Approximately 12 hours ago, the President’s Office of Myanmar webpage was taken down in a cyber-attack. The official Twitter account for @K3YHoL353C tweeted out the run of sites hardest hit, ranging from the Myanmar Central Bank to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the Anonymous operation #OpRohingya.
#K3YHoL3 Myanmar Central bank+Sasana Moli-International Burmese Monks Organization #Tangodown #offline.Myanmar govt+extremist monks kill ppl pic.twitter.com/BOpibB29LY
— K3YHoL3 (@K3YHoL353C) January 8, 2017
On Dec. 22 it was also noted that in attempts to halt any progress to the operation, Facebook deleted the #OpMyanmar page.
#K3YHoL3 Facebook deleted OpMyanmar. FB now even censors the word OpMyanmar. Does Facebook want us to ignore genocide of Rohingya Muslims? pic.twitter.com/sBTdz3VcIb
— K3YHoL3 (@K3YHoL353C) December 21, 2016
This operation comes at a time when the Myanmar government is under scrutiny for its military campaign against the displaced refugees, the Rohingya Muslims. Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung Suu Kyi has also come under fire for her silence surrounding what has been described as nothing short of genocide.
The Buddhist-dominated country formerly known as Burma, is home to thousands of immigrants brought by the British to work as farm laborers. After the British colonial rule ended, the Rohingya people were left to endure violence, live in dire poverty or flee for their lives.
Violence erupted in 2012, and is ongoing. Military have been deployed to areas swamped with violence but rather than help, as Anon’s own Amando Flavio reported, the military have turned against the people, committing executions and other human rights abuses such as torture and rape. Human Rights Watch has called it a case of “ethnic cleansing.”
The take down of various Myanmar government websites is but one step in letting them know the world and Anonymous are watching very closely and that we will not stop until these atrocities against innocent men, women and children cease.
https://t.co/yekeaFjBTJ is #TangoDown courtesy of K3YHoL353C.
Myanmar government, you will not be forgiven for your genocidal crimes. pic.twitter.com/V4hUXJLJqr— K3YHoL3 (@K3YHoL353C) January 13, 2017
Nothing in this world can justify killings children! These Rohingya children are being killed in Myanmar because they belong2minor ethnicity
— K3YHoL3 (@K3YHoL353C) January 4, 2017
As for Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung Suu Kyi, who has immense power to intervene in this crisis, and her silence, many past Nobel Peace Prize winners have established and signed a petition demanding her Nobel Prize be returned. You can sign it here.
Upon writing this article @K3YHoL353C was unavailable to comment.
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Myanmar has always been ignored by main stream media ! good job “keyhole”