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NBC News Has A “Heat Map” That Shows ISIS Branches
The United States launched another series of airstrikes against ISIS targets last Tuesday, located within the borders of Libya. This series of attacks also proves...
Russia Views Hillary Clinton as An “Existential Threat” to Peace
By Darius Shahtahmasebi at theantimedia.org When it comes to the two front-runners in the current presidential race, the media often attempts to paint Donald Trump as...
80 Syrian Government Soldiers Killed by U.S.-Led Airstrikes, Russia Confirms U.S. is Aiding ISIS
Up to 80 Syrian government soldiers fighting ISIS have been killed in devastating airstrikes carried out by the United States-led coalition forces in the...
Oliver Stone “Invites You to Re-examine Our Collective Past”
Rewind a few years ago, around this time, and Oliver Stone’s establishment haggling was just getting fired up again. His television series, The Untold History...
US Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World...
Recently, the world commemorated another anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, which changed the world as we knew it, and has since, cast a terroristic haze over the...