Anonymous hackers have started an operation under the Twitter hashtag of #OpNullDenmark and #OpBEAST, aiming to raise awareness about animal-cruelty and the websites that promote bestiality. Bestiality is the conducting of sexual relations between a human being and an animal, often resulting in the injury of the animal.
Some Anonymous hackers have decided to target such websites with DDOS and defacement.
On April 13th, 2015, Anonymous conducted a cyber attack, successfully defacing seven and removing six animal-porn websites.
Yesterday, the same Anonymous hackers have targeted the world’s largest bestiality forum, beastforum.com, with a DDoS attack and forced it offline.
The targeted forum is famous for discussing animal related sexual fantasies, allowing members to make suggestions and trade ideas and… resources.
The latest attack on world’s biggest bestiality forum has exposed the hidden faces of animal abuse sites. When Anonymous took down the forum, it was CloudFlare‘s DDoS protection which allowed it to stay online (in cache version).
Anonymous has vowed to keep targeting animal abuse sites, to be scheduled alongside on-the-ground protests and demonstration against the countries who allow bestlity.
At the time of publishing this article, the forum was restored and is working once more.
#Anonymous #OpBEAST Target https://t.co/Gr5aIsBogN lazer locked 3 2 1 FIRE! #TangoDown #RektIt #OpBF
— Anonymous (@_RektFaggot_) April 24, 2015
#OpNullDenmark #OpBEAST use this hashtag to stop cruel sexual acts against animals Targetbin: http://t.co/fJ29oR99Pf pic.twitter.com/CGO9vcWuXc
— OpKillingBay (@OpKillingBay) April 18, 2015
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Source: HackRead
The word is “bestiality,” pronounced “best,” not “beast.” If many pornographic bestiality sites spell the word wrong, that is because many pornographers can’t spell.
You people are awesome
im on the way to my PC to help out take this filth down….
I thought Anon was a human rights thing . . . I’m not for bestiality but i dont think its a huge deal and Anons should be worrying about other things first. (Especially since its legal in many places and it could get Anons arrested)
Legal doesn’t always mean right.
Very often Animals are more Human than humans… You should think twice before writing and showing how poorly “human” you are on this website…
Your sick. just because u like watching it or it is legal it doesn’t mean that it is right. I helped take this shit down and all i get is people saying they want to keep it up. Your SICK!
These people should probably do some fucking research into animal psychology, non verbal communication, and the aims and goals of zoophiles before they run around fucking up websites. Are there people who hurt their animals? Yes. But they are a minority and we in the zoo community refer to them as zoosadists and they are thoroughly shunned. Animals can enjoy sexual release as much as any human, you just have to be willing to take the time to learn how to love them the right way. The lack of education in this topic is saddening.
Wow are you fucking serious adam?! Wow, find yourself a human girlfriend and stop fucking animals! I don’t even know what else to say to you, you fathetic idiot asshole.
DUDE NO, don’t encourage him to date human females.. WHO THE HELL would want him… I can imagine how that conversation would go.. when he confesses to her that he “used to fuck animals, but now he is trying to move up the food chain.” Like erm… “Not with me you aren’t dogfucker!!”
Adam, you are one twisted mofo…Mercy on your soul
You sick fuck… stick to your own species hope you catch rabies off your next root. Just because an animal can’t say no…
Actually… Very few animals find pleasure in it. For some, mating is quite stressful. Using an animal for your own pleasure is very greedy. You terrible person,
You do have a point.
I cant completely agree with this, but I don’t think that one class of people should be attacked. In retrospect (yes I know I am “leaning off the tight rope” per-say) this is similar to gay rights, African American rights, even Indian Rights. People see a group that they are not in agreement with and then squash them. lol. This seems to be human nature. The Nazis did it. :p Anyways once again I can see both sides. I just think there are more important things to worry about. I also think that these folks and others should just be left alone. Feel free to comment back etc. I try and keep an open mind that’s all.
Your a sick fuck REALLY is that what you want. Just because u fuck animals doesn’t mean its right
Dude, that is gross. I’m not trying to be rude, but that makes you sound like a pervert. Nobody wants to have sex with a pervert.
Anyone who supports bestiality in any form, including dismissing it as ‘unimportant’, should be shot. Fucking wastes of air and resources. Animals cannot consent, period. You sick fucks.
Or they can have there genitals removed. No need to kill them while you can actually make their nutured lives as miserable as posible.
Priscilla, When a horny male dog sticks his penis into a woman or into a man and then ejaculates like crazy, I’m guessing he “consented”… Doesn’t make bestiality right, it’s completely contrary to what’s in the Bible and I’m not for it, but I do know of women who absolutely love being taken by their consenting dogs who initiate it! So that’s where I disagree with you. I only agree about female animals, THEY can’t consent, but male animals?! They can and they do!
This is great!!!
I think they are more Earthly interest than just humans :3
Adam we are doing our research befor i fuck up sites.. And it don’t matter just don’t fuck you animal is that so hard lol.. And Dem there are so many anons who doing all kind of things we are some how needs to do this for the animals. Fuck the feds.. — @_RektFaggot_
Well they should go on 4chan and shut down their own site. Place is full of animal porn.
DAFUQ ? There is a reasonable explanation , it isnt natural to get fu**ed by a dog , its a great thing that they shut down this website.
I’m pretty sure the chicken I ate didn’t consent to being eaten.
I didn’t ask the sheep if I could use it’s wool either.
And the bees used for pollinating the crops weren’t consulted on the matter.
Lol, again you have a point. Why dont we go after people killing animals first?
Good point there Dem
Yes I would love all those killing animals dealt with!!!! Especially the torturing !!!
So….why does Anon, which stands for personal freedom and individual rights for all care what people beat it to or do in their own home? Its not illegal everywhere, its not even that morally wrong. Just saying, bombing websites because you dont agree with the content or condemning whole groups of people because you dont understand or just dont like what they do……seems just like what a lot of the governments and authority figures who anon fights against would do. Slippery slope guys, starts with killing porn sites you dont like then what? “Oh noooo these videogames are offensive to us we have to kill them too” and escalate ad infinitum.
I have to agree with this unfortunately. Because one holds a certain set of morals that another does not agree with does not mean that we should go around bombing sites. This is just as bad as the governments.
Very well said. This could be the beginning of some pretty Orwellian SELF censorship.
I have mixed feelings on this, on one hand good to see filth go, on the other, where will this lead? It’s pretty clear by the comments most are behind this, but, so were the citizens in 1984.
Anonymous please do not become the thought police, please do not become the moral arbiters of the world, please do not replace one brand of fascism with another.
Target kiddie fiddlers, specifically in the UK Parliament.
In the end all life is equal, it doesn’t matter if it is animal or human. Anonymous is doing great job by targeting these animalfuckers. I’ll join to this attack first time with all my server resources from various data centers. I want to see that guy who tries sue me for disturbing their animal porn business. It doesn’t matter if it is in some countries legal or not – it’s sick. I’ll find out how they process payments and get those master accounts shut down if they’re taking Visa or MC. I’ll find out who are behind these sites and post their “CV”‘s online. People who get involved with animals this way are simply not humans at all. I repeat: Anonymos is doing great job by targeting these. Animals can’t fight back, so we need to fight for them. We should all care. I’ll also contact Cloudflare and other companies and ask them cancel accounts prtecting animal porn sites. I trust they’ll agree it’s against thier business ethics to offer services for such sick things.
cannot thank you guys enough for this
It’s something I’ve been hard pushed trying to get help with ….keep up the fantastic work Anon
We are forever greatly xxx
Good job Anonymous!
let’s clean the internet! keep up the good job!
fire teh lazer!!!
anonymous the best, anonymous the best!!!!
haha my dream is: a hacking training of a member of anonymous!
realy cool!!
please anonymous 🙂
This abuse really makes me sick, even as Child porn, and not to forget the Hard SM ( girls under pressure ) ,rape killings on movies., people can be very sick in my opinion.. I’m very happy ANONYMOUS shut’s them down.
Child Porn – death sentence
Animal abuse – 10 years
Rape Killings – life long
I have a dog . That just makes me sick.
It is exceedingly disgusting just hearing about it. There is one student in Denison High School, TX, who is called “Zach the Goat Fucker.” I don’t know much about him, but it makes me want to puke!
While we shouldn’t police the internet, for this, EVERYONE should make an exception. God bless.
could you also try and save the women that are forced to pornography(the slave women)
I was having a conversation about it and didn’t really think people did that. So I searched it and so many websites came up! It’s so sad and sick! Congrats for taking steps to stop it
Bestiality has always been part of human nature. As lang as the human and animal like it, what is the objection. I knew this girl who loved to fuck her dog, usually the dog started it.
So why, what is next
#OpAntiGay ???
Don’t be a communist always promote FREEDOM. All humans are just as bad, good humans do not exist. That is why they say: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
Communists talk a lot about solidarity, but the target and exclude intellectuals. Great solidarity, these are just people that think they know better than others.
Banning sex is not very liberal…. I seen with my own eyes this horny dog loves his female boss. And she things fucking that dog is super horny especially when she has people over that can watch.
You can say it is wrong, but nobody got harmed everybody had fun… Girls sometimes love to feel like a dirty sluts, let them be woman. And why deny the dog his pleasure? The dog definitely did not get harmed.
And this is not just about this subject, people should be more liberal, since if freedom is gone and communists took over everywhere. It will be the end of the human species in freedom forever.
That is VERY dangerous. You guys should be defending human liberty.
Of course I agree animals should not be harmed or people forced in the practice, but there is no force usually and I never saw any animal get hurt.
This is a stupid action, started by religious types probably.
P.S. Bestiality is the most popular porno. If asked in public anyone denies. I don’t like animals, but I love watching dirty sluts, I’m only a man. Woman love to be dirty sluts and make pictures of it ans show of. It because woman are made for man. We like watching girls like showing and being a little dirty. It’s only the truth. Logically more girls are into animals than man, but most man don’t mind to watch.
The ONLY reason bestiality got targeted is since the taboo made it an easy target.
If we start targeting people since it is easy…. It sounds very psychopathic to me. And communist, you think to know better or have higer morals than other people. WRONG. WRONG. WRONG.
If you REALLY want to help the animals, help the neglected underfed animals that are so common. There are good organizations that you can support. Protect the natural habitats of the animals.
Why target they one LUCKY dog and his female owner… Because it is EASY??? C’mon…
This action must have been started by someone, not fully understanding human sexuality. Understand woman are different. In what way? Let me tell you the biggest secrt woman have, well it is no secret actually, sociology you can study. I recommend reading The Game, by Neil Strauss.
But to keep it short WOMAN love EMOTIONS, ALL emotions are beter to a woman than no emotions at all. Of course she loves positive emotions more.
Woman do dirty thing since it makes them FEEL dirty, feeling DIRTY, is NOT a negative emotion for a woman. It is a naughty one, it feels good. And if you take some pictures it feels EXTRA naughty.
I’m telling you all the time while having sex, girls want to make pictures, not my idea when facking, but girls do it, usually. They want to feel extra naughty/dirty.
So never think woman are forced in bestiality, it’s usually NOT the case. And dogs, anyone knows dogs are horny creatures that love attention.
Start #OpProtectFreedomAndTheWildLife instead…. Animals like humans LOVE to be free.
Still we eat animals… But that is nature, humans are TRIBAL, hunter-gatherers. The hunter primary food source is meat. All things from plants can develop into allergies pinuts, Gluten, Starch ect. ect.
And if you love animals, remember you are one. Would you feed a Lion Musli….
The power of anonymity, gives you the ability to defend what you know to be true. Even if the subject is a social taboo or when it goes against the already established faulty social norm. It ONLY gives you the power to defend LIBERTY when free speach (due to the taboo, or other) is not guaranteed.
You should ALWAYS promote freedom for people who harm no one.
I just hope this moment is a learning moment. We all make mistakes. What people do in their own bedroom, is of NOBODIES concern.
At the moment more and more liberty is taken from people.
One of the classic games I used to play “Dungeon Keeper II” written by a woman bye-the-way had the motto. “It’s good to be bad.”
As long as you are bad people can rely on you not to do anything stupid like get yourself killed. “But the road to hell is always paved with good intentions.”
GOOD is not even a REAL concept, it is indoctrinated from birth. Creatures in nature do not understand that concept. When the Lion kills, it is not Evil, it’s probably just feeding. When I eat my stake, the cow is lucky, had I been a Lion, I would have teared him apart alive. So I already eat animal friendly. But I don’t care for the animal I’m just feeding.
GOOD and EVIL do not exist in reality, it’s indoctrination to gain control of others. (Thake their freedom)
Taking freedom is the psychopathic/communist way, taking freedom is not Evil (so a good thing to do), since freedom in the end, is in your own best interest and that of your children.
Just mind your own business, and mybe promote freedom, democracy, wildlife and animal neglect. Leave the lucky dog and his probably female master alone, they never asked for help…. The animal in a cage that has not eaten for weeks, is screaming for help.
I expect most animal lovers to take good care of there pets, at leas be humane. There is hardly anything to gain, it is just bothering others for no good reason.
Why because your made up god told you so? God is just another excuse to take power over others… We do not all share the same god and I’m an atheist, I know there is no higher intelligence after I die. I could never experience that, since my brain then does not function.
Go do some real good using anonimity like defending the rights of people that do like bestiality. Looking at internet porn statistics, that is just about everybody…. We all like sex and sexually we are all compatible… I never met a girl who does not like to be a bit dirty, sometimes. Only girls that say it, since it is the social norm.
Being anonymous the social norm has no effect and you can say what needs to be said when it needs to be said, defending freedom. It is the classic job of intelligence/spooks, protecting freedom anonymously. No matter the taboo or indoctrination. Just acting on the REAL truth.
P.S. Factual truth, is not equal to what you personally believe to be true. Perception of truth does not make a fact. One should only act on facts. Since you can only build on facts, and that is a fact. You cannot build a house supported only by only illusions. You need factual things that support the structure.