A video, reportedly taken by a Middle Eastern observatory in Oman, has sparked alien life speculation as it shows an unidentified flying object, or UFO, flying between the Earth and the surface of the Moon with a long plume trailing behind it. SecureTeam10, a group of UFO experts, claim the forked-tongue shaped object passing the Moon is proof of alien life.
SecureTeam10 owner Tyler Glockner argued:
“If you’ll notice the way it’s sort of moving sideways across the front of this beautiful shot of the Moon here, which also makes it difficult for me to say that it’s an airliner or a plane of some sort. People are thinking it could be a meteor, or a spacecraft of some sort. We see what looks like a plume of smoke, or exhaust, or something coming off of the back of this thing and at the end of it, there is some sort of structure. Whatever this thing is, it is much closer to the Moon than a commercial airliner.
“It’s very ignorant and selfish to believe we are the only living beings in whole galaxy. Yet there are some humans who prefer to ignore that which we can’t explain. While others question and seek knowledge and true about what is out there. We can’t be the only ones in the galaxy. There is so much more than just us, there has to be something else beside us!”
We don’t know whether this video is proof or not, but we are definitely closer than ever to finding out whether aliens exist. Earlier this month, photographer Mauricio Morales claimed to have shot multiple UFOs in the skies of Arizona while he was driving back from Arizona to Phoenix. As an evidence to prove his case, he shared the videos and the photos along with the timestamp in a Facebook post:
Members of the Society For Planetary SETI Research recently provided evidence supporting the hypothesis that certain features in the crater Paracelsus C, on the far side of the Moon, may be artificial in origin.
In a paper published in the Journal of Space Exploration, one of the authors, Mark Carlotto (an image scientist with 30 years of experience in satellite remote sensing and digital image processing), outlined how these lunar features look like unusual structures and even passageways:
In February, a jaw-dropping video of six UFOs passing the International Space Station live-stream, seconds before the feed is cut, created ripples across the world with UFO experts accusing NASA of covering up an alien sighting.
However, in April, NASA acknowledged one of Saturn’s Moons — Enceladus — could support alien life in our solar system. The Cassini spacecraft, which has been orbiting Saturn for the last 13 years, discovered hydrogen molecules in water plumes rising from the stripe fractures in Enceladus’ icy surface. Professor Hunter Waite, Principal Investigator for the MASPEX Europa investigation, commented:
“Enceladus is high on the list in the solar system for showing habitable conditions. The presence of hydrogen established another reference point saying there is hydrothermal activity inside this body, and that’s interesting because we know in our own oceans, those are very important places that are teeming with life, and they are probably one of the earliest places where life happened on Earth.”
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As much as I believe that there are alien civilizations out there far more advanced than ours, I also believe that many of the phenomenon we see on Youtube, as pictures and typed accounts are either rare natural processes that we don’t yet understand, are man-made (such as spotlights for a promotion, festival, a pop-up rave, or dealership) or are hoaxes pulled off by any number of people for any number of reasons. Heck it could even be someone recording an alien movie and they needed the effect of a UFO coming through the clouds on a cloudy night.
The chance of it being actually aliens is, sadly very small. If they have the power to travel anywhere in space then I’m sure that there are much more interesting and rewarding places to visit in the cosmos than Earth. Heck, even if advanced alien civilizations existing at the same time is exceedingly rare the size of the galaxy alone would mean there are an uncountable number out there that are surely more interesting than ours.
Let’s say though for arguments sake that they do visit Earth, and they do check us out from time to time then the fact that they even got here down to our planet without us noticing means that they are advanced enough to have developed technology to either hide themselves from us perfectly or to blend in with us such that we’d never know they were here.
Now let’s say that, for what ever reason don’t have the ability to hide why would they make appearances in various forms around the globe and not attack us or try to communicate with us and make themselves known to us?
Lastly I could be totally wrong, and maybe this IS there way of communicating with us, maybe they can only be seen at night. Maybe they are planning on making themselves known and are slowly increasing their presense so as to not scare us silly when they park their ships above our cities and announce their presence.
All I know is that there are far, far more reasons why these aren’t UFO’s than why these are UFO’s.
My friend, they are indeed trying to communicate with us. This is what they want/need us to understand:
An Extraterrestrial Message for Mankind:
Please watch, listen and share.
(Your future could depend on it.)
peace, love & respect
peter dunn
Extraterrestrials have, in the past, mounted spectacular aerial displays to advertise their presence here in our skies.
Read the evidence here:
You need to know about this stuff, because it’s looking increasingly likely that they are about to stage a similar event soon.
Keep watching the skies.