Police brutality and racial injustice have become synonymous with America. Facts don’t lie. According to a data released by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (2011), between 2003 and 2009 at least 4,813 people died in the process of being arrested by local police. Of the deaths classified as law enforcement “homicides”, 2,876 deaths occurred of which 1,643 or 57.1% of the people who died were “people of color”.
Police brutality is getting worse and shows no signs of slowing down: Police brutality in America… http://t.co/N1XAMc9bJa | via @shaunking
— Black ABQ (@blckabq) September 22, 2015
I thought america was going to chill out after slavery, civil rights era, war, and police brutality but i was wrong https://t.co/dR2rpN8tdd — dead man bacarti (@ChiefAleel) September 21, 2015
In 2014, the UN Committee against Torture condemned police brutality and excessive use of force by law enforcement in the US, and highlighted the “frequent and recurrent police shootings or fatal pursuits of unarmed black individuals”.
Saying police brutality isn’t a big issue in America is like saying it’s no big deal that the KKK still gathers and protests in Mississippi.
— Andy Sork (@AndySorkOR) September 25, 2015
The United States was slammed over its rights record in May 2015 at the United Nations’ Human Rights Council, with member nations criticizing the country for police violence and racial discrimination, the Guantánamo Bay Detention Facility and the continued use of the death penalty. During the country’s second universal periodic review, country after country recommended that the US strengthen legislation and expand training to eliminate racism and excessive use of force by law enforcement.
Media shines light on police brutality but cover up continues – activist [VIDEO] https://t.co/7Jn5m4t1cZ@LindsayFrance@LionelMedia — RT America (@RT_America) September 25, 2015
“There is a burgeoning police state in the United States. We want an end to police violation of Constitutional rights. We want an end to police murder and torture and terror. We are not going to be paralyzed with fear. We are going to fight back every day of our lives. …This is not just a depression. It’s a criminal act of economic oppression,” Larry Hamm, a social justice activist and People’s Organization for Progress Chairman told protesters in New Jersey in a July protest.
Here’s the #truth about #America’s “war on #police” #cops#PoliceBrutality#acab#BlackLivesMatter#waroncopspic.twitter.com/k7ErMLm9df
— 4mysquad (@4mysquad) September 26, 2015
Law enforcement officers are killing an increasing number of US civilians annually and it isn’t limited to just one race. Who will stand up against the tyranny?
This Article (Police Brutality Becomes An Epidemic. Will The Real American Take A Stand?) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
This is what happens when you put guns in the hands of tough guy wana bees, these aren’t heroes, they are murderers! Give them the chair or a life sentence! what can I do to help stop this? ill help any way I can but im no expert at stopping ppl from murdering each other, im open to ideas.
I’ve been following police brutality for over two years now, along with a multitude of other problems facing our nation. Two years of thinking, wondering and recently coming to the conclusion that if you want to change ANYTHING, one must take into account a variable that stretches across all problems. The strain of American life. It has forced us into having extreme tunnel vision. The average American has just enough energy/willpower/desire to maybe take care of themselves, possibly a loved one, but ALL just want the day to end without being bothered. They’re tired, bodies ache (minds’ likely aching more) and the LAST thing any of them want is to have their world shattered by the idea that even those sworn to protect them…are in fact often the enemy.
Can you blame them? When you’re so poor that you struggle just to feed your family, the last thing a person wants to even think about is societal collapse or our nation’s epidemic with police violence. They don’t have the mental acuity to focus, much less the energy to do something.
The reality though…people are beginning to awaken (I especially see it with the 30 and younger folks), but there’s no direction…yet anyway. Maybe there never will be. Society will eventually have two choices…submit to a slave-like state (the path we’re headed on), or UNITE. Unite…finding true solutions to the difficult problems we face.
Basically, you want to help, wake people up in anyway you can and then unite them. However, also keep in in mind…you can’t force open the eyes of those whom choose to remain blind. Otherwise, trying will eventually lose you the battle, before the war’s even really begun.
Find a way to remove that tunnel vision…get people looking around a little. If enough do, those willing to unite for change will show themselves.
Well said.. I guess where there’s a Will, there’s a way.
Truly the solution is in recognizing the root cause of the problem which is the job description.
Police is far too generalized & far less specialized where prior to the 1970’s discrimination lawsuits, only strong athletic types preferably with a larger than average body size need apply.
To readily avail employment to women, this stereotype was dismissed & because of this far too numerous nice “Mama’s boys” were able to be hired. To further shift emphasis away from physicality – psychological testing became standard & aggressive type individuals rejected.
Do you begin to see a pattern ?
Smaller, less physically imposing more inclined to avoid confrontation hiring practices.
Add this to a job performance demands from a Mayors office / City Hall of increased continual collection of road taxes (traffic tickets) Referee at the nightly drunken brawls between married couples, being a voyeur & able to write a report on the many traffic accidents sometimes assisting pulling mangled bodies from wrecks. Frequently answering calls & dealing with Joe & Jane Public on the worst day of their lives but a routine shift for the Police.
Now add in to this element gangbangers / dope dealers / parolees with a warrant / addicts / Illegal Aliens a high majority of them armed & many of them not desiring to become arrested.
In these circumstances the Police as job demands dictate must be able to capture this individual or multiple individuals often alone.
Refer to the changed hiring pattern as previously stated.
Frankly it is small wonder why more of the criminal element which routinely resist arrest & have to be subdued are not killed given the circumstances of hiring smaller, weaker, less aggressive Police of which many are not in the least to be considered a tough person.
Add to this the very real fact of renumeration. Sure, some larger cities, Federal alphabet agencies & State Police may pay a living wage. These are the minority, the average Police is paid less than a school teacher & for all too many barely above minimum wage.
So basically we in the USA are requiring public service workers (Police) to be a sociologist, criminologist, athlete, Pastor, tough guy but to never be effected by job stress & all for barely lower middle class or upper poverty wages.
No, the root cause of the problem is not in increased Police brutality, the root cause is in the expectations given in an extremely generalized unspecialized job description after downgrading hiring standards to allow the far less physically gifted while paying a salary where higher qualified individuals decide to pursue a better paying job in a far less stressful lifestyle.
BTW – No, I was never a Police – drilled oil wells all over the globe & made great money. I am 1 of those that were qualified but went elsewhere due to the low salary. However I have many relatives which have been & are employed as Police.
If this pace keeps up, the ‘Americans’ problem will solve itself. I’m all for it, then we have a new beautiful country to colonize again.
The Dutch