Written by: EV
Anonymous and the Ku Klux Klan hate group continue to while the grand jury finally decided not to indict Officer Darren Wilson for the murder of unarmed 18-year-old, Michael Brown. Tensions began to rise after Frank Ancona, leader of the KKK’s Missouri operations, threatened to use lethal force against Ferguson protesters during the expected turmoil in the days to come.
After distributing fliers in the metropolitan St. Louis area warning protesters that there would be consequences for their actions, Ancona later appeared on MSNBC where he equated some demonstrators to terrorists. The KKK has specifically called out activist Bassam Masri as well, claiming he threatened police while live-streaming one of the protests. Masri has dismissed the accusation;
“If they want to perpetuate hate, we can’t stop them, but we can surely let them know we ain’t going for it. They are using the KKK to change the narrative to something they want, which is a race war which we are not advocating for, taking the story off [Missouri Governor Jay] Nixon, [St. Louis Country prosecutor Bob] McCulluch, and Darren Wilson,” he states. “It’s ok for the KKK to hate folks but God forbid a minority speaks up.”
In a recently released YouTube video, Anonymous met the KKK’s threats with a warning of their own.
#OpKKK and #HoodsOff are now in effect, and the KKK’s Twitter account, @KuKluxKlanUSA, was taken over. On Sunday the 16th, their account tweeted, “You should’ve expected us. #OpKKK continues to be a success. Freedom will prevail.”
A tweet published the next day showed an image of a unicorn from the same Twitter handle with the quote, “And finally, here’s a unicorn J”
Following this tweet, the Grand Wizard of the KKK released this direct threat, “we will hunt you down and tear those masks from your face. You’ll be strung up next to the chimps. On display for the whole world to see. The Klan is to be feared, not threatened.”
Frank Ancona addressed Anonymous’ actions with threats of violence, claiming that anyone wearing an Anonymous mask could be shot. “You pathetic n***** lovers are going down, we’re not hiding. We’re not ashamed of who we are and what we represent. The invisible empire cannot and will not be overthrown, [sic].”
Anonymous is now monitoring KKK servers, and their warning is clear as well;
“Anything you upload will be taken down. Anything you use to promote the KKK will be shut down. We are not attacking you because of what you believe in, as we fight for freedom of speech. We are attacking you because of your threats to use lethal attack against us at the Ferguson protests.”
“We are the law now.”
Anonymous issued this additional statement, claiming they have information that may link Darren Wilson to a Missouri Chapter of the KKK.
Related Articles:
-> Anonymous Revealing Ku Klux Klan’s Identities
-> Anonymous Hacks Ku Klux Klan’s Twitter Account
Link: Protect your PC and mobile devices from hackers & governments and surf anonymously
The Free Thought Project. Nov 15, 2014. (http://thefreethoughtproject.com/missouri-kkk-lethal-force-ferguson-protesters/)
The Free Thought Project. (http://thefreethoughtproject.com/video-anonymous-sends-warning-police-kkk-ferguson-we-law-now/#RTIpczLuxrrvbgiy.99)
Grisham, Lori. USA TODAY. Nov 18, 2014. (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2014/11/18/anonymous-hacks-kkk-twitter-accounts-ferguson-threats/19215047/)
Inquisitr. Nov 20, 2014. (http://www.inquisitr.com/1625053/ferguson-kkk-threat-anonymous-mask-wearing-nr-lovers-will-be-strung-up-next-to-chimps/)
Scher Zagier, Alan and Gross, Andale. Associated Press. Nov 24, 2014. (http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/attorney-ferguson-grand-jury-has-reached-decision/ar-BBfxHNc?ocid=ansnewsap11)
Stop saying you “have evidence” Wilson is KKK…show the damned shit…if its true, he can’t be a cop..cant stand people who “say” they know something…
The evidence is not being released to protect the person who originally released it….it will not be released until that person is safe and no longer in danger…if you can’t understand these circumstances, then too bad for you!
how come you cant come up with the evidenece Obama is a Kenyan, because we know he is, its too late to stop him, but just knowing is what millions of Americans are waiting for….we know you can do it, so why havent you? Did he pay you off too?
Bring up birther garbage on an Anonymous thread is dumb. They have more important work to do than go after fiction.
President Obama was born in Hawaii. You are just another racist idiot on the wrong side of history.
but yet he still wont tell us were he is originally from u idiot
Deb, hon, your logic is off. Let the people who can think logically discuss this, mmmkay?
“Anonymous and the Ku Klux Klan hate group continue to…” Continue to what? There seems to be something missing from the first sentence.
Meanwhile these guys continue to mock Anon, the protesters, and make threats to both on their own pages. https://plus.google.com/communities/113082599409808430534 These guys are a sister community to the KKK and the members are either full members or admitted ghoul squad. Why isn’t Anon doing anything about them? Why do they get a free pass?
well sir, if the information has been gained by hacking it isn’t legal proof to use against him.
What are you talking about? Did you even see the community, or the individual members pages? None of the information I speak of needs to be hacked because its all out publicly. Check the members public post histories it’s all there.
Anon is changing the world one step at a time. I fully believe in what we stand for and I am glad there are people who are not afraid to stand up for what is really right.
You stand for dictatorship because you sure as hell dont stand for democracy forcing on others your own beliefs.
So since they forced their beliefs on you, you now think exactly like they do. Amazing, that was so easy.
Do you know what real democracy entails? The United States isn’t a Democracy, its a constitutional republic.
In a Democracy, the majority have the right to decide everything. So if there’s enough of a group to force their ideology on someone, then yes, that is democracy in action.
When are you going to deal with African dictators? Anon should shut down Gambia government websites for having blocked online newspapers that provide alternative news.
So you threaten the police and kkk and give a free pass to the lawbreakers? Yeah that’s justice. And threatening the police and kkk you guys are nothing but geeks and nerds. What are you going to do challenge them to a chess game? Meanwhile the morons destroyed their own community, nice that you give them a pass.
“hate group”?
Somebody who pretends to be anti-system sure likes to use mainstream media terms!
1. hate is not a crime
2. hate is subjective, who defines what is hate? You?
A hate Group is the name of a group whose main thing is hating something. KKK hates Black people. That’s why.
Yes you are correct lol
My question to you is, how are we “pretending” to be antisystem? Hasn’t almost everything we’ve done since our going public been against our corrupt and hypocritical government? We don’t pretend to be anything. We are what we are.
We aren’t “pretending” to be anything. If we were only pretending to be antisystem, would we be targeting and attacking the corrupt government country? Maybe you need to do a little more research on the terms you use instead of pretending to know what you’re talking about
are kidding me? kkk – hate group indeed! just take a look at their history before writing stupid things!!!
so u got something against them
Anon doesn’t have any information about Wilson. They are a BS panzy group. All of them are foreigners and nerdy white kids stuck in their mommas basement
Why aren’t they doing this, why aren’t they doing that. Seriously you should listen to you self. These guys are the closest we come to superheroes today – go do som god your on your own….
The GAY klux klan lmaooooo
My hero
Direct quote from this article:
Frank Ancona addressed Anonymous’ actions with threats of violence, claiming that anyone wearing an Anonymous mask could be shot. “You
pathetic n***** lovers are going down, we’re not hiding. We’re not
ashamed of who we are and what we represent. The invisible empire cannot
and will not be overthrown, [sic].”
“The invisible empire” -their leader of that pathetic little hate group actually used the term “the invisible empire” in referring to his own hate group. So this matches what; their invisible castles and invisible super capes?
Proof (if proof were needed), that some people do indeed need a heavy dose of medication and yet are not getting the treatment they obviously need.
Yeah for anonymous! Personally i think the kkk should be shut down forever for hating other people who were born a differant color and include other hate groups for hating genders, color, hieght etc.
Hats off to you, Anonymous. Great work. 🙂
it is time to get all the info on neo nazi scum…time to publish it everywhere
Anonymous Thank you for giving a voice for many folks….
anonymous 4 forever
Anon is the law, expect us!
We don’t hide behind sheets anymore like you masked cyber geeks..Your brand of activism and anarchy is exactly what our enemies want. And the only thing you people will think to say is insults. Not one of you can explain how what you are about would be a benefit to me or my family. Shut up and pay your taxes and be thankful you live here assholes.
Screw the KKK they are a bunch of whining cops that like to parade around in their white bedsheets (or kitchen curtains – take your pick) F%^& you KKK go back to the 1300’s and fk yourselves..
The kkk hates more than just black people. They hate people of any other race thats a not white. If you’re not of the same religion as the kkk they hate you. Even more so the Jewish people more than anything else.
In all truth I say let the KKK fight the Westboro Baptist Church in a deathmatch get rid of two evils in one ring
This is “The” reason the internet can not belong to a government, it is the voice of true reason, it is the confluance of the peole it is understanding that the freedom of speech is to be allowed at all cost and to that end truth and justice.
“We are not attacking you because of what you believe in, as we fight for freedom of speech. ”