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Man Guns Down 3 People In America
A gunman from Colorado Springs, United States, has gone on a shooting spree, injuring at least nine people and killing three, including a university...
As France Takes Vengeance On ISIS, Unconfirmed reports Of School Being Hit
When France decided to ramp up its bombing of ISIS, under the cover of the Paris terror attacks, there was speculation that it might lead to worse...
Angel of Death: The Man Who Killed 1500+ ISIS Members
Since there is an ongoing fight for Tikrit, in which the Iraqi and Iranian armies and associated Iraqi Shia and Sunni soldiers are making...
More Revelations On Islamic State: The Countries Where The Group Finds Support
Since the Paris attack, Islamic State (IS) discussions have dominated the media discourse around the world. This is because, with each passing day, something...
Journalist: “Each War Is Preceded By A Big Media Lie
By Sophie McAdam at trueactivist.com Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya...and maybe Syria, too? This investigative journalist points out some important similarities. Michel Collon is a Belgian author, journalist, and...