Written by: Carey Wedler at theantimedia.org
A United States Air Force veteran was arrested on Friday after attempting to save his dog from his burning home. Chicago resident, 48-year-old Samuel Lee Bassett, was told by police and fire fighters to stay away from his house and was repeatedly blocked from entering to save his dog, who eventually died.
“They kept trying to keep him out of the building ’cause it was unsafe for him to go in…He wanted to go in.”
They told him to stand back but he did not obey.
When police began to cuff Basset, he threw a closed-fist punch at the officer’s face. An officer hit Bassett in the head with hand cuffs during the altercation, but Bassett refused medical attention at the scene.
The Chicago Tribune reported that
“Chicago police spokesman Veejay Zala said the officer’s injuries were ‘absolutely minor’ and were treated on the scene.”
Nevertheless, on Saturday Bassett was charged with two counts of aggravated battery against a peace officer and a misdemeanor count of resisting a police officer (NBC reports that he is charged with two misdemeanor counts of resisting). He was held on $300,000 bond and Cook County Judge Adam Bourgeois Jr. told Bassett that he should “have more respect for police officers.”
Three firefighters were hospitalized with injuries from the fire and there was no suspicion of foul play in its origins. Bassett, who was not home at the time, lived in the house with his dog and fiancee, who was also out when the fire started. He is an honorably discharged veteran who works as a lighting designer and has no criminal record or history of violence (except perhaps when he was working for the military).
He is expected back in court Friday.
There are undoubtedly many heart-wrenching instances of police mistreating civilians that are more offensive than this one. In fact, many would argue that police were justified in assaulting and arresting Bassett because he repeatedly ignored their orders, then used force against them. Firefighters and police were simply doing their jobs by keeping him safe from entering the building. But while police and court actions may be justifiable to some, several stark realities of modern society are apparent in Bassett’s story.
First, the notion of self-ownership is effectively dead. The home on fire belonged to Bassett, as did the dog whose life was in jeopardy. As Deputy Fire Commissioner Mark Nielsen noted, Bassett was barred from entering his home not for impeding the duties of an officer, but for his safety. It may be true that if he had gone in the building he would have been harmed, but that should have been his choice to make.
The police who repeatedly blocked him from entering did so in the belief that they were helping, but the government’s obsessive rhetoric about keeping people safe has in recent years spiraled out of control. Bassett’s case is a small example of the much broader problem of the government using the excuse of safety to infringe upon rights and freedom.
Second, Bassett’s experience shows the readiness of government and the justice system to destroy lives. He is a veteran with no record, but because of his experience this weekend, he may be permanently disenfranchised. If he is convicted, he will carry the stigma of being a convicted felon. This practice is common when used against millions of people convicted of non-violent drug offenses while the average American commits three felonies a day.
The willingness of the justice system to dole out felonies so carelessly is an indicator of the worst problem that Bassett’s story reveals: that the state is void of compassion and shows no mercy toward those it prosecutes and often victimizes.
That Judge Bourgeois and the officers at the scene of the fire showed Bassett no sympathy—especially when the officer he punched was by the own police’s admission not injured—shows this inability to empathize. Though Bassett may not have been wise in trying to enter his burning home, it is a reaction many people would understand in that he was emotional and attempting to save his beloved pet. It is even understandable that under stress, Bassett punched the man attempting to stop him from saving his dog. But government officials showed no empathy.
Rather, the state is consumed with exercising authority and “law and order” at all costs—even in the face of human loss and tragedy.
Typical… who the f*** is to decide if you want to run in after YOUR DOG in YOUR OWN HOUSE, would have done the exact same thing. Ain’t no one else’s business if I want to risk my OWN life to save my dogs…
this is asinine people who abuse dogs don’t get this kind of fine
As a proud pet owner of a four year old black cat, I would’ve went after my animal if my house was on fire, despite the risks of getting burned, and I know that the safety of Bassett is also important to the government. However, do you really have to arrest him, just because Bassett attempted doing a heroic act for his loved one ? Animals are family too, and you’re just going to arrest somebody because they are doing the right thing ? Are you kidding me ?! This is an outrage to good people and pet owners everywhere who see this article ! Why do all bad things happen to good people and all good things happen to bad people ?! It’s like the vice versa of karma and it’s completely messed up ! Better pray that the veteran comes out as non-guilty or things will get hella worse.
Absolutely fucking stupid, things like this happen all the time, not right, it’s his choice and because he was stressed, emotional and trying to save his dog from dieing he gets took to fucking court?!?! Bullshit man wtf…
What if Samuel was allowed to try and save his dog, and sustained serious injuries…? Could he then file a lawsuit against the authorities, for not saving him as he was “clearly acting in distress, and was not thinking rational”? Could his family do so, if he was fatally injured? I think the best decision was to hinder Samuel from entering. All though; In Norway, Samuel would have been understood, and legal consequences would have been minimal, if any. Still couldn’t have saved his dog here either…. U.S.A uses TERROR techniques in Law enforcement, and crime only rises! DING DING DING!
The US Supreme court has already ruled that police have no obligation to protect. Your argument that he could sue for failure to protect him is not applicable.
Armchair Activists, you are correct. The police are not responsible for our safety in the USA we are. That is why I openly carry a 357 mag revolver at all times.
The more crap I read about the US the more pissed off I become.
Seriously, what is wrong with your country? Everything, from the looks of it.
I say we nuke every inch on this planet so that life can start over. Sick of seeing this shit.
Fuck the U.S.A and the bad part is I’m a 100% American of before not of America of today! When people go fight as they are programmed for our country it is not ours and you are fighting for someone who is to damned scared to get out and fight theirself next to you! My grandfather and generations fought for what they thought was going to be a FREE country for the people but it was the start of a lock down control of people and still a progress each day it gets tighter. I’m sorry if someone wants to go into their house burning to get something it is their LIFE! NOT MINE to say it’s my job to make your decisions when it gets to that YOU need to open your eyes and see we are not free we think we are and we think we can make someone do what we want them. Ha to me this is my free speech to say how much I hate the government I hate controlling people I hate the ones that has opinions about others I HATE the ones that cannot control their OWN life. Being a pig is the job the pig decided to take we don’t want your help pigs do more damage to people than people do to theirself these days. I have no respect for police or any government ran authority why because you live your life I’ll live mine the way I fucking want to and fuck you for thinking you can tel me what I can or cannot do in my life or child’s life you are human like I am we all leave this world the same way we came into it the only authority I have in my life is my parents who made me so I hope some of you idiots reads this and understand how a lot of us are we are not scared to stand up and I sure in hell don’t respect this man made laws to many of the damned things some idiot made up hell Mississippi just debolished the law you could still own a slave a few years ago so you tell me are these laws full of shit?
He was a A United States Air Force veteran… i may be wrong, but don´t they teach in army to never leavy your companion behind? he was a veteran…doing what he was trained to do…protect, just that…now they arrest him for doing what he learned to do?? i think something is very wrong here…. what we have here is….a police officer punched in face with his wounded pride, a judge trying to show off work…
lost his house, his dog, and now charged and arrested…to much for one people.. maybe an apology for the police officer should be enogh in midle of all this…
but who i am to say anything..it is just what i think
i would of gone in and saved my dog, to me a family member. This is “America” is it not? Where people are free to make even life threatening decisions about there own lives. What’s next arresting extream sports nuts. What if it were one of his children. Would it be justified then?.. Of course it would. In this mans mind there is no difference. MIND YOUR BUSSINESS BIG BROTHER!!!! Stay the hell out of mine.
HAHAHA. So what, America has good economy, but all money are in the hands of the most richest families and you dumb citizens of America are just slaves who buy new electronics the day they come out and pay more money to these rich people. U dont have any rights
I am an American. I acknowledge the absolute correctness in your statement. This country needs to press the “restart” button. New militia’s need to be formed. New political parties need to be started. A new revolution WILL happen. This is no longer the “land of the free”. It is the home of the afraid, the uneducated, and the apathetic. I’m ashamed of my citizenship.
If he had gone back into the fire, he would have then endangered the lives of the fire fighters who would have had to go in after him. It was clearly a serious fire as three fire fighters were injured, possibly trying to rescue his dog. Whilst the charge is harsh considering the distraught state he would have been in, it is a fire fighters duty to protect humans in a fire.
Unfortunately, to me, this is one of those anonymous pieces that is a bit hysterical and offering a slightly hysterical view of the event. Anonymous has the opportunity to be a huge force for good but to do that there needs to be a certain maturity to take this to the next level, this to me does not contribute towards that goal.
The empasized part in this article is not that they didn’t allow him to save his dog, but the charges he is facing for having tried to.
My feelings are honestly that if the Vetran were white, he’d walk away with sympathy and a slap on the wrist.
So, couldn’t he just have told the police and fire fighters that he was going in and there for them knowing this they didn’t have to save him unless they wanted once he was in ther or to help assist him.
I think that would sound a lot better law than to say that your baby is in there in the burning home and your already out but the police and fire fighters say eff it we think your baby is dead and if you go in there 1. your not coming out cuz you will be dead or 2. your going in hand cuffs regardless you saved your baby or not.
Regardless of what your going in the burning building, home or whatever, it shouldnt be illegal to go in to save anything.
no doubt this will go down as looking like a lame excuse for america to arrest another african american.
Perhaps he should have just said his child was in the house. I never refer to dogs, cats, etc as ”pets”. They also receive ‘human’ names. So, I am GUARDIAN of Jill, Hamish, Roger, Hampton, etc.
It is true that our local governments are taking things so ridiculously far in CONTROLLING us rather than simply monitoring us and keeping the peace. Policemen are no longer “Peace Officers”… Their attitude as police officers is taking their power too far. And often they are untouchable when they act in a way they should not, backed up by their colleagues. That’s quite similar to hang behavior if u ask me. Police are taught to manipulate and interrogate. Why? I am sickened by our law in forcemeat and criminal/civil justice system today.
While I support our personal rights, and, in theory, the right of this man to at least try to save his dog. I’m sure I would do the same. However – if the police and firefighters had let him go in and he got himself killed; don’t you know there would be a shit storm unleashed on the cops!The Boys in Blue are damned when they do and damned when they don’t right now. Unfortunately, the bad apples brought it on all of them.
Dearest Mr. Basset: You may never read this, but if you do, my most sincere condolences for the loss of your family member. I have a german shephered named Galahad, and Sookie, Pumpkin, Cleo, Kiki and Purrcy are the five feline members of my family. My husband and I do not have human children(we have not been able to have them) but these living creatures have personalities, and give and receive affection, and companionship. There is no question in my mind that should a fire happen I would be on the floor trying to stay below the smoke to rescue them. I know that if anything happened to them, I would be living with horrible flashbacks and terrible sadness for many years. Thank God I live in a vey rural place and the house would burn to the basement before any fire department would get here -that and the RCMP might show up in an hour or three. NOBODY except my husband would be keeping me out, if that. Better to suffer the pain of burns than the pain of losing your loved ones, I completely understand and condone your actions.
this is asinine people who abuse dogs don’t get this kind of fine
this is asinine people who abuse dogs don’t get this kind of fine!
god bless this man