At least 50 Native-American tribes and Canadian First Nations have signed a continent-wide treaty alliance against the Alberta Tar Sands’ expansion. The unity is a separate protest movement against the four-state Dakota Access Pipeline, though the Standing Rock Sioux is among those who have signed the treaty. The treaty opposes not only the expansion of the Tar Sands, but construction of pipelines on sacred land, and the use of rail and tanker as transport. The proposed pipelines include Keystone XL, Kinder Morgan, Energy East, Line 3, and Northern Gateway. The treaty means the affiliated tribes have legally barred the pipelines from crossing their land, according to Democracy Now.

Officer Betty Shelby of Tulsa Oklahoma has been booked and released on $50,000 bail after being charged with felony manslaughter in the shooting of unarmed African-American, Terence Crutcher. Video evidence shows Shelby shoot Crutcher while his hands were in the air. The police report later stated Shelby fired when Crutcher was reaching into his vehicle, however this claim was quickly refuted by Crutcher’s family’s attorney, as video stills clearly show the driver’s-side window was rolled up. It is unclear when Shelby will appear in court, but her attorney expects an arraignment date to be set within the next week. While she has been placed on leave without pay, Tulsa police state they are going to wait until after her trial to decide whether or not to dismiss her. Shelby is reported to have two domestic violence altercations on her record. If convicted, she could face 4-years in prison to life.

Senator Elizabeth Warren, who is a Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel, confronted Wells Fargo CEO, John Stumpf, at the Banking Committee Hearing over the massive banking-scandal that has recently come to light. More than 5,000 lower-level Wells Fargo employees were fired after it was found they were creating fake accounts in real customer’s names, without the customers permission or knowledge, and then racking up banking fees on the accounts. Although the corruption began on the corporate level, no higher-ranked banking officials have lost their jobs. Warren is now calling for Stumpf to resign and face an investigation amid growing revelations.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton debated on Monday at Hofstra University in Long Island. Viewers from America to Asia tuned in to watch the two least popular presidential candidates in history spat like whore-house rivals about issues ranging from personal stamina, to the TPP. The Commission on Presidential Debates, ran by the Democratic and Republican parties, excluded third-party candidates, Gary Johnson and Jill Stein, from participating. Angry about the exclusion, hundreds protested outside the university, and Green Party candidate, Jill Stein, was escorted from the property by police, despite having been invited by various news stations for interviews.

Another police shooting of an unarmed African-American man on Tuesday claimed the life of 34-year-old Alfred Olango. Olango’s sister called 9 1 1, informing police that her brother was mentally ill and needed help. Witnesses claim Olango had his hands up when he was tased and then shot five times, however police dispute these claims, stating he pulled his hands from his pockets quickly, and took a shooting stance. Police released a still-image from a cell phone video obtained from a witness, however they have not released the video itself. Rumors have circulated that police were taking individuals’ cameras by force, but these claims have yet to be substantiated. The ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties released a statement decrying the rumor, and making a note that if police did in fact take witnesses cell phones by force, it would be a constitutional violation. Olango was from Uganda, attended the San Diego Mesa College, and was a father who leaves behind a large family.
As protests continue in Charlotte, North Carolina over the police shooting of Keith Lamont Scott, the testimony of 9-year old protester, Zianna Oliphant at the City Council meeting in Charlotte went viral.

In Louisiana, a judge has released body-camera videos from the 2015 police shooting of 6-year-old Jeremy Mardis. Mardis was in a vehicle with his father, Christopher Few, when police chased them down after witnessing a dispute between a man and woman, and immediately opened fire on the vehicle. Mardis was shot five times and died on site. Christopher Few can be clearly seen in the video holding his hands up. Norris Greenhouse Jr. and Derrick Stafford, the marshals involved in the shooting, are now facing 2nd degree murder charges, though they’re trying to claim self-defense.

Newly released court documents reveal the New York Police Department has been secretly recording those within the Black Lives Matter movement since the death of Eric Garner, and has submerged undercover officers into protests. This information was disclosed after the NYPD refused to release videos and photos that were requested through the Freedom of Information Act. The attorneys who are seeking this information claim there is a likelihood that this surveillance has broken the 1st and 4th amendments, and that police officers may have, broken quote, “hand/shoe guidelines,” unquote, which prevents police officers from spying for political reasons.

This week in world news, the U.S. has admitted to using controversial white phosphorus munitions in Iraq, though they still will not disclose exactly how. Newly released photos from the Pentagon show U.S. army artillery units in Iraq using M825A1 155 mm rounds of white phosphorus munitions that can create smokescreens that last around 10-minutes. As mandated by International humanitarian law, white phosphorus should not be used in populated areas, and not as a weapon against combatants, due to the horrific injuries it causes. A report from RT shows the damage white phosphorus causes in civilian territory. The following video contains disturbing images.
The U.S. used white phosphorus in the city of Fallujah in 2004, and initially claimed it was used as a smokescreen, though it was later admitted it was being used against combatants. In 2009, the U.S. was found to be using white phosphorus again in Afghanistan where an 8-year-old girl was severely burned. They originally tried to blame the Taliban.

In the city of Aleppo, Russian and Syrian forces continue a heavy bombing campaign, while the United Nations warns of a humanitarian catastrophe. At least 100,000 children are trapped in eastern Aleppo, where food resources are nearly exhausted. UNICEF is now calling for urgent action to aid these children who are, quote, “trapped in the horror,” unquote. Russia has announced it is ready to consider ways to normalize the situation in Syria, and blames the United States’ failure to separate terrorist groups from the moderate opposition, which they claim allowed Nusra to, quote, “hide behind other armed groups of the opposition with which Washington is cooperating,” unquote.

The Saudi Arabian government has successfully lobbied the United Nation’s Human Rights Council to drop its efforts into conducting an independent investigation into potential war crimes being committed in Yemen. International human rights and aid organizations have called the move, quote, “shameful,” unquote. This news comes after reports that a U.S.-backed airstrike in Yemen killed 17 civilians.

A Norwegian appeals court has rejected a lawsuit filed by the Norwegian branch of the PEN club, that would allow Edward Snowden to attend an upcoming awards event in Oslo without being extradited to the United States. Snowden is the recipient of an award being presented by the club for revealing, quote, “questionable, extensive global surveillance,” unquote, and he is scheduled to be honored November 18th. The ruling was unanimously upheld by an appeals panel, but it is expected to be challenged before Norway’s high court.

In Anonymous news, preparations have begun for the 2016 Million Mask March. We urge citizens around the world to take part, and to act as citizen-journalists by recording events in your area. To find protest locations near you, visit www.millionmaskmarch.com/map for access to Google Map locations. If you do not find your location on the map, or if the event in your location is outdated, you can create a new event yourself at Facebook, and then submit the link via email to [email protected] . We ask citizens to be alert for undercover provocateurs, and to be safe.

These are some of this week’s top stories. This concludes our first edition of Teh Weekly News, bringing you the weekly top stories that have been filtered through the mainstream media. Thank you for joining us. We are Anonymous. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.
This article (Teh Weekly News – Episode 1) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
Cabrera, Ana and Shoichet, Catherine E. (2016). Tulsa Officer Betty Shelby booked, released on bond. CNN. Retrieved from: http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/23/us/tulsa-officer-booked-released-on-bond/index.html
Black, Andrew (2016). Norwegian appeals court won’t guarantee safe passage for Edward Snowden. The Washington Times. Retrieved from: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/sep/28/norwegian-appeals-court-wont-guarantee-safe-passag/?utm_source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS
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Hidell, Alek (2016). Louisiana Cops Claim Self Defense in Shooting Death of Autistic Six Year-Old. AnonHQ. Retrieved from: http://anonhq.com/louisiana-cops-claim-self-defense-shooting-death-autistic-six-year-old/
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Goodman, Amy (2016). 50 Tribes & First Nations Sign Treaty to Fight Tar Sands Pipelines. Democracy Now. Retrieved from: http://www.democracynow.org/2016/9/23/headlines/50_tribes_first_nations_sign_treaty_to_fight_tar_sands_pipelines
Goodman, Amy (2016). Daily Show – September 23, 2016. Democracy Now. Retrieved from: http://www.democracynow.org/shows/2016/9/23
McBride, Jessica (2016). Alfred Olango: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know. Heavy. Retrieved from: http://heavy.com/news/2016/09/alfred-olango-el-cajon-police-shooting-facebook-live-video-unarmed-sister-california-san-diego-seizure-dont-shoot/
McCauley, Lauren (2016). Capitulating to Saudis, UN ‘Shamefully’ Backs Compromise Probe Into Yemen Crimes. Common Dreams. Retrieved from: http://www.commondreams.org/news/2016/09/30/capitulating-saudis-un-shamefully-backs-compromise-probe-yemen-crimes
Nordland, Rod (2016). Airstrike in Yemen Kills 17 Civilians, Witnesses Say. The New York Times. Retrieved from: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/17/world/middleeast/airstrike-in-yemen-kills-17-civilians-witnesses-say.html?_r=0
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