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Footage Obtained: ISIS Executions Shot in Studio
In a report from Press TV, footage has apparently been leaked from a staffer of U.S. Senator, John McCain, showing an ISIS “execution” video...
Here Are the Liars That Want War With Iran
Written by Naji Dahi at theantimedia.org In a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Pittsburgh, President Obama cast critics of the recent nuclear agreement with...
The American Sniper Turned Anti-War Activist the Media Didn’t Tell You About
By Carl Gibson, Reader Supported News One American sniper called Iraqi natives “savages,” compared them to American welfare recipients, and bragged about looting their homes...
Merkel Makes Palestinian Girl Facing Deportation Cry. There Is More Than Meets The Eye.
A poor girl with a refugee heritage had approached Chancelor Angela Merkel with a plea. Speaking excellent German she said: “I have goals like anyone else....
10 Recent Events That Will Shake The World In 2015
Did you find anything strange in the world news these past couple weeks? Some of you may have, perhaps, but how many of you...