427 Million MySpace Passwords Leaked on The Internet


We have many social networking websites that are targeted by hackers . In the month of May, 2016, hackers hacked the passwords of 427 million MySpace accounts, selling them on the dark web for good amount. The 14 Gb file that contains the passwords, is now accessible on the Internet for anyone to access and download it at your own risk.

Who Leaked the Hacked Passwords of MySpace on the Internet?

After hackers, there are various cyber security researchers present in the cyber world. The hacked MySpace passwords are leaked by the cyber security researcher, via his blog https://myspace.thecthulhu.com/. This security researcher is known as Thomas White; also know as THECTHULHU, in the cyber world.

Thomas added that “The following contains the alleged data breach from MySpace dating back a few years. As always, I do not provide any guarantees with the file and I leave it down to you to use responsibly and for a productive purpose.

The downloaded file is password protected, which you can get from the his website.

This article (427 Million MySpace Passwords Leaked on The Internet) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author Legion and AnonHQ.com.


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