Written by: Anonymous Watcher
The running theme in the 1980s and 1990s when contemplating the investigations of the pedophile rings in the UK: Westminster and Whitehall; or in the Netherlands, is to “protect the system.” After all, according to Thatcher’s former cabinet minister, Lord Tebbit, who believes a political cover-up “may have” occurred in the 1980s; the establishment’s “collective instinct” was to guard the situation closely.[i]
It is said that at least forty British MP’s are involved with the Westminster pedophile ring cover-up, with Home Secretary, Teresa May paving the way for further investigations, and announcing recently, a review into the 1980s cases of reported child abuse allegations. [ii] Some notable names are involved, including BBC presenter, Jimmy Savile, and former British MP, Cyril Smith, (both now deceased).
Centering the investigation, is the ghastly manifestations that occurred behind the closed doors of Elm Guest House, the alleged suburban London house where the pedophile ring operated in the 1980s. Metropolitan Police initiated Operation Fernbridge with the assistance of childcare professionals, who claim that the inquiry was obstructed by the “establishment.” [iii] [iv]
Cyril Smith and Sir Jimmy Saville
Other names who frequented the Elm Guest House during this time were: Colin Peters, a Foreign Office barrister, who was jailed in 1989;
Colin Peters, a Foreign Office barrister
Anthony Milsom, a convicted pedophile who later had a reduction in his sentence; and Warwick Spinks.
Anthony Martin Milsom, 62, had newspaper cuttings relating to high-profile child murder inquiries
Spinks had supposedly arranged the sale of a boy to a brothel in Amsterdam. Since then, he was arrested in 2012 after more than 15 years on the run from officials, after being located in Prague, Czech Republic. According to a 2012 article in The Mirror, Spinks was “identified as a dangerous child abuser with links to pedophile rings in the UK and Europe.”[v]
Evil Warwick Spinks, 48, who has a horrific history of kidnapping , abusing and selling young boys, was flown back to the UK after being arrested in Prague in the Czech Republic.
This isn’t the first time an elite pedophile ring has been covered up with the assistance of government officials.Considering this, with the current investigation of the missing dossiers containing the names of high ranking politicians and the Westminster pedophile ring, the same raised eyebrows could equally question the circumstances surrounding the silenced Rolodex investigation of Joris Demmink in 1998 in the Netherlands. Despite Demmink having somewhat forty accusations against him from this time, he was elected to the Dutch Secretary-General of the Ministry of Security and Justice from 2002 until he retired in 2012.[vi]
Prince Claus, husband of Queen Beatrix
During the Rolodex Investigation, Dutch prosecutors were working hard on bringing a gang of child abusers to trial. This investigation scrutinized some of the supposed main players of the ring, and police were ready to arrest and search homes when the operation came to a sudden halt.[vii] The names included Demmink, along with Frits Salomonson, court judge in Amsterdam and judicial advisor to Queen Beatrix; Prince Claus, husband of Queen Beatrix (whose father established the Bilderbergs);
Dutch Secretary-General of the Ministry of Security and Justice
Job de Ruiter and Ger van Roon, both high standing professors at the Free Univeristy of Amsterdam; and District Attorney, Henry Hans Holthuis. [viii] It is suggested that Demmink, in his position, tipped off the suspects by leaking information from the prosecution. The Rolodex investgation ended before it ever had a chance to start.
Flora exminister Job de Ruiter
Currently, the investigations have reopened. According to The Express in January this year, “The news comes as Dutch police prepare to re-open an investigation into child sex, which may be broadened to include British pedophiles operating in the Netherlands…Last week, Dutch prosecutors confirmed they are to investigate the Netherlands former justice ministry secretary-general Joris Demmink for allegedly raping two Turkish boys.[ix] It doesn’t stop there, with the Netherlands own Savile possiblity – entertainer Paul de Leeuwlinked to Demmink, by a witness, interviewed by journalist, Micha Kat.[x]
The question now remains, with evidence resurfacing for investigations, after years of neglect and burial by the elite groups who are involved, with new members willing to stand against them…will justice finally carry the day?
Don’t forget the catch phrase for the Ministry of Justice that Demmink ran in the Netherlands: “To build a just and safe society.”[xi]
I’ll let you be the judge and jury of this one.
[i] Rajeev Syal (July 7 2014). “Tebbit hints at sex abuse cover-up as pressure over missing files intensifies.” The Guardian. Retrieved 18 July 2014. http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/jul/06/norman-tebbit-theresa-may-cover-up-child-abuse-dossier
[ii] The Mole (7 July 2014) “Westminster paedophile claims: May reacts to inquiry pressure.” Retrieved 16th July, 2014. http://www.theweek.co.uk/politics/child-abuse-inquiry/59322/westminster-paedophile-claims-may-reacts-to-inquiry-pressure
[iii] Martin Hickman (3 March 2013) “Police failings put dozens of children at risk from notorious paedophile ring.” The Independent. Retrieved 19 July 2014. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/police-failings-put-dozens-of-children-at-risk-from-notorious-paedophile-ring-8518522.html
[iv] Andrew Winning (12 July 2014) “Too many of them: Warnings on pedophiles operating in Westminster were ignored.” Reuters. Retrieved 16th July, 2014. http://rt.com/uk/172348-pedophiles-westminster-warnings-ignored/
[v] Keir Mudie (17 November 2012) “Snared: Britain’s most wanted paedophile flown back to face justice after 15 years on the run.” The Daily Mirror. UK. Retrieved 19 July 2014. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/warwick-spinks-britains-most-wanted-1443407
[vi] (5 March 2014) “Witness claims justice minister knew Joris Demmink was connected to paedophile inquiry.” Amsterdam Herald. Retrieved 19 July 2014. http://www.amsterdamherald.com/index.php/rss/1163-20140305-witness-claims-justice-minister-knew-joris-demmink-was-connected-to-paedophile-inquiry-netherlands-dutch-courts
[vii] (4 March 2010) “911: Joris Demmink scandal.” The Babylon Matrix. Retrieved 19 July 2014. http://www.thebabylonmatrix.com/index.php?title=911:Joris_Demmink_scandal
[viii] “De Demmink Doofpot.” Het Dossier. Retrieved 19 July 2014.https://www.demminkdoofpot.nl/pagina/institute-for-the-study-globalization-and-covert-politics-isgp.html
[ix]James Fielding (26 January 2014) “BBC embroiled in further scandal as executive ‘filmed Dutch child abuse movies’”The Express. UK. Retrieved 19 July 2014. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/456106/BBC-embroiled-in-further-scandal-as-executive-filmed-Dutch-child-abuse-movies
[x] (6 September 2013) “Joris Demmink abused children together with prince Claus in the sex cellars of Frits Salomonson on the Keizers-canal in Amsterdam” Rolodex Interview via Micha Kat transcript Jan 16 2011. Retrieved 19 July 2014. http://maudoortwijn.wordpress.com/2013/09/06/joris-demmink-abused-children-together-with-prince-claus-in-the-sex-cellars-of-frits-salomonson-on-the-keizers-canal-in-amsterdam/
[xi] The Hague Justice Portal Site. http://www.haguejusticeportal.net/index.php?id=320
Chiedetevi perchè cercano sesso con i più giovani…..è questa la vera domanda da porsi.
jakiś anonimus jest polakiem ?
My neighbour is John Stingemore who 40 years ago used to work with the Elm Guest House mentioned! He has been arrested twice but is still in his home and has been delaying the court case for over 2 years now. It’s now been delayed till May next year, again due to ill health, which will make it nearly 3 years! He hasn’t defended himself for over 2 years about these disgusting allegations! Is it normal to be able to delay defending such allegations for so long? <3
Good article but Micha Kat was exposed as a fed agent by other Dutch writers. So even the force against these pedophiles is controlled opposition. Micha Kat and his cameraman Eric Donk are both paid feds. Micha receives 4000 euro monthly to write against Demmink. He admitted this in a radio interview.
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