You may not have heard the news recently but last week it was reported by USA Today that the FBI ran a public website which disclosed and shared tens of thousands of illegal child pornographic images/video’s. You can read the full article here: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/01/21/fbi-ran-website-sharing-thousands-child-porn-images/79108346/
To summarize the FBI infiltrated and hijacked the largest known trafficker of child pornography on the internet and for a period of two weeks ran the web site as administrators. The purpose in doing so was to trace all the visitors to the site and find all the people who interacted with and used the web site. In essence the FBI went undercover as owners of the web site and used the previously established infrastructure to fight crime.
The troubling fact of the matter though is that during the two weeks the FBI’s operated the web page, federal prosecutors admitted to defense attorneys that the site distributed “more than 23,000 sexually explicit images and videos of children. Some of those could be downloaded directly from the government’s computers.” This means the the FBI literally broke federal laws on child pornography and directly engaged in illegal activity in an effort to find other people breaking those same laws.
As a result of their actions however, the FBI is said to have found the IP addresses of more than 1,300 violators will be charging 137 individuals with a crime. Besides violating federal laws, the FBI’s actions in this matter raise into question serious ethical concerns. Spokespeople from the FBI have defended their actions saying “We had a window of opportunity to get into one of the darkest places on Earth, and not a lot of other options except to not do it, there was no other way we could identify as many players…..The decision whether to simply shut down a website or to allow it to continue operating for a brief period for a law enforcement purpose is a difficult one. ”
Source: http://www.justice.gov/criminal-ceos/citizens-guide-us-federal-law-child-pornography
This just adds to the conversation surrounding the government, federal laws, and the fact that the same laws which govern the citizens of the country not applying to Federal agencies or Federal officials. It only speaks to the disconnect many people feel against their government. Why is that the laws which every citizen in this country must abide by not apply to Federal organizations? If the FBI, CIA, DHS, NSA can all break laws and violate the constitution then what is the point of having the constitution at all?
Everyone wants child pornographers off the street and in jail, that is not the point here. The question remains is illegally distributing 23,000 videos and images worth the capture of 137 people? Should the FBI officials who shared these images, in doing so breaking federal law, also be charged with a crime?
This article (FBI Illegally Shared Child Pornography To Catch Criminals. Should They Go To Prison As Well?) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article using a creative commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ. Join the conversation at www.anonboards.com
fuck yeah they should go to jail
Yeah i think so too, and Europol too!
Sry, i am new hear, but Europol did the same thing about 5 years ago. And they still have the servers i think, could you proove this ANON? I really have hard evidence that they did the same thing.
Federal Law on Child Pornography States: “Images of child pornography are not protected under First Amendment rights, and are illegal contraband under federal law. Section 2256 of Title 18, United States Code, defines child pornography as any visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct involving a minor (someone under 18 years of age). Visual depictions include photographs, videos, digital or computer generated images…….Federal law prohibits the production, distribution, reception, and possession of an image of child pornography using or affecting any means or facility of interstate or foreign commerce…….Any individual who attempts or conspires to commit a child pornography offense is also subject to prosecution under federal law.”
This is crazy of course they need to go on trial. If it was my kids pictures they were distributing to ducked up mother duckers, I would flip sh!t.
why wouldn’t they just try to computer generate stuff that looks like it. If the material was actively distributed and stopped immedidiately it would be fine. what the fbi needs is direct communication with local police officers on a direct duty to these types of operations, this way you could quarantine the materials and stop them from spreading while using as bait. as soon as a download is started the ip’s should be tracked immediately and officers alerted. And there are people that have to sift through hard drives in the law enforcement career area, im sure they don’t like it but it must be done to detect wrongdoing in a case with suspicion. if the material that they hosted for a short time was already hosted and spread you cant knock them for using it for a short period of time, as long as they were actively stopping the downloads and arresting people immediately.
The main problem with that is that the LEAs are the ones primarily distributing the content in the first place, to encourage as many unwanted men as possible to get caught up in child porn.
If over 95% of child sexual abuse is infamilia, and it is rare someone records their crime what image are we talking about? Law enforcement has reviewed more than 121.6 million images and videos but stated the majority of those are duplicates. Practically all the sexually explicit images of children circulating cybernetically except for sexting images kids make themselves. Parents should chill their cognitive dissonance when they remember when they were a kid and shake with horror because they expect their kids to do all the ass hole things they did with a Polaroid camera. Well guess what ?? They are !! Stop arresting people for looking at the images they THEMSELVES posted and get over it; allow kids to explore their sexuality by living and learning. For those that profess to be holier than thou do not let your angst control you. You can not Legislate sexuality they already tried it was called the Inquisition. The rest of the images are from a stack of yellowing pages found at the back of X-rated shops when it was legal now their digitized. These pictures from what I have read tend to twenty to fifty years old, made overseas, badly re-reproduced, and chaste. That’s why federal agents never show journalists the contraband. People seem to love being lied to from Weapons of Mass Destruction, to kerosene melts steel and their kids are more important than the over FIVE MILLION children killed via US bombs in the Middle East. www dot TruthMovement dot us