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Princeton Study: “Lost Generation”; White Middle Aged Americans Dying Faster Than In Other Developed...

    Grim tidings; white middle-aged Americans are the only group of first-world people who are dying faster than their fellows in any other developed country. According to...

Five reasons to believe there is a Shadow Government controlling the World

If you had been told a decade ago that there was a deeper level of government pulling the strings from of front line government...

How Dangerous Is The USA?

The USA is the world's only superpower. Armed with weapons of mass destruction and a history of committing some of the worst crimes to...

Paris: You Don’t Want to Read This

by Peter Van Buren at commondreams.org You don’t want to read this, and I take no pleasure in writing it, and no one really wants to hear it...

Let’s Not Get It Wrong This Time: The Terrorists Won After 9/11 Because We...

By Bret Weinstein   We destroyed ourselves with our dumb 9/11 overreactions. It's essential not to make the same mistake again.   What is terrorism? Many are convinced that...