When Russia decided to bomb ISIS, the US government was quick to accuse Russia of worsening the situation, bombing civilians etc. All without proof, of course, because we are often expected to trust the word of the US government as being true regardless of its own tawdry track-record- both in the realm of human rights and in the realm of telling-the-truth (the CIA’s lie about its torture program actual combines the best from BOTH realms).
As though to flaunt this strange discrepancy, the US promptly decided to bomb a hospital run by Doctors Without Borders, just one day after making its Russian-evil allegations, despite being warned beforehand by Doctors Without Borders (AKA Medicins Ssn Frontieres) that there were no terrorists in the vicinity:
Medicins Sans Frontieres (MSF) frantically phoned NATO and Washington as bombs rained down on its staff working at the trauma centre in Kunduz.
One medic described how patients unable to escape “burned to death as they lay in their beds”.
MSF says it gave the co-ordinates of the hospital to US and Afghan forces several times to avoid being caught in a crossfire – including earlier this week.
“Precise location of our Kunduz hospital communicated to all parties on multiple occasions over past months,” the group said on Twitter.
Doctors Without Borders called the bombing a War Crime, and demanded a “full transparent investigation”:
“The reality is the U.S. dropped those bombs. The U.S. hit a huge hospital full of wounded patients and MSF staff. The U.S. military remains responsible for the targets it hits, even though it is part of a coalition. There can be no justification for this horrible attack. With such constant discrepancies in the U.S. and Afghan accounts of what happened, the need for a full transparent independent investigation is ever more critical.”
Transparent? Independent? Screw that, the US is letting the Pentagon investigate its own murder of civilians:
President Barack Obama has said the Pentagon is carrying out “a full investigation” and he expects “a full accounting of the facts and circumstances.”
I notice that he left out the word “transparent”. Bring on the black redacting markers!
The narrative continues to evolve; first, they claimed that the Afghans had called in the strike… then, they admitted that it was in fact the US administration which had ordered the bombing.
Stating the obvious at this point, the president for Doctors Without Borders stated that “We cannot rely on internal military investigations by the U.S., NATO and Afghan forces.”
Notice how the mainstream media has gotten away with calling this murder an “accident”…? Who cares what Doctors Without Borders thinks, it’s no war crime… Who cares if the Afghans had admitted that they believed that there were Taliban inside (somehow justifying the murder of the OTHER civilians and the bombing of a civilian structure being run by Doctors Without Borders) only to change their story mid-stream… let’s just randomly accuse Russia of purposely killing civilians instead.
You see, there’s actually a VERY good reason to call this a war crime; Doctors Without Borders treats EVERYONE who comes to its hospital, and this INCLUDES Taliban fighters. The US, or at the very least its Afghan allies, thus have motive to destroy the hospital- to deny treatment to their foes, to hell with the doctors and civilians there as well. There probably were Taliban fighters there; they just happened to be patients– the execution of whom would fit the very definition of a war crime:
• killing or wounding a combatant who has surrendered or is otherwise hors de combat (unable to fight)
• making medical or religious personnel, medical units or medical
• destroying property not required by military necessity.
• making medical or religious personnel, medical units or medical transports the object of attack
This is not even mentioning the fact that other civilian patients were killed as well- even CHILDREN
• making the civilian population or individual civilians, not taking a direct part in hostilities, the object of attack
• launching an attack in the knowledge that such attack will cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects which would be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated
• making non-defended localities and demilitarized zones the object of attack
That the mainstream media has been quite so quick to call this an “accident”, while trumpeting internal investigations, suggests that the establishment actually KNOWS that this IS a war crime- they KNOW that an international investigation would probably result in US credibility being thrown in the gutter, and the heads of some top brass would have to be presented to the People on a platter.
Sources: The Intercept, PBS, CNN, SKY News, International Committee of The Red Cross
This Article (Doctors W/O Borders: The US Committed A War Crime | US: K’. We’ll Just “Investigate” Ourselves) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author(CoNN) and AnonHQ.com.
Because they are in “charge”, the USA will never face any punishment for its war crimes, they are one of the biggest human rights violators and no one does a shit!.
Then lets form a plan? I have lots of ideas but no technical skills( I am trying to learn however), anyone willing to collaborate? All we need is proof this was done on purpose, i.e electronic messages sent by the people in charge of this operation, or even time stamps of phone calls or messages from MSF to us/allied forces to prove this clearly wasn’t a mistake, then send that information to the U.N. and keep a backup copy in case it gets “lost” when its handed in. Thoughts?(ik we need more proof then that I just don’t want to list ALL of it)