What does it mean to have the courage of your convictions? For vegan activists in Israel, it meant facing arrest to stop a machine that grinds male baby chickens alive.
A group of Animal Liberation Front (ALF) activists broke into the Ramat HaKovesh Hatchery, forced their way passed employees to a machine grinding up live chicks, surrounded the machine and shut it off.
“Look at him!” exclaimed one unidentified activist holding up a chick born that day to one of the hatchery’s employees. “How can someone kill him?”
“You don’t eat meat?” was the employee’s retort.
Police show up, and after being told the hatchery will leave the machine off until they leave, ALF member Tal Gilboa challenges one officer to turn the grinding machine back on himself and watch what happens, if he’s man enough to handle it.
“Playing innocent will not work,” said Gilboa. “I want to see you, as a human being, regardless of your uniform, cop or no cop, turn the power supply back on. I want to see you look at them being ground. That’s what I’m asking from you. Can you?”
“Playing innocent is not what I’m doing,” responded Officer Yaniv Aluf.
Aluf of course did not restart the grinder; instead his team got busy arresting the activists. Watch the entire interaction below.
This Article (Activist Dares Cop to Switch on Live Chick Grinder) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
I hope they can show the same compassion for the people of Gaza !
Horrible treatment of the chicks, none the less, making in in to a ‘please choose vegan’–proper-ganda is fully missing the point. If you want me to not eat eggs because what comes out of one is totally adorable, please just say so.
The meat and poultry industry at large have to change many things. Most likely many, but not all egg producers act like this.
Buy consciously, whatever it is you buy.
unless the governments start to forbid these actions, the factories will never stop.
This has nothing to do with being vegan..
Vegan life is expencive as hell, so please stop protesting like this, making fools of yourself, start a political party, and try to do it like that.
Are you fucking kidding me? Vegan life is expensive* as hell? Do you actually believe that? Or are you just using that as an excuse to continue your dirty meat eating habits? Give your head a shake! Eating vegan is basically eating what you normally eat MINUS meat and animal products which, correct me if i’m wrong are expensive. Vegetables – meat = cheaper than vegetables + meat. Now, for the sake of argument lets say that eating Vegan is more expensive. Isn’t the extra bit of money worth living a cruelty free life?
I will NEVER go vegan. Yes I love animals. No I don’t want to see them die. But they taste soooo good! #SayNoToVegan
People like you give me no hope for this world.
Thank you all for being human!
Say no to vegan ?? oh yeah ?? All of these people ( ALF ) are trying to make this world a better place, while you fucks sit at home and play WOW ( or playing with your dicks ! ). Its so funny to read all of this comments. @kristiaan: “Vegan life is expencive as hell …” ? 😀 Blame God, he owes you a brain …
“Choosing Vegan” is not the answer to this dilemma. It is the natural circle of life for animals to eat other animals. Our cells have only mitochondria for a reason; we were meant to digest plants and animals to circle their substance into our own bodies and continue the circle exchange of energy from organism to organism. Do we cry for the Thompson Gazelle eaten by the Lion? No, because that is just how things are; that is life. Choosing vegan is an alternate route of diet that was created by humans and thus should be a choice, not an oppressed idea like it is the greatest way to live life. The base problem is that these chicks are being murdered, yes murdered, for lion do not torture their prey. And that the natural rights of any animal are being violated every day from baby chicks to cows to pigs. These may be animals, they may be our prey and substance, but we cannot disregard them as lifeforms. It is like mocking our very existence, as our livestock animals are what keeps us alive.
More must be done to stop this animal abuse. It cannot continue like this anymore.
A human soul worth no more than a baby chicken’s soul, less, if you would eat eggs from this , or any producer who kills beings in this torturous manner.