The first two weeks of the last month of 2016 saw desperate and heartbreaking “final messages” from “thousands of civilians” flood social media, particularly Twitter, as the residents awaited “death under Assad’s bombs” amid a “complete meltdown of humanity” in the besieged eastern districts of Syria’s Aleppo:
To everyone who can hear me!#SaveAleppo#SaveHumanity pic.twitter.com/cbExEMKqEY
— Lina shamy (@Linashamy) December 12, 2016
“This may be my last video. More than 50,000 civilians who rebelled against the dictator [Syrian President Bashar] al-Assad are threatened with field executions or are dying under bombing,” Lina Shamy said in a video shared on Twitter.
مباشر على #Periscope the last call from #Aleppo https://t.co/ifzUwupFK1
— @Mr.Alhamdo (@Mr_Alhamdo) December 13, 2016
“No place now to go. It’s the last place. Russia doesn’t want us to go out alive. They want us dead. Assad is the same. Yesterday there were many celebrations on the other part of Aleppo. They were celebrating on our bodies,” Abdulkafi al-Hamdo said in a Periscope video on Twitter.
Go to the embassies and block the way
Go to the UN headquarters and block the wayThere is no minute to spare#standwithaleppo pic.twitter.com/9JQq7yQ9sm
— salah ashkar (@SalahAshkar) December 12, 2016
“Please, don’t let them sleep. Do it, do it, do it, do that now. There is no minute to spare. Please, please, stand with Aleppo,” Salah Ashkar made a final plea for people to protest in solidarity with Aleppo at the UN.
Perhaps my final message from E. Aleppo. Regime forces are closing in and bunker busters are raining down. pic.twitter.com/XgK0DSa08x
— Bilal Abdul Kareem (@BilalKareem) December 12, 2016
“This might be close to, if not the last communication. I would like to say to the Muslim ummah [community] that is out there … guys you dropped the ball on this one,” Bilal Abdul Kareem said in a Twitter video.
U guess it’s goodbye..
Thanks all who stand for us and pay for us.
But it’s almost over and they are just hours away of killing us— Rami Zien (@Rami_Zien) December 12, 2016
Then, there was this 7-year-old girl named Bana Alabed:
My name is Bana, I’m 7 years old. I am talking to the world now live from East #Aleppo. This is my last moment to either live or die. – Bana
— Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) December 13, 2016
However, there’s just one issue: these “final messages” came from not just any civilians, but activists with spots on prime time TV and front page coverage on mainstream media — from CNN and The Washington Post to Mirror and Al Jazeera.
For the uninitiated, Lina Shamy, Abdulkafi al-Hamdo, Salah Ashkar, and Rami Zien are activists based in eastern Aleppo, while Bilal Abdul Kareem is an American journalist and a documentary filmmaker who is spreading Western propaganda from inside the conflict zone.
Surprisingly, there are no “final messages” apart from this bunch of “civilians” who are still alive and kicking on Twitter!
In the Now host Anissa Naouai says there’s little to indicate that the people sending “final messages” were actual civilians experiencing the hyped Russian and Syrian shelling; in fact, she argues, those “final messages” from Aleppo looked more like a coordinated social media campaign than a cry for help.
She points out that the narrative was the same each time: that an all-out genocide is taking place; that the Assad forces are going from city to city killing their own people and taking no prisoners; and that Aleppo’s rebels valiantly look death in the face as they endure alleged Russian bombardment.
Can those “thousands of civilians” “waiting to die” now explain why these so-called “activists” and the mainstream media are silent when the liberated Syrians are rejoicing in the streets of Aleppo?
Now that Aleppo is free of al-Qaeda, many Christians are openly celebrating for the first time in five years! Thank you, Assad! pic.twitter.com/JnMvkNZLCZ
— /sg/ SOURIA GENERAL (@SyriaGeneral) December 24, 2016
Christians in Aleppo Syria light first Christmas Tree in 5 yrs. W/ thankful posters for: Bashir Assad, Vladimir Putin and Hassan Rouhani pic.twitter.com/6nGiQlr0yj
— TheLastRefuge (@TheLastRefuge2) December 22, 2016
#Aleppo is free from terrorists hold .. thank you Assad and its allies for all liberating .shame on rebels and people who support extremism
— Raja Khan (@paki_real_) December 21, 2016
Bana and her mother would like to thank Russia and Assad Regime for their safe exit from East Aleppo. https://t.co/9sqJpTem0M
— ISLAMIST REGISTER® (@IslamistReg) December 21, 2016
I am tweeting live from the ruins of #Aleppo where I am enjoying a late lunch!
Thank You, #Assad— AJA RESISTS (@ajamazing) December 20, 2016
The Truth that America Doesn’t Want You to Know about War Crimes in Syria
There’s No Genocide in Aleppo: Canadian Activist Exposes Western Media Lies
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