Remember how the deaths of a few Israeli teens led to a war that led to the deaths of some 253 women and 495 children? Remember the great controversy that resulted when it was revealed that Israel had targeted UN buildings, schools and even a bunch of kids playing soccer on an open beach in full view of journalists (it was like “hey, look, we’re murdering KIDS right in front of the world news media, and if you dare report it we’ll have you removed! Whatcha gonna do, eh?”)? Remember how nobody, least of all President Netanyahu, was found responsible for the atrocity?
Well, let’s see what happened after a Palestinian BABY was burned alive by Israeli “extremists”… in an attack that also led to the eventual death of the child’s mother as well.
The monsters smashed the windows of two homes in the Paletinian village of Duma, then hurled molotov cocktails into the houses… This was not a mere act of “terror”; the intent was NOT to instill fear, the intent was to MURDER.
No announcement has been made regarding suspects and Israel has issued a gag-order over the incident. HOWEVER, one Israeli extremist named Mordechai Meyer has been arrested in connection with the incident, as well as Meir Ettinger and Eviatar Salonim. The arrests are the first time Israel had used a controversial law that allowed suspects to be detained without trial against an Israeli citizen; previously, the law was used exclusively against Palestinians. While I applaud the prosecution of the evil buggers who would murder a child and smile about it afterwards, one wonders if this expansion of the law has more to do with a need by the Israeli govt to silence dissenters in general rather than justice for Palestinians… After-all, the measures had been used to detain many innocent Palestinian dissenters and protesters who were subsequently beaten, and they seem to mirror “anti-terror” legislation which allows the US to similarly detain American citizens without trial. Anyway…
This kind of murder comes in the same color as the one that Israeli “extremists” had perpetrated earlier with the death of a child named Abu Khdeir who was kidnapped, beaten and burned alive by monsters who had poured gasoline into his mouth. The “trial” had been described by his family: “The trial is a joke, it’s a sham trial. They are treating the criminals very well, taking them out for breakfast at 11 every day while we wait in the courtroom. The defence lawyer even asked the public prosecutor to show his credentials. It’s a farce.”. This description might seem harsh, until one realizes that the “suspects” had long confessed to burning the child to death. I would bet that this next trial will be equally farcical.
Murder of a few Israeli teens led to immediate “justice” against hundreds of innocent Palestinians. Murder of a few Palestinian children seems to precipitate little in the way of justice at all.
Sources: Liveleak, TIME (interestingly, that article was removed), CNN, ABC, Al Jazeera
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