Lets be clear of one thing here, Hillary Clinton has not been cleared of anything, the FBI is simply recommending that Federal prosecutors do not bring her to trial. The FBI has admitted Clinton violated the law, knowingly sent and received classified information on her private emails and acted with negligence. As the FBI says though, they do not believe she did this with any ill intent and that “no reasonable prosecutor would bring charges against her” because of this.
But lets not forget who we are talking about here: James Comey Director of the FBI. Perhaps one the most powerful criminals in the United States today. Under Comey’s watch, the FBI has repeatedly engaged in unconstitutional and illegal actions in the name of serving justice. Here are just a few examples of criminal missteps of the FBI under Comey’s leadership.
He has worked repeatedly to strip Americans of their right to privacy by attacking and weakening encryption with the Apple lawsuit case. Comey has also support a new law, which essentially makes end to end encryption illegal in the United States: http://anonhq.com/senate-encryption-bill-leaked-looks-something-expected-chinas-leadership-approve/
Comey’s FBI has blatantly violated the 4th Amendment of the constitution, which “protects from unreasonable searches by the government.” This has been done by using secret, unaccountable government courts, which blindly grants 99.9% of surveillance requests/wiretaps/hacks dating back to 1978, and the unlimited use of “National Security Letters” to spy on American citizens: http://anonhq.com/us-government-court-grants-100-warrant-requests/
Comey has approved an operation in which the FBI directly/knowingly ran a child pornography web site. On this web site, users downloaded child pornography photos and videos directly from federal government servers. When the case went to trial, the FBI’s actions were found to be unconstitutional and all evidence they obtained was thrown out of court: http://anonhq.com/judge-rules-fbi-investigation-illegal-pedophiles-may-now-walk-free/
The FBI has refused to comply with federal law requiring the agency to make public all the bio-metric data the agency has collected on United States citizens. The FBI is currently in court for violating this law: https://theintercept.com/2016/06/01/the-fbi-wants-to-exempt-massive-biometric-database-from-the-privacy-act/
The FBI has been found in court to have unconstitutionally used stingray technology to capture citizens cell phone information. As a result of their illegal actions, federal judges had to make new laws to demand that authorities obtain a warrant before spying on private citizens: http://anonhq.com/leaked-document-fbi-admits-illegal-actions/
Let us not forget that the FBI received $20.5 million dollars from the federal government over the last 11 months to “fund” this investigation – a nice, guaranteed chunk of change for anyone. Let us also not forget that the Director of the FBI is appointed by the President of the United States and approved by the Senate. Comey was appointed by President Obama and confirmed by a Democrat controlled Senate in 2013 – the Republicans took back control in 2014.
Make no mistake, Comey is paying this forward and choosing to protect Hillary Clinton is just good business. A survival tactic; ensuring he wont loose any power when Clinton becomes the next President in less than half a years time. Comey is simply saving his own ass. #themoreyouknow
Break classification rules for the public’s benefit, and you could be exiled.
Do it for personal benefit, and you could be President.
— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) June 1, 2016
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