Written by Amanda Froelich at trueactivist.com
I’m NOT lovin’ it…
Warning: Video is very graphic and disturbing; not suitable for work or to be viewed by children.
McDonald’s may be attempting to win over consumers with their new transparency campaign, but this video caught by an undercover investigator reveals footage the company will most definitely not want to go viral.
As MercyForAnimals shares, a major chicken supplier for both McDonald’s and Tyson Foods has been caught on film deeply abusing chickens. In this graphic and deeply disturbing video, factory farm workers can allegedly be seen beating the chickens with spikes, breaking their necks by stomping on their heads, and much, much more…
McDonald’s is not only losing profit and consumer support (forcing the company to close 700 store locations), it’s failing to address pressing concerns to do with creations offered, as well as the treatment of animals in factory farms. From toxic chemical compounds in the company’s fast food, to the sourcing of eggs and poultry from feces-laden fast farms: McDonald’s is exampling the ‘food paradigm’ informed individuals are working very hard to move away from.
The recent video investigation reportedly certifies that the company (and Tyson foods) does not have consumer interest or animal welfare in mind and is feeding present customers the worst level of factory-farmed meat available.
Factory farm workers stabbing chickens to death with spikes and squashing their skulls is beyond inhumane, it’s near sadistic. And THIS is the type of abuse you – or anyone you know – supports when you order from McDonalds or buy from Tyson.
Just one more reason to opt for organic, local, and sustainably grown food, and STOP supporting companies more keen to collect profit than deliver products of integrity.
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hey that’s the guy from mythbusters lol
and who do they say are the animals?? sicko freaks!
This video is okay, but aimed at the wrong corporation, Tyson’s is fully responsible for everything those animals go through up until it is delivered to stores and plants. (Former Employee, so I know this is totally true)
Any consumer has the right and duty to be informed about the whole chain of supply before making an informed choice of purchase. Thinking that the restaurant is free of any responsibility of where they contract or buy food is naïve and this mentality shows integrity only to money itself and no other ideal.
assure businesses and individuals alike to keep to know the line that is unacceptable to cross.
The entire livestock industry needs an overhaul. The farmers can’t afford it, it will hurt a company’s bottom line, and it isn’t possible to boycott chicken as a whole. This change comes with legislature, not attacking corporations. Stop acting like this is something new. People have always treated all animals like crap.
This is footage of the american conditions, so if you’re from eu uk ext, this has never been near you. The copany has been cut from Mcdonnalds and is no longere serving meat to Mcdonnalds. This does of couse not change that this is animal cruelty, and in every way unaccepteble.
Just incase you where wondering 😉
Sorry Noah, you’re dreaming if you think animals don’t suffer in EU or the UK. Not our lives, not our choice.
They name companies like McDonals and Tyson but leave those behind and you see a film about what happends in the entire cage system animal industry. Animal abuse is everywhere, and not >just in America. Think before you eat people…
this stupid dont know how to cut animal properly
While this video is horrible. It’s not Tyson or McDonald’s fault alone. There are a ridiculous number of chicken processing companies. Most likely supplying any processed or prepackaged chicken you come across. Generally they do provide the chicks for these farmers. But the raising, housing, feeding, and killing the inadequate are the responsibility of subcontracted chicken coop owners. I will give them that in defense of the brutality. It is the fault of major chicken processors for setting the standards of housing and food.
No company here (Arkansas, miles from a few coops, and two processing plants) owns the farm; only the birds. Not all are that horrible, but by no means acceptable. They get screwed by these companies and then can’t afford a humane way to maintain what is expected.
Where is legislature on this? Why aren’t they the ones setting the standards? Where is the oversight in the livestock industry? A business is going to always be in favor of maximum profit. Laws are in place to assure businesses and individuals alike to keep to know the line that is unacceptable to cross.
The entire livestock industry needs an overhaul. The farmers can’t afford it, it will hurt a company’s bottom line, and it isn’t possible to boycott chicken as a whole. This change comes with legislature, not attacking corporations. Stop acting like this is something new. People have always treated all animals like crap.
more truth
I am sure that they do not need to spike them in the head or slam them into containments to save money. And you would think cleaning the coops would help with loss of profit versus the cost of the time it would take to pay someone to do it. Frankly, if they can’t afford to farm livestock properly and humanely then you shouldn’t be in that business. I don’t believe in mass production and distribution of animals as food ect. in the first place but, if your going to do it at least insure some dignity to the animals and avoid as much disease spreading as possible. Thankfully, I haven’t had to worry about eating bad meat, poultry or fish in a very very long time.
Cheer Up; it gets worse! Can anyone truly trust the entire fast food industry?
The majority of the global public don’t know 99% of what goes into processed food despite what everyone reads on labels. And do you really trust what federal government authorities will do to give passing grades to giant multinational food industry companies. Bottom line governments are only concerned with keeping the commerce buck rolling.