WikiLeaks has aided tech companies, with the help of special access so they can secure their customers from specific types of malware and hacking for their own means. The CIA hacking tools consist of Android and iOS exploits that help to hack into Smartphones, gaining information for their investigation and surveillance purposes.
Julian Assange, the man behind WikiLeaks, believes in assisting the tech companies in securing their devices against cyber attacks, before launching any further hacking tool details of the CIA. The twist is that various tech companies believe these exploits have already been patched by recent security updates.
WikiLeaks has said there is more leaked CIA information to come, with the initial leak being the first of many. Overall, there is said to be around 5,000 hackers working for the CIA, who have helped in developing these hidden ‘hacking tools’; and have created the exploits for the CIA.
The FBI is reported to be investigating leads into the possible leak of these tools.
Donald Trump believes the CIA hacking tools and systems are outdated. The CIA has neither confirmed nor denied the legitimacy of the stolen hacking tools. Hacking, in these times, is controlling the tech world and various infrastructures, which can be seen by last year’s NSA hack, where other hacking tools were leaked and were for sale on the Dark Web.
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