Germany’s protests recently have been quickly lumped into the “far right” or “pro immigrant” categories, so that viewers/readers would simply hear the catchphrase and stop sympathizing with German protesters altogether. However, what the mainstream media does NOT want you to know is that Germany’s BIGGEST protest to date was NOT about immigration.
No, the QUARTER MILLION strong protest was about an issue near and dear to all of our hearts: The Trans-Pacific Partnership. The SECRET trade deal, with but a few leaks available to we the People. These few leaks have revealed that the deal will further decimate the People by setting up a corporate tribunal that superceeds the authority of nations, allowing corporations to impose fines or override any decision made by a government that might undermine their profits; judges will be selected by the corporations themselves, and parties can even ask for tribunals to deliberate in secret… Just like the TPP!
Can you see why the German People were pissed, and why the mainstream media has given nearly no coverage to this ginormous protest? From Reuters, which had interviewed some protesters:
“This is the biggest protest that this country has seen for many, many years,” Christoph Bautz, director of citizens’ movement Campact told protesters in a speech.
“What bothers me the most is that I don’t want all our consumer laws to be softened,” Oliver Zloty told Reuters TV. “And I don’t want to have a dictatorship by any companies.”
“Dieter Bartsch, deputy leader of the parliamentary group for the Left party, who was taking part in the rally said he was concerned about the lack of transparency surrounding the talks. “We definitely need to know what is supposed to be being decided,” he said.”
Reuters was quick to offset these worries by citing some head of some company who was making soothing noises while talking about the benefits of “common standards” and the need to compete against Russia and China by sacrificing their souls, as though that were the only thing the deal was about.
The severity of the protests should be a lesson to other member nations of the agreement, particularly the US where us “conspiracy theorists” keep harping on something that is CLEARLY less important than Kim Kardashian’s Ass.
Indeed, Germany’s leaders were taken aback by the scale of protests; Reuters adds that the level of resistance “has taken Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government by surprise and underscores the challenge it faces to turn the tide in favor of the deal which proponents say will create a market of 800 million and serve as a counterweight to China’s economic clout.”
In a full-page letter published in several German newspapers on Saturday, Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel warned against “scaremongering”.
“We have the chance to set new and goods standards for growing global trade. With ambitious, standards for the environment and consumers and with fair conditions for investment and workers. This must be our aim,” Gabriel wrote.
“A fair and comprehensive free trade deal promotes growth and prosperity in Europe. We should actively participate in the rules for world trade of tomorrow,” Ulrich Grillo, head of the BDI Federation of German industries, said in a statement.
Think I’m being unfair when I say that the mainstream media is distorting the facts here? Check out some of the headlines they’re rolling out:
Time Magazine: “Pacific Trade Deal Is Good for the U.S. and Obama’s Legacy”
The Washington Post: “The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a trade deal worth celebrating”
Also, let’s do a comparison of a mainstream media video of the protests, and compare it with an RT version. I’ve done such comparisons before with the Greek protests, and the bias is laughably obvious:
Here’s the MSM Spin Special, which focuses more on small clumps of people and individuals at street level to make the crowd seem smaller:
And here’s the Real Deal:
Now THAT is how a quarter million strong protest really looks like. Taken from a distance to emphasize the sheer number of people.
Sources: Zero Hedge, Yahoo News, The Guardian, Huff Post
This Article (Quarter Million Germans Protest The TPP. MSM Tries To Play It Down.) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author(CoNN) and AnonHQ.com.
I guess you mixed up a little bit.
TPP is TransPACIFIC Trade Partnership.
TTIP is TransATLANTIC Trade and Investment Partnership
So in fact it is nearly the same creepy treaty, but one time for Asia and the other time for Europe.
Been there. Please be sure, that not even the rt-pics do really show the whole show. It was just incredible, how many people jammed the streets… I have never seen so many people at once. The police even stopped the stream from flodding the area for a while. The march was started earlier because the organizers were scared that too many people could crowd the place. Police ordered the sub not to stop at the station, to prevent more people to come… It was just stunning…. Streets were full… As some protesters allready reached the goal of the march (2 miles) most of the rest did was not even able to start from the starting point… You cannot imagine what was going on and how tiny the coverage in the media was.
At least over there they’re aware of it. Here in Murica’ the majority of citizens don’t even know the TPP from LOL.fucking sad.
And apparently, Arthur…neither do you. Fucking sad. ..