Written by: Poirot
A few years ago the Panamanian Government decided to use one Company to provide the Transportation service in the city of Panama.
Previous to this decision the service was provided by many bus owners. The lack of control (towards the owners and drivers) caused many accidents so when the government announced their decision to implement a new system most people agreed.
The transportation service is known as ‘’Metrobus’’ which is managed by the company ‘’Mi Bus’’. The service provided by this company has received many complaints by the users. Some of them are:
- Users claim that the company doesn’t have enough buses. People that live outside the city needs to wake up at 3am just to be at work on time (8am).
- The gigantic lines that users have to do just to board the bus. Lines that could mean up to 3 hours of waiting.
- Buses are dirty, users have seen roaches.
- The A/C doesn’t work properly so it pours water to the people inside.
So far the company has paid $344,000 in sanctions applied by the government.