and enough interest, AnonhQ can start our own crowdfunding service for an idea!
There are other campaigns for inventions, raising awareness and even law abiding protests. So, give it a shot, start a campaign! Make a difference!
I have an idea to produce portable Tesla Engine for car n home usage. Keep me posted please. Thank you !
I am starting a farm this spring, growing food and animals which I hope to branch off into a a real food store in a couple years time. As a goal, I have till Im 55 to get that done and Im soon to be 53. I want to build a house from cob and a bread oven and chicken coop n goat shelter from cob also. The land that I take out of the ground to use for my house will be where I build my underground greenhouse.I plan to do this all with what little money I can save this winter and a whole lot more faith then money. I am currently on disability because I have PTSD social anxiety, anxiety and depression because I knew too much since I was a kid and a couple of other things. I hope to get off that system in the process of building my business. Coping with awareness has been a daily struggle for me since I was 11 when most other people were still asleep 41 years ago. No one to talk to about it cause if I did people would think I was crazy but here we are. I have recently in the past 4 years realized that its not me thats crazy but it is the system thats gone to the dogs just as it was revealed. So heck yeah I could use some help if its offered. I do have that tiny problem of affording to build a driveway back to my property and sand and straw for the cob and maybe a rototiller for the gardens.. Im going solar and wind as soon as I can afford it. Im going to film my journey too just for the heck of it, to show that you dont have to live on the grid to have a life on this earth and that we dont need nuclear power or oil or cut down trees to live. If Im able Ill grow hemp too as soon as its legalized. Im actually hoping to sell some of my power back to the grid and if lots of people did such a thing then people who cant be offgrid can get less expensive power. I think if we are going to close down corporations that take away a communities ability to prosper then we should be ready with small business community farmers to take up the slack that will be left in the wake of their closures so that people dont have to pay an arm and a leg for good food. We cant just say close them all down and not have the food to feed people with.
a word re indiegogo; they are allowing a group of jewish extremists to raise money for the purpose of destroying the al-aqsa mosque and the dome of the rock. not that the israeli government would allow it, but if this action did happen, it could possibly start 1a 3rd world war. so; have a look at indiegogo and their backers; they may not be as cute as you think
i have an idea, I’ve already started it but I need help with Internet exposure, it’s a shopping challenge, much like the icebucket challenge, but it’s a way to make them stop what they’re doing in Burnaby and all throughout Canada with the pipelines, the shopping challenge is to not buy made in China products until the new year, so I guess a December challenge, I have a FB group but I need it to go viral. I don’t need any funds and nobody would need to pay anything. Just share and support. Can you help me?
FB: shopping challenge- no more made in china
Question – What details about you do they need? I looked into kick starter a while back but they need a registered company and all your details. Obviously that would compromise anonymity, any ways around this? details would be appreciated.