Emails prove State Department involvement in “The Interview”
According to several emails discovered by The Daily Beast, at least two US government officials had screened the rough cut of the movie that makes light of the assassination of North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-Un.
It was revealed that the State Department had played a close role in the film, and particularly the decision to keep the final and extremely gruesome death scene. The emails between Sony’s CEO and a security consultant also suggest that the US government itself had supported the idea of using The Interview as propaganda against North Korea.
It is likely that these new revelations are going to cause fury in Pyongyang. However, few in the media seem particularly concerned with the implications of this revelation beyond a potential North Korea reaction.The United States government is blatantly dictating the inner workings of the film industry in order to promote propaganda, an Orwellian concept if there ever was one, and people don’t just lap it up. People are demanding to see this propaganda that had been largely panned by critics before the publicity-boosting Sony hack.
Sometime after the alleged North Korean hack, a series of leaked emails reveal that Sony had utilized the service of Bruce Bennett, a senior defense analyst at the RAND Corporation (A recent article by RAND is titled “Syrian Refugees: A Blessing In Disguise?”), specializing in North Korea. After he saw the film, including the gruesome ending where a Kim Jong-Un’s helicopter is struck in slow-motion by a huge missile. Kim’s head catches on fire and explodes, Bennett gave his assessment of it in a June 25 email to Lynton, just five days after North Korea’s initial threat.
“The North has never executed an artillery attack against the balloon launching areas. So it is very hard to tell what is pure bluster from North Korea, since they use the term ‘act of war’ so commonly,” wrote Bennett. “I also thought a bunch more about the ending. I have to admit that the only resolution I can see to the North Korean nuclear and other threats is for the North Korean regime to eventually go away.”
He added, “In fact, when I have briefed my book on ‘preparing for the possibility of a North Korean collapse’ [Sept 2013], I have been clear that the assassination of Kim Jong-Un is the most likely path to a collapse of the North Korean government. Thus while toning down the ending may reduce the North Korean response, I believe that a story that talks about the removal of the Kim family regime and the creation of a new government by the North Korean people (well, at least the elites) will start some real thinking in South Korea and, I believe, in the North once the DVD leaks into the North (which it almost certainly will). So from a personal perspective, I would personally prefer to leave the ending alone.”
That same day, Lynton responded stating that a U.S. government official had completely agreed with Bennett’s assessment of the film.
“Bruce – Spoke to someone very senior in State (confidentially),” wrote Lynton. “He agreed with everything you have been saying. Everything. I will fill you in when we speak.”
Ergo, a senior government official had agreed that showing the world Kim Jong-Un’s exploding head would be perfect propaganda; he had known that it would “push” some “random” South Korean to send The Interview to North Korea, likely with some assistance from the good old CIA, finally ending with assassination attempts and Peace. It is more likely also that it can end with several warring factions that will eventually tear the country apart as seen in the last three regime-changes the US had had a hand in. Like Iraq where over 1.3 million people have been killed, Libya where Al Qaeda took over a once rich autocracy and Syria where the world’s second largest refugee population after Palestine (as opposed to the white-washed ending of the film where somehow everyone decides to democratize post-assassination). The question is, do you find this fact to be as troubling as I do?
Why North Korea did not hack Sony
Now, before you go quoting some article explaining why North Korea is an enormous threat to humanity because of some computer hacking that revealed certain facts that should be publically disclosed anyway (since they had helped reveal the government’s hand in the open creation of propaganda for international AND domestic consumers), allow me to dissect that little assertion. Firstly, despite all the confidence that the State Department has in its claims that it was North Korea, their unwillingness to divulge their exact evidence is telling; all we know is that they had initially claimed that the hackers had been identified by some sort of North Korean Hacker Methodology. When told that this could have been mimicked by anybody with an axe to grind,
They changed their story to a barely concealed attempt to justify NSA spying, because the NSA had helped secure the alleged proof (that nobody gets to see) by hacking into North Korea FIRST. Should the US be sanctioned too for hacking into other people’s stuff? I mean, we now know for a fact that the US hacks other nations, but there is no visible proof of the opposing allegation…. other than the word of an oh-so-trustworthy NSA analyst who follows in the footsteps of the porn-addicted pentagon employee. And how many times did the CIA lie during the recent torture report?
Second, several independent cyber security experts have already stated that it was unlikely to be North Koreans that had done the hacking. Of note is the fact that the data appeared to have been copied at the speed of a USB 2.0 thumb drive and the fact that the “hackers” had purposefully written their statements as though they were not particularly good at written English. Email addresses and other articles from the GOP communications with Sony and the outside world have been analyzed to reveal links to everything from Japanese anime and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers television show to U.S. domestic disputes over politics and gender equality. Further linguistic analysis of GOP’s online communications suggests they were penned by someone who is a native Russian speaker, not a native Korean (or English) speaker.
can we get a link to the daily beast article?
just an FYI… Everyone in Hollywood knows that the CIA is embedded all over Hollywood in many layers of decision making. This is not news.
Indeed, not just the CIA, the NSA and FBI too
too right my friend…… Trumbo and Charlie Chaplin both black listed from Hollywood, Disney’s involvement in South America just to name a few. shits crazy
Please don´t think you are funny if you name yourself in a “funny” variation of Adolf Hitler.
There´s no excuse to name after such a guy, no matter of your origins.
When will anon position isis for Jordan to completely obliterate? The world needs you guys.
I know I’ll regret this comment, but I am curious as to the points made in the article. I don’t like spying on private citizens. But as for government v.s. government propaganda, is the author saying it’s wrong? Hollywood put out some awesome films when asked during WWII (Mrs. Miniver is one of my faves). So this is nothing new. I’m not being difficult and I totally support knowing what the gov’t does. But does the author think Mrs. Miniver shouldn’t have been made, and other films requested during WWII?
during a War it would be understandable more for a moral boost kind of thing but before a war has started…
Little misunderstood fact. The war never ended with North Korea its been a 50+ year ceasefire. So along that line of thinking the Cold War never ended either.
I am much more annoyed by the “Touchdown Seattle Spam audio/videos that keep popping up with noise pollution while on your site. You can’t turn them off. They are like “whack a mole.”
They keep popping up.
Govt-spying on private citizens is bad. But gov’t to gov’t spying/provoking, via Hollywood, can sometimes lead to great historically interesting films such as “Mrs. Miniver,” during WWII when the president of the USA asked Hollywood to make propaganda films. What is wrong with that? You can openly tell your classroom or your own children what a propaganda film is. Gov’ts warring with other govt’s (Hitler did it, the West did it) use propaganda in the arts. It doesn’t mean squat. I still adore “Mrs. Miniver.” An oldie but a goodie.
A bit off topic but I have posted two comments on this website that were immediately censored. I would like an explanation from the site’s admin. Otherwise one can only conclude that anonhq is an NSA psyops.
Do you happen to have multiple personality disorder? Two email addresses, two names, two IP addresses and nearly the exact comment…..
A bit off topic but I have posted two comments on this website that were immediately censored. I demand an explanation from this site’s admin or must conclude anonhq.com is an NSA psyops. Freedom of speech for me but not for thee. Cowards.
Do you happen to have multiple personality disorder? Two email addresses, two names, two IP addresses and nearly the exact comment…..
Everybody knows that if the American government confirms something, then it’s likely the opposite is the truth.
This was fb’d as “proof.” It’s suggestive but not proof. Plus any movie will use consultants depending on the subject matter and such consultants can work for many different organisations. Like any detective you would have to follow the money for ‘proof.’ (You undermine your credibility with assertions like that. ‘Evidence’ would have been better…)
This entire article is simply a poorly cobbled together fantasy about the so called evils of the US government. If you think you have it bad here, try living in one of theseries so called “victim” states of the US. You will end up in prison for engaging in what you take for granted here. One more thing, I fully expect this comment to be redacted because the administration will not tolerate thoughts different from his…
This entire article is simply a poorly cobbled together fantasy about the so called evils of the US government. If you think you have it bad here, try living in one of theseries so called “victim” states of the US. You will end up in prison for engaging in what you take for granted here. One more thing, I fully expect this comment to be redacted because the admin will not tolerate thoughts different from his…
Watching a movie AFTER it’s made and agreeing with it’s content is absolutely not “blatantly dictating the inner workings of the film industry in order to promote propaganda”. This article, which claims to have proof but offers none, is pure fear mongering and without a shred of journalistic integrity.
Another Alex Jones perhaps?
I’ve researched this problem while working on a film years ago, because of warnings other film makers gave me about using US military or government references. The US does in fact have a PR department that regulates content in films, and all things mainstream. Organizations who know how it works are eager to comply. If you do not, you can be shut down one way or another. A small handful of movies ever made without consent have succeeded due to extreme financial backing by individual producers.
Hey Anonymous, I was just thinking about this the other day.. considering what North Korea is doing to there citizens, do you think it’s necessarily a bad thing that “we” took down there internet, or launched a response in general? I for one am disgusted at what we are allowing to happen to innocent people in North Korea.. the torture camps, brain washing, etc. I understand you aren’t defending them, I’m just curious as to what you guys think we (U.S.) should do in North Korea, if anything?