In 2016, Syria has become perhaps the largest war zone on Earth and there is debate, particularly among superpower nations, as to what to do about the situation in Syria next. Here in America, led by the conservative party, the American public is told that “the war is here” – after the Orlando shooting. All throughout the election season, conservative leadership also made countless commercials telling the American people that the “War is at our doorstep“. Making it clear their stance on the matter that outright War in Syria is the only option America has.
This is a video of the capitol city – Damascus, Syria – the Syrian equivalent of Washington D.C (photos taken just 6 months ago)
Now here is the village of Homs, Syria – the once third most populated city in Syria. The US equivalent of Chicago.
As of February, 470,000 Syrians had died since 2011 when the War their began. Since 2001, American has only lost 5,000 lives on the collective War on terror – Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Africa combined.
How can the American public look at videos and statistics like this and believe that war is actually “here” in rural America, that America suffers anything like the people in places like Syria do? There is no war in America, the War is taking place half a world away. The media and politicians are simply spreading lies and making American live in a world delusion, ignorance and fear.
With that said, top officials are now advising President Obama to reconsider his hard-line stance against intervention in Syria. The news comes days after an accidental attack on US backed forces let many dead following a Russian bombing run in the Syrian border. Russian military officials have said they are not to blame for the incident, US intelligence refuses to work with them and in doing so has failed to update Russia about American troop movement in the region.
These latest incidents speak to the underlying fact that American military leaders lead on they will never support a Syria led by Bashir al-Assad. Meanwhile, the whole reason Russia became engaged in the Syrian War to begin with was to protect ensure Assad doesn’t leave power to protect Russian interests in the region.
Looking forward to the American election, led by Donald Trump, conservatives have promised military intervention in Syria. About Syria specifically, Trump has been quoted as saying he is going “bomb people so hard, it will make their heads spin.” Trump has also said that he plans to quote “bomb the $hit out of them“Simultaneously, if elected, conservative leaders promise to ban people from Syria from ever entering the United States.
Whether you are a staunch supporter of President Obama or one of his largest critics, it is difficult to shy around from the fact that Obama’s laissez-faire approach to his military responsibilities has ironically increased military tensions worldwide. Now that President Obama has set the precedent that America will not intervene at every stop, countries have begun to test boundaries – quite literally.
The effects of this can be observed dating back to Libya and Crimea and it’sstill happening today in Poland and the South China Sea.
So it leads us to this fundamental question. You have seen the pictures, you’ve heard about it in the news. Syria is decimated, the place is ruined. What is left to gain for anyone to go to War in Syria? What does any country have to tangibly gain by going to War there and causing more destruction?
In one form or another, The Middle East has been in a constant state of conflict for over 2,000 years. Is another war really going to solve anything? How many people have to die, on all sides, before human beings collectively begin to realize that war accomplishes nothing other than chaos, death, violence and destruction? It is 2016, will humanity ever evolve beyond fighting war?
Syria does not need more troops, guns or bombs – it needs help. If politicians started spending the same amount of money on humanitarian aid, food and agriculture, we could have a much brighter situation in Syria – the entire world.
Sources: The Washington Times, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Foreign Policy Group, Russia Today, PBS
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Its all bullshit. There is a way to start making machines that do not require oil. Easy fix. The oil company buys up every patent so this cant happen. They use it as an excuse for other agendas.