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Summarized: 9 Speeches During The UN GA That Reveal How World Leaders Really Think

      You've seen the headlines of the dozens of mainstream media (MSM) outlets lambasting Russia for attacking ISIS; the narrative now is that Russia is...

Day After Warning Russia About Civilian Casualties, US Bombs Afghan Hospital

Written by Nick Bernabe at theantimedia.org   Up to 20 civilians were killed by U.S. airstrikes in Afghanistan early Saturday morningthat hit a hospital in Kunduz. According to...

Russia: You’ve Had Your Chance America. ISIS Is Going Down NOW, And We Ain’t...

      We always knew that America's "plan" to "save" Syria was built around their own interests. It was certainly no accident that retired FOUR STAR GENERAL...

US Drones Responsible For More Civilian Deaths in Yemen than Al Qaeda

Written by John Vibes at theantimedia.org   According to a U.N. report published last week, U.S. drone strikes have killed roughly 40 Yemeni civilians in the past year....

Marine Forced into Retirement After Beating up US-Protected Pedophile

Written by Claire Bernish at theantimedia.org     Afghanistan — “At night we can hear them screaming, but we’re not allowed to do anything about it,” Gregory Buckley, Sr. recalled...