Raul Lemesoff, an artist from Buenos Aires, has converted a 1979 Ford Falcon into a tank armored with books on science, poetry and politics to create a ‘Weapon of Mass Instruction’ (or ‘Arma de Instruccion Masiva’) to battle ignorance and spread knowledge, love, laughter, and the joy of learning.
The ‘weapon’ is complete with a swiveling turret, a non-functioning gun and space to store about 900 books – inside and outside of the vehicle – which are given away for free in the hopes of educating and encouraging people to read more. “My missions are very dangerous. I attack people in a very nice and fun way. My primary targets are the youngest, the kids. I don’t do it for money, I don’t do it for fame. I do it because I have fun doing it,” Raul jokes.
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When they are outside and it starts raining it wouldn’t be pretty.
Fantastic idea and an absolutely awesome concept. Spreading knowledge and inspiring creativity. However, what do we see at the very end of the video? Just as we see covering this very page that this video was given to us? Advertising. The Dr Pepper Snaffle Corporation taking credit for it. I’m a full believer in activism and I think that everything Anonymous stands for is exactly what this world needs to move forward amid all this chaos. But the very ideology you’re preaching against is rife throughout your very site and all the links and principles you try spread. Commercials here, advertising there, corporation brand names everywhere. Assess your appearance, as its the first thing the masses become aware of.