Russell Brand has raised another interesting question – Marijuana Vs Sugar: Which drug is most dangerous? In a new video, Brand compares marijuana, which is 114 times safer than alcohol, to America’s drug of choice – sugar – and explains how sugar is more hazardous than cannabis. In this video, he also poked fun at Channel 4 News’ Jon Snow’s experience of taking super-strength skunk.
Snow took a concentrated dose of cannabis for a new TV documentary looking at the impact of drugs on the brain. He said, “I knew within five minutes, or so, of taking the first two balloons, that I had taken skunk. What was happening to me outstripped anything I have ever experienced… I would never do it again. I can fully believe this week’s figures that tell us that 25 per cent of all psychosis treated in Britain is associated with smoking skunk”.
I’ve had to have an MRI scan under the influence of cannabis, I have ptsd and have to medicate with it, I couldn’t have a scan without it to relax it, MRI scans are not pleasant to have anyway
No kidding. I’m the size of Paul Bunyan and get stuck at the shoulders every time so it is Open MRI from now on.
so basicly this is what anonymous is doing now?keeep shoving the retarded ideeas how fucking drugs are better than something else?seriously?…if ur so inlove with fucking crack go smoke untill u fucking drop dead allready cause this shit is annoying as fuck god damn idiots
Maybe you should read up on some actual scientific papers on the subject. Not what ‘popular tv-shows’ try to tell you. Cannabis has been found in burial sites that date back 10.000 years.
But you might prefer a world that is 6000 years old.
You are only helping people who are high look better. Thanks!! Douche bag.
Interesting. Is well know as americans are massively addict to refined white sugar, which is a modern invention. Humans had never ate that much sweet in the history of humanity. Flo you should learn more about that plant, if you get the knowledge you will see is not the evil you say. Is This plant can threat people and replace chemicals from pharma industry. Is used by humans from at least know 6000 years. Of course is easier for you to mix it with chemicals crap as crack. Think by yourself and get the knowledge.
First of all, this is Russell Brand, an actor. A well known one, so wouldn’t that negate the anonymity of anonymous? The rest of your comment was too ignorant to warrant a response.
He isn’t part of anonamous. He makes videos for his facebook and youtube channels. They just repost it to get the message out to the world that pot is not what politicians in the 30’s said it was. The studies that say pot kills brain cells, were done on monkeys in the 50’s. The reasons that their brain cells died, was because they administered the marijuana through a mask that let no oxygen in. They died from lack of oxygen from the brain. The first thing that happens from that cause of death? Brain cells dying from the lack of oxygen.
So you came to this video to disregard the ideas and tell everyone that this is the equilelant to smoking crack? You’re such a fucking idiot it’s unreal, go eat shit and die
Your a fucking idiot shut the fuck if you knew the medical properties and the ways it helps better than prescription drugs or had to use it yourself you would shut the fuck up and your the fucking idiot not Anonymous
if you actually watched the entire video it was talking about regulation and finding out the actual facts and it is not a retarded idea my child is a severe epileptic and there is a particular strain of marijuana that could help reduce the length, severity and amount of seizures she has but judgemental fucks like you think this is all about drug abuse and recreational users fuck off back up on your high horse and leave the rest of us god damn idiots to our lives
if ur so inlove with fucking crack go smoke untill u fucking drop dead <= these are your words. i just want to say that crack is not cannabis, and you should educate yourself about drugs. because you will keep making a fool of yourself.
(Refined) Sugar is a legal drug which makes sick and obese and really addicted (just look at how almost everyone (especially kids) is craving for sugar products and cant stop eating them).
Marijuana is a healing plant which has been used by humans for thousands of years and never killed nobody.
Sick people bring in money, Healthy people don’t. Quick maths.
all the people no the history of sugar and all the bad diabétic,fat people and what thy do with the sugar alcool and they put sugar every where in ketchup all thy alimentation is contaminaite with chimical sugar at 99% from the years the contry hou use sugar they become addict and use 468time more and thise contry thy have more physchiatric problèm.and you ask the people buy there own expérience with is the best for the humain last of factor haft to be analyse on a period like the sugar 40years or50years and the age of the person use at 12years its not have the same on the head if you take adult is gone be a another result and the quantity in my life the sugar give me more problem.
The world would be a better place if the idiots who run britain legalised it!! its a no brainer for more reasons than i care to be bothered to write 😉
Well of course he felt awful in there who wouldn’t in their first time of being on marijuana and not knowing how to handle it properly added with the freakishly uncomfortable environment of a MRI machine, 90% of the people would at the very least feel uncomfortable in there.
Missouri Cannabis Reform been saying sugar is more harmful than cannabis. Look at all the diseases sugar cause, diabetic problems, obesity just to name 2. Now look at all the diseases cannabis cause. ummmmmm does anyone know any disease cannabis causes? Sorry couldn’t think of any. well how about this look at all the diseases cannabis can treat and cure, cancer, glaucoma and diabetes just to name a few. We need to legalize asap we need cannabis medicine. http://www.facebook.com/MCR2016
The only problem with this report,no matter how true it is, it Russell Brand. It is hard to believe he smart enough to read.
Ha-ha, Russell, you crack me up! Growing up in N-caly, we Ben smoking skunk since the late 70s.other than breeding plants I’ve never scene any additives.maybe that’s changed.you contradicted urself a couple times in the beginning. Then it occurred 2me, that u might be reading from the same science as the mri study lol.other than that, Kool story bro, haven’t seen ya in a while, keep up the good work! We need it.
If you are ignorant and immature it’s not the best idea to jump right into it, it’s not a toy, something to be abused, nor something you do to simply get things off of your mind, but a medicine used to get more important things from within you to a deeper realization which filters negative things that are less important.
As an actual fact there are cannabinoid receptors that are naturally formed within our brains, which receives the cannabis and doesn’t get destroy by it , these receptors are prevalent in ALL mammals nervous systems that operate according to Tetrahydrocannabinol(THC) and the other 80 + cannabinoids. There are receptors in every cell and organ throughout our body.
Each and everyone of us, whether you like it or not, are fundamentally wired to receive or respond to Cannabis. The receptors are only active when we intake cannabis into our system, it falls into place as if it were a key to a lock, a lock that is only used if it is present in your bodily system, it must be that they are there for a reason.
When the prohibition of Marijuana started, the US gov’t did testing on live subjects, which were monkeys. But as they tested them, they pumped unusual and harmful doses of marijuana into their lungs for hours without the monkeys even being able to breath, which was the only cause of damage in brain cells.
So as fact, the monkeys hadn’t been damaged by the smoke, but were literally suffocated by not being able to breath for extensively longs periods of time; for hours.
This false testing was obviously done to propagate a bad image on something that isn’t.
In all actuality, you can overdose on almost anything , water, caffeine, sugar , and consumption of food.
There are bad drugs that alter your mind where you can become senseless, lower than reasoning, if marijuana where laced with a harmful drug, like meth, cocaine, or heroin it can seriously do something with an irreversible effect, something which the marijuana itself wouldn’t cause. In most cases where anyone would see this is because the drug dealers are trying to get cheap and mix in other substances within it to make the person who bought it to get higher, but doesn’t actually get you ‘high’ and causes nothing but harm.
The only case where it could be ‘negative’ is where people would abuse it without any moderation, or where people with an authoritarian type control of people would try to prohibit the use of it, by force and violence, by the police and people who are ignorant on the subject of the substance.
There aren’t any alcohol receptors within our brains and alcohol is a toxin, so therefore why intake it. When you consume alcohol, the body’s digestive process creates metabolites such as acetaldehyde and other ‘reactive oxygen species'(ROS) which are toxic to the brain and other cells in the body. This is why you have a hangover, after drinking large quantities of alcohol.
The active ingredients in the marijuana plant, called phytocannabinoids, affect specific receptors within the body. In fact, the body produces its own set of cannabinoids called endocannabinoids and has an endocannabinoid system which regulates the activity of all cannabinoids in the body.
The human body produces a number of cannabinoids, these endogenous cannabinoids include anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) and are present in all human beings.
There are two types of receptors within the endocannabinoid system CB1 receptors and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors are located primarily in the brain and nervous system, while CB2 receptors are located primarily in the immune system.
Cannabinoid receptors act as binding sites for endogenous cannabinoids(endocannabinoids) as well as cannabinoids found in marijuana. When cannabinoids bind to CB1 or CB2 receptors, they act to change the way the body functions.
While cannabinoid receptors are primarily expressed in the brain and immune system, researchers have identified cannabinoid receptors in a variety of other places as well, including the peripheral nervous system, cardiovascular system, reproductive system, and gastrointestinal and urinary tracts. Cannabinoid receptors continue to be identified in unique parts of the body as research on the endocannabinoid system progresses.
The fact that these receptors are located all over the body is part of the reason why marijuana has been found to be useful for so many different medical conditions. Specifically in the case of seizures, there is preliminary research which shows that the cannabinoid, cannabidiol or CBD, raises the threshold for seizure activity within the brain making it overall more difficult to have seizures, and thus providing hope to many parents of children with intractable seizure disorders. There is also some preliminary research which show that other cannabinoids within the plant actually protect brain cells from damage associated with Alzheimer’s disease.
There are many issues you can face by authorities or anyone who thinks that it is bad, for the assumptions they make, usually because it is commonly together with harmful drugs; not medicines.
There hasn’t been one single death recorded by the use of Marijuana, and yet alcohol is legal which is the cause of thousands of deaths per year throughout the US and Canada.
When people try to consider what Cannabis is, they consider it to be a really harmful, and a bad drug with many negative effects that only leads to other problems but in all reality, that’s not the case and never has been.
It expands your consciousness, consciousness means to be aware of something by becoming aware about whatever it is you didn’t know or understand prior, to shed light upon something.
If you’re at a stage of being held down by anxiety and fear or negative thoughts then that’s where it ‘could’ manifest into looking closer at your problems within the subconscious mind, concentrating on your limits so that you deal with them. Understand that these are brought into mind to help you expand beyond fear in a new way of thinking, which is done so by creating new neural pathways for information to be transmitted throughout the brain by means of electrical and chemical signals in the brain.
cannabis is in most places not legal. because the government doest like it when state property gets high.
Very informing Lee, thank you.
I love all the cannabis alarmists offering opinions not backed up by fact….while they’re having their 3rd BEER.
The point of this video is not that drugs are good, but rather necessary. We read nutrition facts, at least some of us, and see what percentage of sugar for the day that particular item will give us. These percentages are released by the FDA and required on every “desirable food”. Ever seen them on alcohol ? Too much of anything is not good. Weed helps several people who have given us the freedom to sit behind a computer desk. Sugar does not and nor is it actually necessary. See mythbusters lol. Also weed is made of carbon is it not ? Last I checked, anything made out of carbon, set on fire turns to tar-just to play both sides and not be bias.
OMG people, just because Brand is a media figure you shout ‘actor acting’
weed kills my ass
until the 70’s it was legal in the uk
Queen Victoria took it for period pains.
It was made illegal because the government of the day
feared the people having it and not wanting to work!
We all should live humdrum lives and not use natures gifts.
it’s a plant for F**k sake, yes other plants can kill
but the only way this would kill is if a big lumb
of it fell on your head, from hight.
OK so some people have negative reactions to it, look
at the amount of side effects from man made medicines.
he banged katy perry, probably after a bowl and a sundae.
If ounce for ounce, pot is less harmful than sugar then why don’t people just pass out pot to kids for Halloween? It’s less harmful! It’s ridiculous the extreme illogical lengths people go through to rationalize pot. The marijuana legalization movement LIED to people about the harmful effects of pot to get the legalization legislation passed. This is a FACT. I do agree that people who have illness that can be helped by pot should get access to it by prescription from a licensed physician just as any other drug. I also think that the criminalization laws should be changed so that it’s not so severe, unless one is found driving under the influence of pot, just like alcohol consumption beyond a certain level, is punished by law. People go from one extreme to the other. There are studies by Harvard and other legitimate organizations that show that people under the age of 25 are especially likely to become addicted to pot and there are IRREVERSIBLE damage to not only their young brains but also to their future in terms of motivation, etc.