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1 Million Children Meditating For World Peace In Thailand

by Nate Max at in5d.com   5000 schools together. 1 million ‪‎children‬ meditating for world ‪‎peace‬ at the Phra Shammakaya Temple of ‪‎Thailand‬. Meditation only works for the...

50 Holistic Doctors Have Mysteriously Died In The Last Year, But What’s Being Done...

By Amanda Froelich at trueactivist.com   Nearly 50 holistic doctors have been found dead within the past year. What's going on? Credit: HealthNutNews Recently, Erin Elizabeth from HealthNutNews wrote...

Mainstream Media Silent As Survivors Claim Orlando Gunman Didn’t Act Alone

Armed with an AR-15 assault-style rifle and a handgun, 29-year-old Omar Mateen, who was born in the United States to parents from Afghanistan, carried...

Meet the Marine Veteran Imran Yousuf Who Saved 70 Lives During the Orlando Shooting

The mass shooting carried out by Omar Mateen in Orlando on June, 12 2016, at a gay night club, claimed 49 lives and injuring...

FBI Met With Killer At Least Three Times Before Orlando Shooting

(ANTIWAR) As I write this (it’s Sunday morning, 5:00 a.m. PST) the news is breaking that an Orlando gay nightclub has been attacked by a...