2016 is the busiest year so far for the online hacktivists group, Anonymous. While taking on governments, corporations, and world institutions, Anonymous is still not giving the terrorist group of the self-proclaimed Islamic States of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) a breathing space on social media.
After the Charlie Hebdo killings in Paris, Anonymous declared a cyber war on ISIS. In a cyber hacking activity known as #OpISIS, Anonymous disrupted many of their online activities, especially on social media. So strong was #OpISIS that the terror group abandoned many of the social media accounts, opting for the dark web.
However, in recent months, because Anonymous has been busy on other equally important assignments – attacking governments and corporations – ISIS had taken the opportunity to reactivate their accounts on social media to spread propaganda and recruit fighters.
Recently, we reported that ISIS fighters are even using Facebook to sell captured young girls as sex slaves to potential buyers. ISIS is also using other social media platforms to sell artifacts they looted from Syria. On Twitter, ISIS and its supporters have begun using the platform to start their old activities.
This has drawn the attention of Anonymous, once again. This time, Anonymous has found a new and effective weapon to fight the terror group. The terror group practices a strict version of Sunni Islam. This makes indecent photos and videos very offensive to the group.
Anonymous has capitalized on this opportunity to bombard the group with pornographic images. The nude pictures are highly disturbing to the group, with many of its supporters abandoning their accounts on Twitter. Thousands of ISIS affiliated Twitter accounts has since been abandoned, since Anonymous started attacking the group with the porn images.
Anonymous is using something called pornbots to send the nude pictures to the accounts of ISIS. The pornbots do not tweet, but have explicit images as their display picture, causing disturbances to ISIS linked accounts.
Mirror reports that the pornbot hackers have targeted Twitter accounts that use known ISIS hashtags. Among the accounts to be targeted were the Amaq, the ISIS media agency, who were bombarded by pornbots before their account was disabled.
A French citizen who also reportedly praised the killing of journalists in Syria and Iraq by ISIS on Twitter, was attacked with the porn. It is said immediately after he tweeted the praise, he found more than 800 of the pornbots as followers. He has since abandoned his account.
In a video released online, a member of the Anonymous group in a Guy Fawkes mask appeared with these words for ISIS:
“We have silenced thousands of Twitter accounts directly linked to ISIS. We severely punish Daesh on the darknet, hacked their electronic portfolio and stolen money from the terrorists. We have laid siege to your propaganda websites, tested them with our cyber attacks, however we will not rest as long as terrorists continue their actions around the world. We will strike back against them… we will defend the rights of freedom and tolerance,” Anonymous said.
Some observers have publicly praised Anonymous for it cyber fight against the terror group. ISIS has forcefully annexed territories in Syria and Iraq, committing serious crimes against people. It is even believed that Anonymous’ attacks on ISIS is more effective than the social media companies themselves targeting and deleting accounts linked to the terror group.
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This article (New Weapon for Fighting ISIS: Anonymous Attacks Twitter Accounts of Terror Group with Porn) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
attack other porn websites close them all down
you cleary didnt read all it says in the post lol
That doesn’t sound like something an Irish Ultranationalist would say
prude !!
Bwahaha brilliant way of forcing them off the web!! Amazing work guys.
You should post some gay porn on their Twitter especially after the attack in Flordia this weekend
goddamn bootyfull! XD HAHAHAHA amazing guys
Very interesting idea and pretty funny too.
How about trowing some numbers and evidence of such activity? Analytics? Just because it was written here proves nothing but that large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced while writing this article.
I`m all pro these Opps, but show some data not just an overview…Bring the accounts that have been identified as ISIS or their fighters that were closed as a result of your activity.
amazing guys
Porn for the good of humanity. I love it.