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CIA Chief Just Confirmed “War on Terror” Has Created A Lot More Terrorists
by Andrea Germanos at commondreams.org - Image: CIA director John Brennan testifying Thursday to the Senate Intelligence Committee. (Photo: Screengrab/C-SPAN)
John Brennan tells Senate Intelligence Committee "our efforts have...
Former CIA Agent to Americans: Time to Talk About What’s Really Causing Terrorism
By Carey Wedler at theantimedia.org In the wake of yet another terrorist attack, a former CIA counterterrorism agent has shared her insight into what causes such...
UN Chief Removes Saudi Arabia from Child-Killer List Due to Extortion
Those at The Intercept recently reported on UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, who has publicly admitted to removing the “Saudi-led coalition currently bombing Yemen from...
Hostage in Orlando Attack May Have Revealed the Motive Behind the Shooting
By Carey Wedler at theantimedia.org Though Americans continue to argue over whether it was mental illness, guns, radical Islam, or God that caused the horrific massacre in Orlando last...
On the Brink of War in the South China Sea and No One is...
Whatever your opinion about the United States military, believe it or not, it has actually been relatively calm and conservative over the last several...