Written by: EV
The Harry Potter Alliance has re-launched the ‘Odds in Our Favor’ social justice campaign. The group has created #MyHungerGames with the hopes that people will share their stories of struggle.
“#MyHungerGames aims to put action to those words. The Harry Potter Alliance is calling on the public to join the real-life District 13 — to hack the Hunger Games narratives, and to open up the pervasive personal narratives of the daily realities of income inequality in much the same way that the great #YesAllWomen did with the daily realities of misogyny.”
Their mission: The Harry Potter Alliance turns fans into heroes. We’re changing the world by making activism accessible through the power of story. Since 2005, we’ve engaged millions of fans through our work for equality, human rights, and literacy.
Many Americans are tweeting their struggles, from choosing which day of the week they will not eat, to choosing whether to buy their own medications or their children’s. Walmart workers have joined in as well, using the iconic three-finger solute from the Hunger Games film—a series set in a future dystopia where the poor live at the whims of a powerful ruling class.
Check out #myhungergames and the Harry Potter Alliance to learn more.
The Harry Potter Alliance. (http://thehpalliance.org/)
Jilani, Zaid. Alter Net. Nov 22, 2014. (http://www.alternet.org/activism/activists-launch-myhungergames-tell-real-story-american-inequality)
Yin, Maryann. Media Bistro. Nov 25, 2014. (http://www.mediabistro.com/galleycat/the-harry-potter-alliance-re-launches-the-odds-in-our-favor-campaign_b94255)
a few years ago I tried to expose how certain taxi operators abused their privilege in driving a taxi in the far north. I provided over a half a dozen complainants on abuse by taxi drivers. The outcome by police was that no one wanted to make a statement. I talked to three individuals who made a statement to me and three said the police never contacted them at all and they were irate about the outcome. The others I never contacted to see if the police contacted them. Why should we trust taxi cabs when they may abuse women and police do nothing about it.
You can use the rule of law against the police for putting taxi drivers rights above you when no one is to be put over one another but equally. The police is violating your rights, and that could send them to jail
I can’t seem to get people to listen. But everyday I sit
at home while the world is crumbling around me. It makes me sad and frustrated because I want to do something but I don’t know what I can do but I can’t just sit here day after day doing nothing. I want 2 get involved and I want to help other people wake up. I’m amazed at how ignorant ppl still are. I always felt things were not right and now I know why. Even if I have to leave my family nobody here listens or understands what I’m going through or what is really going on and it’s depressing to have nobody believe you even when you show them that it’s not just you. I would rather be around ppl who believe like me doing something about it. I thank u so much for all your hard work and am so grateful for courage and love for humanity at least that how I see you willing 2 put ur lives on the line well I feel I would like 2 also I’m not afraid 4 me but I am for others who might have to endure horrible days if it were not for ppl like us.
I understand what you’re feeling… It’s the same thing for me. So I decided to become a human being. Something more than just a man. Try to change yourself first. Then, you’ll be ready to go and guide the world around you.
It bothers me that every day there are new violations to our rights as human beings, every day these “elites” are able to sit back and live the life of luxury while the rest of the human populace is left behind to crumble and slowly get killed off. We are no pest, and we are no livestock. There must be change on behalf of the people of America. Daily, the media deviates the populace from the truth of what is really going on in our country. We as people are too preoccupied with our hard lives of lack in income to barely make ends meet for our families. We are too busy being broken down and isolated by the government. We need to unite and exercise our rights that our founding fathers left in writing for us to live by.
I strongly agree, if many people were to stand up for themselves and notice what is happening, we all can make change using our rights to our advantage. The rule of law can be used to our advantage to put a stop to all this unfairness and create a more fair government, might still be flawless, but we will be treated with more equality and fair
Hi. IT s nothing about but I know somebody
That lost his job and must go back to italia because of an other men that still
About 2m $ to him.
I want to do something but I need help
Of the ANONYMOUS. PLS thanks.