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Western Media Hypocrisy: Terrorists Kill People Outside US, Europe, every day, Nobody Cares

The mainstream media in the Western world is gradually proving to the rest of the world that some lives matter more than others. By following...

Should America Take Responsibility for the Brussels Terror Attacks?

Op-Ed by Claire Bernish at ANTIMEDIA   Before the bodies had been counted. Before the injuries had been assessed. Before any group claimed responsibility for perpetrating the attacks in...

Why the Brussels Terror Attacks Prove the War on Terror is an Epic Failure

By  Charles B. Anthony   (MEE) The sanest thing we could have ever done after the two hijacked planes crashed into the Twin Towers in 2001...

Denmark Tops List As The Worlds Happiest Country According To New Global Study

on Wednesday March 16th the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, a branch of the United Nations, released the 2016 World Happiness Report which ranks/rates the...

Forewarned but Forgotten: The Military Industrial Complex, Corporations and Government

How many American presidents have uttered a warning to the people they have ‘led,’ to the rising powers, more powerful to sway change, than...