Muslim Man Hugs ISIS Suicide Bomber, Saves Hundreds Of Lives In Iraq




A Muslim man’s split-second decision saved hundreds of lives in his home country.

Fear-mongering in the U.S. has culled a large percentage of citizens into believing that ISIS is synonymous with all Muslim believers. Nothing could be further from the truth, and a man’s recent actions are a testament to that.

IndiaTimes reports that when a suicide bomber from the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) attempted to blow up the Sayyed Mohammad Shrine in Balad, Iraq, a man named Najih Shaker Al-Baldwai did something most people couldn’t. He ran up to the suicide bomber and hugged him to physically dampen the explosion.

Al-Baldwai’s split-second decision saved hundreds of lives, according to a Joint Operations spokesman in Iraq. 70 injuries resulted from the explosion and 37 were killed. However, because of the man’s heroic actions, the death toll was much less than what it could have been.

Reportedly, Daesh aimed for the Shrine’s explosion to match the death count of the recent Karrada attack in Iraq which claimed 300 lives. To date, that is the deadliest single attack in Iraq since the war began to oust Saddam Hussein 13 years ago.

ISIS bombers disguised themselves as the local militia in an attempt to storm and destroy what is considered to be one of the country’s most important Shia shrines. The last time such a monument was destroyed, a civil war was sparked.


Al-Baldwai had but a second to decide to put his life on the line, and because he did, many more people are still alive today. The honorable man’s activism is also helping to deconstruct Islamophobia in the U.S. and elsewhere.

Shortly after the story broke, it went viral on countless media outlets around the world. The U.K.’s Metro and a post about his sacrifice even became the most popular submission on Reddit.

A Muslim man’s split-second decision saved hundreds of lives in his home country.


Credit: Twitter

Fear-mongering in the U.S. has culled a large percentage of citizens into believing that ISIS is synonymous with all Muslim believers. Nothing could be further from the truth, and a man’s recent actions are a testament to that.

IndiaTimes reports that when a suicide bomber from the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) attempted to blow up the Sayyed Mohammad Shrine in Balad, Iraq, a man named Najih Shaker Al-Baldwai did something most people couldn’t. He ran up to the suicide bomber and hugged him to physically dampen the explosion.

Al-Baldwai’s split-second decision saved hundreds of lives, according to a Joint Operations spokesman in Iraq. 70 injuries resulted from the explosion and 37 were killed. However, because of the man’s heroic actions, the death toll was much less than what it could have been.

Reportedly, Daesh aimed for the Shrine’s explosion to match the death count of the recent Karrada attack in Iraq which claimed 300 lives. To date, that is the deadliest single attack in Iraq since the war began to oust Saddam Hussein 13 years ago.

ISIS bombers disguised themselves as the local militia in an attempt to storm and destroy what is considered to be one of the country’s most important Shia shrines. The last time such a monument was destroyed, a civil war was sparked.

Al-Baldwai had but a second to decide to put his life on the line, and because he did, many more people are still alive today. The honorable man’s activism is also helping to deconstruct Islamophobia in the U.S. and elsewhere.

Shortly after the story broke, it went viral on countless media outlets around the world. The U.K.’s Metro and a post about his sacrifice even became the most popular submission on Reddit.



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    • They’re saying that this man is following the religion. most religions encourage honourable actions like this, incuding Islam. Jihad means struggle, both mentally to improve as a person and in conditions like this in combat to help others.

  1. That guy is a true jihadist, not those ISIS motherfuckers with our prophets name written on, formed jus to make the world hate us, and its even workin…

    • So a jihadist –> a warrior against “infidels”, in this case against ISIS?

      Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with true meanings of words with all big media bullshit going around 😀

      • A word can be given any meaning, depending on the circumstance.
        When you see that each individual will give a slightly different meaning to the words he hears in a specific place, at a specific time, with his personal specific memories of previous occurrences,and thus specific individual associations with the words. And when you think about the fact that words have layers of association with them in our memories, some with higher priority than others. And that these associations can be programmed by the same words we hear and see every day, all around us.. even can be programmed by ourselves, if we are simply aware that we can do that..

        .. then you start to see the big picture of how the world works when it comes to information, and knowledge, and behavior of people. Evil knows this and who’s Good knows this, and who ever programs himself at least has a chance of not being programmed by someone or something else. You can re-prioritize your associations with all the words and ideas you know. It’s a paradigm shift really.. the whole framework one sees reality through may be faulty in it’s programming.. or at least not what you would have wanted to be. And anyone can change that, you or them. Good luck! Namaste 🙂

        • You just said it perfectly what I have had in my mind for years. Something I never hear anybody talk about because they don’t see it easily behind their filters of understanding. Or their programming as you say.


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