U.S. News:
In news from Standing Rock; we recently reported on a DAPL worker named Kyle Thompson who, armed with an AR-15, attempted to infiltrate the Standing Rock main camp on October 27th. Thompson was arrested by Bureau of Indian Affairs officers after being pursued on foot, and was handed over to the FBI, who in turn handed him over to Morton County. Morton County released Thompson with no charges, and as unbelievable as that action was, now Morton County has put out an arrest warrant for the man who disarmed him. Brennon Nastacio, the Native land protector that can be seen trying to talk Thompson down in the video footage caught by Natives, is now being charged with quote/unquote, “felony terrorizing,” due to the late-October incident. Natives are now calling on Morton County to drop their charges.

The Department of Justice has refused to provide Morton County with additional law enforcement agents, siting their belief that it would escalate tensions between law enforcement and land protectors, rather than easing it. Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier and other North Dakota law enforcement officials are now calling directly on Obama to send reinforcements, as well as additional money. The state has already provided $17M to assist Morton County in their human and civil rights violations, and Kirchmeier has expressed a growing fear of quote/unquote, “vigilante justice,” according to WFMJ of Ohio.

The city of Seattle is working to sever its relationship with Wells Fargo, who currently manages the city’s $3B budget, over the bank’s involvement with the DAPL project. The Seattle City Council introduced legislation that will allow the city’s current contract with Wells Fargo to expire at the end of 2017, and will not be renewed. In the meantime, the city will refrain from conducting further banking, investment, or other business with the bank, at the city’s discretion. Wells Fargo has not only been targeted due to the fact it is the most visible of U.S. banks financing the pipeline, with close to $500M loaned for its construction, but also because of the scandal earlier this year in which over 2 million unauthorized accounts were opened in the names of customers. Other cities and states, including Minneapolis and California, are also exploring ways to end their business with financial institutions who invest in the fossil fuel industry and projects such as the Dakota Access Pipeline.

The CIA has announced their conclusion – based on no evidence – that Russia interfered with the U.S. election. Trump’s transition team has denied the accusation, while at the same time telling citizens it’s time to move on. It is being claimed that the Podesta Files came from Russian hackers as well, which Julian Assange had already denied when Hillary Clinton made the same accusation, stating quote, “The Clinton camp has been able to project a neo-McCarthyist hysteria that Russia is responsible for everything. Hillary Clinton has stated multiple times, falsely, that 17 U.S. intelligence agencies had assessed that Russia was the source of our publications. That’s false – we can say that the Russian government is not the source,” unquote. To back Assanges’ statement, at least in part; the FBI and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, or ODNI, refused to accept the CIA’s conclusions as well, siting a lack of conclusive evidence on the intelligence agency’s part. Both Democrats and Republicans are now calling for a full investigation. We’d like to remind our viewers that the CIA has a long history of being a bunch of fucking liars. They’re role is literally to lie for the government, in fact you can pretty much guarantee that if they’re involved in a situation, it is most likely to undertake or cover-up a deception.

Finally, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and current associate of Julian Assange, Craig Murray, has disclosed to the British newspaper, The Daily Mail, that the Clinton emails were not hacked, but leaked. Murray states that he himself flew to Washington D.C. to obtain the Clinton emails, not from a Russian insider, but from a disgruntled Bernie Sanders supporter and whistleblower within the U.S. political system who had legal access to the information. Murray states that the clandestine hand-off took place in a wooded area near American University, and that the leaker’s motivation was quote, “disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders,” unquote. Unlike the CIA’s flimsy accusation against Russia, which is based only on an anonymous source that provides no proof at all, we now have an actual former British ambassador providing testimony that counters the CIA’s version of events. Murray goes on to state, quote, “I don’t understand why the CIA would say the information came from Russian hackers when they must know that isn’t true. Regardless of whether the Russians hacked into the DNC, the documents WikiLeaks published did not come from that,” unquote.

In related news, Trump’s new pick for Secretary of State, ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson, has had ties to the Russian government for years while handling ExxonMobil’s Russian account. In 2011, Exxon created a partnership with Russia to tap into their quote, “notoriously-elusive oil reserves,” unquote. The signing of the partnership took place in a ceremony that was attended by Vladimir Putin himself, after which Putin awarded Tillerson with an Order of Friendship, which is considered one of the highest honors that can be bestowed upon a foreigner. The partnership between ExxonMobil and Russia has been prevented from reaching full fruition, due to the sanctions placed on Russia by the U.S. after Putin’s intervention in Ukraine. The sanctions are almost sure to be lifted under a Trump administration.

In a report from Alek Hidell, 73-year-old Francisco Serna of Bakersfield California was shot and killed by police while holding a crucifix. Serna suffered from the early onset of dementia, and slipped out of his house when his wife briefly left the room to check on the laundry. She reportedly heard the shots fired outside before she had a chance to figure out where her husband was, and ran out to find police standing over his body, according to the Inquisitr. Police were called by a neighbor who informed officers of Serna’s condition, and claimed he had a gun. Within 20-seconds of taking the neighbor’s report, officer Reagan Selman, an ex-marine and rookie cop who’s been on the streets for less than a year, shot and killed the elderly man, despite previous knowledge of his dementia. It was confirmed after his death that he was unarmed, and was in fact holding a wooden crucifix that, according to his wife, he often carried as a form of security due to his fear of dying. Selman has been placed on administrative leave during the investigation, however Hidell states that information obtained so far indicates police will most likely whitewash the incident, as usual.

White supremacist and domestic terrorist, Dylann Roof, who attacked an African-American church in Charleston South Carolina on June 17, 2015, has been convicted on all nine counts of murder, and will face a death penalty trial next month. Roof reportedly chose the Mother Emanuel AME church due to its historical significance within the black community, and had intended to start a race war. South Carolina governor, Nikki Haley, stated quote, “It is my hope that the survivors, the families, and the people of South Carolina can find some peace in the fact that justice has been served,” unquote.

World News:
In world news this week, nearly 700 institutions around the world, as well as 58,000 individuals across 76 countries, have all committed to divesting from the fossil fuel industry. The total amount being committed to divestment is now $5.2 trillion – double that of last year. UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, stated quote, “It’s clear the transition to a clean energy future is inevitable, beneficial and well underway, and that investors have a key role to play,” unquote. According to The Guardian, the fossil fuel divestment campaign began on university campuses in 2011, and included among the institutions who have pledged to divest from fossil fuels, is Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, who will pull its €6.1 million investment from the industry.

In news from Turkey, it was reported by The Globalist that the twin bombs in central Istanbul may not have been targeting citizens, but rather police officers, which calls to question President Recap Tayyip Erdogan’s efforts to quote, “capitalize on the attacks by asserting that they had been ‘aimed to maximize casualties,’ irrespective of their identity,” unquote. A splinter of the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, known as the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons, has claimed responsibility for the attack, which claimed 38 people in total, 30 of which were police officers. Erdogan’s position on the matter reportedly serves two purposes; to group together all forms of political violence in an effort to smooth over the fact he has suppressed Kurdish political and cultural rights, including his derailment of peace talks in June of 2015 following the death of three Kurdish police officers; and to shift the majority of the blame to the PKK, even though the Turkish government is equally to blame for the collapse of the peace talks.

Both Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International are reporting that France’s renewal of emergency powers threaten human rights. The new law that was passed on December 15th prolongs the country’s state of emergency for an additional seven months. According to Amnesty, this normalizes exceptional measures, while at the same time weakening human rights and the rule of law. In a statement from the director of the terrorism and counterterrorism program at Human Rights Watch, Nadim Houry, quote, “With each renewal, the state of emergency slowly becomes the new norm, which is dangerous for a democracy based on rule of law,” unquote. According to international law, governments can temporarily restrict certain rights during states of emergency, including freedom of movement, expression, and association. Emergency powers are not to be applied in a discriminatory manner, or to stigmatize people of a particular ethnicity, religion, or social group, but let’s be realistic; governments do whatever the fuck they want, which is the only reason we’re covering this topic in the first place.

Columbian President, Juan Manuel Santos, has just accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo Norway, for his efforts on ending the half-century-long civil war that has claimed 220,000 lives, and displaced 8 million. Santos took the opportunity during his acceptance speech to call for a strategy shift in the U.S.-promoted War on Drugs, which he states has produced enormous violence and environmental damage. Santos has called for a global focus on easing prohibition laws on the consumption of illegal narcotics. Although many Americans would welcome such sentiments, Columbians are still divided over the peace deal, and news of Santos’ Nobel Peace Prize was met with subdued reactions.

In news on Syria, information is now surfacing that everything Americans are being told by the mainstream media, are lies. In a report from Vandita; at a recent conference hosted by the Schiller Institute, Syria’s Ambassador to the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Ja’afari, called out Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the U.S. for their role in training terrorists in Syria.

According to UNICEF, malnutrition has reached a critical unprecedented level in Yemen, with at least 462,000 children suffering from acute malnutrition, and another 2.2 million requiring urgent care. Democracy Now has reported that at least one child dies every 10 minutes on average in the war torn country as its health system is on the verge of collapse, and much of the damage is being caused by the U.S.-backed Saudi bombings which began in March of 2015. Last year alone, the U.S. approved more than $20B in military sales to the Saudis, and U.S. munitions have been repeatedly found at the scene of strikes that have killed civilians.

Anonymous News:
And finally in Anonymous news, the U.S. government is getting theirs this week, for their role in funding the drug war in the Philippines that has claimed the lives of thousands, including children. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, recently affirmed that as mayor of Davao City, he murdered three people. Duterte stated quote, “I used to do it personally, just to show to the guys that if I can do it, why can’t you?” He continued, “I’d go around in Davao with a motorcycle, with a big bike around, and I would just patrol the streets looking for trouble. I was really looking for confrontation, so I could kill,” unquote. The Philippines is obviously being run by a sociopath.
Also under attack is the Myanmar government, for the genocide that is occurring among the Rohingya minority. The UN has reportedly been receiving daily reports of rapes and killings, and independent monitors are being barred from investigating. UN human rights chief, Aeid Ra’ad al Hussein, stated that the government has taken a quote/unquote, “short-sighted, counterproductive, even callous” approach to the crisis, which risks dire, long-term repercussion for the region.
This Article (Teh Weekly News, Ep. 12 – Morton Co. Crybabies, CIA Lies, Anonymous Fighting Genocide) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
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Please don’t let this newscast end! I look forward to this all week, the time when the truth rings out. I beg you to reconsider…