26 February is Internet Slowdown Day organised by Battle for the Net to show how the Internet would look (below) if the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allows Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to offer fast lanes to higher paying customers.
If the FCC declares the Internet a telecommunications service under Title II of the Communications Act, the real net-neutrality protections could hold up in court. On 26 February, the FCC is going to vote on the stringent net-neutrality rules to bar ISPs from blocking websites, slowing down traffic, or striking any pay-for-priority deals eventually classifying Internet service under Title II.
“I am submitting to my colleagues the strongest open Internet protections ever proposed by the FCC. My proposal assures the rights of Internet users to go where they want, when they want, and the rights of innovators to introduce new products without asking anyone’s permission,” FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler wrote in an op-ed for Wired.
If the proposed FCC rules fail to get enough votes and the ISPs have their way, it would break net neutrality as the Internet would then be divided into a fast and a slow lane. Battle for the Net says that net neutrality is impossible when wealthy companies pay ISPs to deliver their content more quickly on Internet fast lanes.
Battle for the Net’s campaign is aimed to flood Washington with calls and emails to show lawmakers that the whole Internet is watching. The campaign asks Internet users/companies to spread the world via Twitter, mobilize the web by placing a floating banner on website’s homepage, send one push notification to mobile app users, change profile photos on social networks to the spinning wheel and share the below images everywhere.
Want to show your support in real life? Get the Team Internet shirt.
IT IS NOT ABOUT COST! Anon, YOU should know that. IT IS THE FINAL BATTLE IN FREE SPEECH, CENSORSHIP, PRIVACY. Comcast, buying Time Warner, builds “tube” into their internet portals for Comcast to gather data on you; FCC agrees BUT DEMANDS ENTRANCE TO TUBE. Granted. Now the central gov will be able to regulate (Constitution says “regulate” commerce BUT in 1791 when written “regulate” meant ENCOURAGE, but we took it to Bureaucracy. I.E. the gov will be able to look inside your computer and take whatever they want. A virtual Comcast project mgr (since quit) of this “new” net to supposedly raise prices for Netflex but us just corporate GREED, described it all as his “colleagues” Millennials as he is were mere dumb robots for the new VIDEO game. NET NEUTRALITY is all about FREEDOM not just paying more–we will always pay more! IT IS THE FINAL BATTLE ANON AND YOU SPEAK OF COST? My time of trying was the 60’s-72; betrayed; YOUR TIME is NOW stop the “monitoring” and start TRUTH! Hack FCC if Media Research can why can’t you?
IT IS NOT ABOUT COST! Anon, YOU should know that. IT IS THE FINAL BATTLE IN FREE SPEECH, CENSORSHIP, PRIVACY. Comcast, buying Time Warner, builds “tube” into their internet portals for Comcast to gather data on you; FCC agrees BUT DEMANDS ENTRANCE TO TUBE. Granted. Now the central gov will be able to regulate (Constitution says “regulate” commerce BUT in 1791 when written “regulate” meant ENCOURAGE, but we took it to Bureaucracy. I.E. the gov will be able to look inside your computer and take whatever they want. A virtual Comcast project mgr (since quit) of this “new” net to supposedly raise prices for Netflex but us just corporate GREED, described it all as his “colleagues” Millennials as he is were mere dumb robots for the new VIDEO game. NET NEUTRALITY is all about FREEDOM not just paying more–we will always pay more! IT IS THE FINAL BATTLE ANON AND YOU SPEAK OF COST? My time of trying was the 60’s-72; betrayed; YOUR TIME is NOW stop the “monitoring” and start TRUTH! Hack FCC if Media Research can why can’t you?