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vault 7

WikiLeaks: The Context of Vault 7 Released

The context of the mysterious Vault 7 tweets from WikiLeaks has been confirmed. Revelations last week dealt a blow to the US after WikiLeaks...

WikiLeaks: CIA Plotted to Infiltrate Every Major French Political Party

by Everett Numbers at theantimedia.org A fresh release of classified documents shows the CIA permeated France’s 2012 presidential election, according to Wikileaks. The agency targeted every major...

WikiLeaks Releases ‘CIA Espionage Orders for the 2012 French Presidential Election’

  Three classified CIA espionage orders (seven documents in all) were released Wednesday by WikiLeaks, providing details of a spy program that was conducted before...

WikiLeaks Sends Cryptic Tweets about Vault7: Why Vault7 and How Does It Affect Us?

WikiLeaks has recently set Twitter followers in a frenzy over their cryptic messages about Vault7. Starting early Feb, a series of tweets of what,...
WikiLeaks 2017

WikiLeaks Promises to Leak More Secrets in 2017 After Sending Hillary Clinton into Forced...

A very prominent political strategist for the 2016 Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton, said on a live television broadcast that the United States should...