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While Americans Fight Over Which Clown to Elect, Russia Deployed Its Largest Fleet Since...

By Claire Bernish at thefreethoughtproject.com   Having been subjected to the intellectually insulting shit show of a third and, thankfully, final debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump —...

‘The Mother of All Risks’: Insurance Giants Call on G20 to Stop Bankrolling Fossil...

By Lauren McCauley at commondreams.org An aerial photograph of Baton Rouge, Louisiana after historic flooding destroyed much of the city, August 18, 2016. (Photo: Thomas Cizauskas/cc/flickr) Multinational firms...

Britain Votes To Leave EU, David Cameron Quits As Global Financial Markets Fluctuate

The long-awaited referendum on whether the United Kingdom should stay in the European Union (EU) or leave has finally been decided. The referendum was held...

A Tidy Excuse…For a War: U.S.-Russian Tensions Heat Up

There are some that may still not be aware of the heightened tensions between the EU-U.S. and Russia. The Mainstream Media have suddenly bombarded us...

The FBI Wants Apple To Create A Backdoor For iPhones

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has particular demands for Apple concerning the iPhone that was recovered from one of the San Bernardino gunmen. The...