8 Heartbreaking Photos Exposing Zoos As Animal Prisons


at trueactivist.com


Few animals in zoos are actually endangered; the rest are showcased to the public for entertainment purposes. Gaston Lacombe’s “Captive” series aims to expose this.

While the intention behind starting zoos might have been honorable, many have, unfortunately, become more similar to a car collection than an animal conservation effort.

As animal rights organization PETA has said, wildlife in captivity often “spend much of their time pacing, walking in tight circles, swaying or rolling their heads, and showing other signs of psychological distress.” Obviously, animals will always do best in the wild, roaming free in their natural setting, rather than living in poorly decorated and artificially lit living spaces.

Even the argument for conservation hits a few flat notes. Few animals in captivity are endangered, as Zoos prefer to showcase exotic species to wow the public. This is entertaining to humans, but not beneficial for the animals.

To be fair, there are beneficial organizations aiding in the conservation of endangered animals. The San Diego Zoo, for example, cares for Nola, one of the last four Northern White Rhinos in the world. Without their aid, she would likely be killed by poachers within days.

But, overall, it is the minority seeming to be investing in the well-being of the animal long-term, and this is likely why most animals in captivity live shorter lives than they do in the wild. 

This is exactly what photographer Gaston Lacombe sought to convey when shooting his series entitled “Captive”. The pictures below expose the conditions many animals live in each day, detached from their natural origin. 


Credit: Gaston Lacombe

Credit: Gaston Lacombe

Credit: Gaston Lacombe

Credit: Gaston Lacombe

Credit: Gaston Lacombe

Credit: Gaston Lacombe

Credit: Gaston Lacombe

Credit: Gaston Lacombe

Credit: Gaston Lacombe

Credit: Gaston Lacombe

Credit: Gaston Lacombe

Credit: Gaston Lacombe

Credit: Gaston Lacombe

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  1. My heart is bleeding, how can a zoo treat its wildlife so disrespectful. Save the animal and close the zoo, Help the animal to a better life. help them back to the wild.

  2. Many, many years ago having animals captured and put on display was understandable. People were mostly ignorant of the wonders of the world and these animals served to educate millions of people. Now that humans have photos, television, and computers there is really no need at all to keep animals captive. Zoo’s serve no discernible purpose and in this day and age are more harmful than beneficial.Having Preserves in various regions of a country with various native animals is understandable and may even be beneficial to the survivability of some species. Human’s must evolve, at last, beyond the cage as a method of educating our children.

  3. All these animals in the photos look spiritually broken down. Is this treatment to them living in captivity in a unnatural environment for people to gawk at them being really fair? This is not humane treatment for them and it is not right. There are other ways to learn about animals than seeing them locked down at a zoo. We are now in the modern era and animal abuse will not be tolerated!


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