On Friday January 1,2016 Saudi Arabia beheaded 47 prisoners. These Prisoners were all considered terrorists, enemies of the state and/or threats the Saudi way of life: http://anonhq.com/eminent-bloodbath-in-saudi-arabia-kingdom-sets-to-behead-50-people-in-just-one-day/
Perhaps the most prominent person executed that day was Ali Mohammed Baqir al-Nimr, a Shia Muslim activist. He was arrested in 2012 at the age of 17 for ‘inciting an uprising against the kingdom of Saudi Arabia’. A kingdom ruled by Sunni Muslims. If you are uneducated about the Sunni Shia divide please take the time to read this article: http://anonhq.com/understanding-the-islamic-divide/
al-Nimr’s arrest incited global outrage. Anonymous members in particular took this to heart and organized OpNimr: http://anonhq.com/breaking-opnimr-anonymous-strikes-saudi-government-save-teen-protester-crucifixion/
A few days after this announcement Anonymous took down several essential Saudi government web sites: http://anonhq.com/opnimr-anonymous-attacks-saudi-arabias-cyberspace/
In response to the barbaric execution of 47 prisoners in Saudi Arabia Anonymous has responded once again. This past January 3rd Anonymous launched a DDoS campaign against Saudi Arabia taking down several essential government run web sites. Among the sites taken down
- Saudi Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Defense
- Ministry of Finances
- Royal Air Force
- Saudi Customs Service
- General Passports Service
- The Saudi Press Association
- The Saudi Ombudsman’s Office
Two Anonymous Twitter accounts are given credit for first reporting the attack. You can follow them here:
AnonymousIRC: https://twitter.com/CockSec?ref_src=twsrc^tfw
GloboReVolutionTeam: https://twitter.com/GlobalReVoL3?ref_src=twsrc^tfw
#OpNimr: https://t.co/jn0VY78cGI & https://t.co/pArHl7UTq8 & https://t.co/6ky17QSYkc & https://t.co/vUs5tcrOrQ pic.twitter.com/jgBgOnqe3x
— AnonymousIRC (@CockSec) January 3, 2016
#Anonymous─► #OpSaudi OnFIRE #www.mof.gov.sa #www.gdp.gov.sa #www.customs.gov.sa #www.bog.gov.sa MOAR─► https://t.co/X7KThF6Gdi
— GlobalReVolutionTeam (@GlobalReVoL3) January 3, 2016
This article (Saudi Government Kills 47 People, Anonymous Shuts Down Their Web Sites) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article using a creative commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ. Join the conversation at www.anonboards.com
this’s good because Saudi is the most terrorist Country like Ethiopia.
what’s the different between Saudi & ISIS? both are killer
Go to hell Saudi
saudi is doing the same thing as israel do..
saudi and israel are same.
i agree too we cant say that saudi is a terrorist country because its an Islamic country . The people who were killed they were Muslims too. And we cant judge a country or a nation because of few people who are bad.
Remember Our ignorance is their power they make us hate each other even we both are good.
they : Government, authorities and the leaders.
Damn, wtf is up with them fools over there. Aint they got something better to do? Or goats to fuck?
hey anon hq there a group called ibh indian black hats they hacked 7 sites of pakistan for the recent terror attack at phatankhot in india you guys should widen your region and try to expand yourself as somewhere in some country something or the other is going on expand….
If you have the codes or anyway anyone can be in an effort to stop the ignorance of others. Be sure of what you say and do.
Guess I’ll have to attack the entire country again.
It was the right thing to do. I stand with anonymous
I say FIGHT!
See, this is what the nation should be focused on. But no, their focused on some dumbass teen.
Do as you can to help
Do as you can to stop ignorance of terror seekers and those who wish to destroy us.
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It’s just as bad in the US with the highest rates of incarceration in the world and only too happy to execute prisoners on a regular basis.
It’s just as bad in the US with the highest rates of incarceration in the world and only too happy to execute prisoners on a regular basis. Anonymous keep up the good work!!