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Apple Vice Pres. Caught Telling Top Clinton Aide: Customer Data Goes to Governments ‘Thousands...

We have warned time and again to never trust technology companies with your data. Where Edward Snowden has raised our consciousness regarding our privacy,...

Political Party of Anarchists, Libertarians, Hackers, and Computer Geeks to Take Power in Iceland

By Claire Bernish at thefreethoughtproject.com   In a country continuing to shirk the ordinary, Iceland’s Pirate Party — an amalgamation of anarchists, libertarians, and hackers, who want to...

Fears Grow Julian Assange Was Extradited On ‘Guantanamo Express’

Rumors are swirling that Julian Assange has been captured and sent on a rendition flight to Charlotte, North Carolina aboard a United States military...

UN Expert Decries Global Assault on Freedom of Expression

by Andrea Germanos at commondreams.org   The findings reveal 'how policies and laws against terrorism and other criminal activity risk unnecessarily undermining the media, critical voices, and activists'     "Governments...

Russia Today Bank Accounts Frozen, Assange’s Internet Cut In Apparent Move to Silence West’s...

By: Claire Bernish via thefreethoughtproject.com   In a major development being described as a brutal blow to free speech, RT — the Russian outlet formerly known...