This video, created by ‘The Story of Stuff Project’ was made to expose the truth behind the bottled water industry. After watching the video many of you are guaranteed to never purchase or drink bottled water again.
1) Bottled water is an extortionate 2,000 times more expensive than tap water
This shocking calculation was made by a Business Insider column, it was noted in the piece that in the United States, two-thirds of the bottled water sold are 16.9-ounce bottles. This means that per gallon of bottled water it costs around $7.50, which is 2,000 times the price of a tap water equivalent.
2) Some brands of bottled water are of a lesser quality than tap water
Fiji Water ran an ad campaign which had clear intentions to debase the city of Cleveland’s water supply. In retaliation the city decided to test the brands water and compare it to their own, it was found that Fiji Water contained levels of arsenic, a semi-metal element which is also used in wood preservatives, paints and metals, whilst the city’s tap water has no measurable quantity of the element.
3) The amount of bottled water purchased every week in the U.S. could circle the globe five times.
This astounding fact was confirmed by the fact checkers at UpWorthy:
“According to the video, ‘People in the U.S. buy more than half a billion bottles of water every week.’ National Geographic says for 2011, bottled water sales hit 9.1 billion gallons (roughly 34 billion liters).
A ‘typical’ water bottle is a half-liter, so that’s about 68 billion bottles per year. Divided by 52 weeks would be a little over 1 billion bottles of water sold per week in the U.S. Because that’s based on a smaller ‘typical’ bottle size, it seems reasonable that a half billion bottles a week could be accurate.
The Earth is about 131.5 million feet around, so yep, half a billion bottles of varying sizes strung end-to-end could circle the Earth five times.”
4) Corporations are conning us into buying bottled water.
Through a concept known as manufactured demand, corporations have made a multibillion-dollar industry out of selling us something which was already readily available and inexpensive. To do this, the corporations bombarded us with claims that tap water is unhealthy, and have deceptively used nature inspired imagery on their product labels.
All of these claims have thus far been discredited; research has shown that anywhere up to 45% of bottled water is simply filtered tap water.
5) Bottled water is not ‘environmentally responsible’
It requires an abundance of oil to make plastic bottles, and even more to ship them around the world. In fact, in the U.S alone, the amount of oil required to make just one years supply of plastic bottles, could fuel a million cars during the same period.
We then proceed to disposed of 80% of these bottles into landfills or incinerators, which pollute the environment and public water supplies, ultimately giving the corporations more leverage. The remainder of the bottles are shipped to other countries, where there are no environmental and labor protections, which forces them to live surrounded by our waste.
6) 750 million people worldwide live without access to clean water
Disturbingly, every minute a child dies from a waterborn disease, meaning whist you have been reading this article and watching the video at least 10 children have died. Everyone should be entitled to a clean water supply, yet shamefully we waste ours. Instead we opt for bottled water, even though it likely has no additional nutritional value, pollutes our planet, and makes deceptive and greedy corporations billions of dollars annually.
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Well, in that case, both water supplies are kind of being tampered with, as tap water has a lot of fluoride in it, and now Bottled Water has been exposed with levels of other deadly crap in it. When does it end?
With stuff like this, I’m proud to live in The Netherlands; cleanest drinking-water in the European Union.
However the brainwashing regarding bottled water isn’t the only one: The “sports-drink” industry is also spending billions of dollars on advertisement (gatorade, aquarius, AA, sourcy) to convince you that their products are actually healthy drinks, instead of just water with added sugars and flavors.
Other funny fact regarding “water”: When I was staying in a hotel for business in Oberhausen (Germany) I took a shower in the morning and wanted to gargle some of the water to wash away my morning-breath – I could literally taste the bitterness of the chlorine in the water. (or the mains, whatever the case was)
living in Iceland I am fortunate to have plenty of clean drinking water from my tap, however, I don’t blame people who do NOT have access to drinking water to drink imported water out of bottles.
yo vivo en el centro de argentina y aquí el agua del grifo tiene arsénico por los agroquímicos de las cosechas que se filtran en las napas de agua subterráneas, y mucho sarro también..
“What are they gonna sell us next, AIR?!?!”
Canada already sells air to China.