We’re all aware of the existence of the few elite and their eternal foes, the “unwashed” masses (us.) We’re aware of the growing disparity between classes, regardless of creed and religion. It isn’t a matter of culture: Asian, European, Anglo, Hispanic, Arabic; or religion: Muslim, Catholic, Protestant or Atheist. These are simply the banners placed on us to promote separatist views; all the while we as a people, are slaves to the elitist system.
But what promotes this system? What’s the “life force” in which it propels with such a vigour and contempt?
Michael Tellinger, a former author and songwriter has established a South African political party with the aim of closing down the South African Reserve Bank and introducing interest-free home loans with a People’s Bank. His theory of slavery from the perspective of the elites’ is this:
“The race issue based on skin colour is a deeply emotional one among many that has caused unimaginable separation and was used very craftily to position large groups of people against each other. This is a wake-up call to all those who believe they are free because of race or class or wealth. We have all been denied freedom and dignity, trapped in a life of servitude to the banking families and their economic stranglehold on our planet – no matter what colour our skin may be.”[1]
The below clip is also an interesting insight into the shift of human consciousness toward social upheaval, created by the system of “divide and conquer”.
[1] UBUNTU Liberation Movement Website. (2015). Retrieved from http://www.ubuntuparty.org.za/
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This is so shitty ! we want to lead the world ? Every Group needs A Leader and in Every Group there are people, which do not follow their own laws, wanting to become the leader without the agreement of the other groupmembers. So the chosen leader needs to be protected thats whats the police for. And a President needs to be payed well so nobody can buy his mind and thats the way we build our System of Power. If we do not agree with our goverment we are able to cange it ! There is a system called election, everybody – and you can use it.
But you americans do want to vote fairly there are only 2 Partys in your country. Maybe you are the stupid one and not only your goverment…
Greetings from a free country
No country is free, they all owe money to the banks, money has enslaved everyone there is always a better way. look up the world debt clock. If you want proof look how Libya set up its own independent bank and was invaded by countries that are already enslaved to the $, look at how Brics nations are being sanctioned by Europe and nato, because they have set up their own bank. the answer is.. A society where people contribute, trade goods for services, The government no longer represents ordinary people, it now represents 1% of the population, and controls, represses, spys on and eliminates the remainder. it needs to change. there are people who have a great understanding of the problems and solutions, Find them, and follow them.
Well said. Be the change you want instead of just talking or thinking about it and find others who feel the same. Strength in numbers!
Sorry Germany, we all saw what happened last time you all tried “to lead the world”. That cards been revoked by kinda everyone…
We wouldnt need leaders and taxes if we all were social and fair human beings…
Germany, a free Country???? Hahahaha please!!
I’m from Switzerland and if there is one free country left in Europe it’s here. But even here we are not free at all, even know we have the best democratic system in the world. Why? Because it doesn’t matter how much things you can change, it’s not changing the system, it’s changing the people who run it. And that’s why Germany is absolutely not free as long as every country in the World.
The fact that you are allowd to vote is decided by the system. One very famour and respected french actor once said: “If voting would change anything, it would be forbidden” and he’s absolutely right… the facts are here to prove that no matter what or who we choose to lead us, they end up doing what the corporations that own then are demanding, nothing more, nothing less.
greetings from germany aswell… if you think germany is a free country i have to break you illusion… we are definetly not free… not even close… you will have a long road ahead of you until you wake up… elections are rigged… if you can only “choose” between a or b its not an election even if there are 40 parties or more… those with enough cash will win elections no matter what… our “leaders” bowed for the americans dispite the fact that they spied at all of us… any sanctions? nope rather sanction russia for doing what again?
And the problem is the money.
P.S. I have an idea for a working structure – system without money.
how are you going to initialize that idea?
what’s that idea
Look up the venus project
^ Bingo.
The Venus Project is the best answer we have at the moment.
money is not the problem though it was created for trade. however greed is the problem. im playing the blame game here, but really greed is the problem. eliminating money from our society could be ga good solution to greed, i agree with you on that completely.
Yep it’s GREED of highly educated people who get top rank positions in govt or corporations.
As an American, my opinion and I’m quite certain the opinion of many others, is that our voting system is flawed and who attains or remains in any political office is decided by an elitist group, not the American people. Our individual votes are meaningless…
Our supposedly “elected” officials are corrupt, interpret our Constitution to please them and repeatedly get caught up in criminal activities with no charges pressed against them. It all gets swept under the White House rug…
Look at how many have been in power for 30+ years! It’s a good old boy/girl network of thieves and they ALL need to go…
A single 4-year term in office (no matter how poorly they did their job), guarantees them a hefty retirement fund for the rest of their lives.
Serving 20+ years in our military will net you a retirement that borders near the poverty line & a medical care system that is slowly being dissolved bit by bit…
Laws that are mandatory for the average American citizen do not apply to them, such as Obama Care…
I could rant on this subject all night but would only be wasting my time.
America is doomed and will collapse due to our own crooked governments hands!
Agree. America is doomed….but it’s not going down alone.
Well, the bad news is that this isn’t going on only in the USA. I’m from Brazil and here we have the exact same situation. And we look for your country as an example of advanced society!
You guys think your country is fucked up, but you should take a look at us down here, in the third world. We have a corrupted government, corrupted corporations making billions with illegal transactions WITH the govern, we are forced to spend more than 80% of our monthly earnings with taxes to receive NOTHING in return… The infrastructure of our country is a mess, ZERO security on streets and we aren’t even allowed to carry a gun, public healthcare is a guaranteed death sentence… But people think it’s fine, they prefer to keep watching their football every weekend, blaming politicians that they keep reelecting every 4 years.
If you think that America is doomed, then we here are already in the 9th Hell.
The problem is that there will always be people above and below us. No matter the system you create, someone has to grow your food, someone has to make you cloths and someone has to generate your power. You can make a new system and call it fair, but all you will really do is change who has the power. For any kind of system, government or company to work there has to be a hierarchy and those at the top will always be the richest and most powerful.
Fair enough that the top positions have best salaries BUT they also have the most responsibility HENCE they should get their salary AFTER they have done a job which is promised. For example Politicians positions! Greedy fuckers should get a good salary and free holidays somewhere, so they can re-charge their batteries after campaigns and elections, then GET seriously PRODUCTIVE before receiving rest of salary.
they got it all wrong though. we are humans and we are animals. thats just what we are, there is no denying in that. we have deep subcounsious emotions, instincts who are necceccary for survival. agression, fear, sexual desire. we will continue to fuck, fight and fear the unknown. its our animal nature. but we can also learn, we have the ability to learn, so we can learn who to fuck, who to fight, and what to fear and what not. face it guys, we are not robots, we are beasts its what we are.
I guess my only question is how the People’s Bank is supposed to maintain its revenue if it’s giving interest free loans to people. Unless it is highly subsidized by the Government. HIGHLY subsidized.