Animal cruelty, it seems, has become the accepted norm in China. More than 10,000 cats and dogs are attacked, tortured, and skinned/ burned alive during the 10-day-long annual Yulin Dog Meat Festival. The dogs, which survive the painful ordeal, are beaten to death, have their throats slit open, or cooked while still alive.
Even though animal rights activists claimed to have saved more than 1,000 dogs due to be slaughtered and eaten during the festival last year, the cruel mindset didn’t change. A horrific video showing a group of inhuman beings throwing a greyhound dog into a barrel of boiling water and cooking it alive emerged out of China a few months later.
Now, another horrific tale of dog slaughter is being reported from China. The petition, calling the Chinese government to put a stop to the vicious dog meat trade, describes the horror in detail:
“…The dog is still alive, he howls in despair, begging to be rescued, but there is no one there for him. A man’s hand can be spotted tearing up his fur. In just a matter of minutes, the dog dies, leaving this planet in the most inhumane way.”
Click here for the graphic video, which shows the dog is still alive as it whimpers and writhes in agony being skinned alive.
Queensland-based Fight Dog Meat, which posted the graphic video possibly filmed by a dog eater, is demanding China to implement and uphold animal protection laws.
“The video of the dog being skinned alive is difficult to watch, but it has to be shown to tell this poor dog’s story, and what he was forced to endure as a dog meat dog in China. Please know that Chinese animal activists are just as horrified at videos like this, as you and I. It brings pain to their heart to know people such as this dog butcher walk free while answering to no-one, and will repeat the same heinous acts again and again.”
This article (Graphic Video: Dog Tied to a Tree Howls in Pain as the Helpless Canine is Skinned Alive) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
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If feminist bitching about Patriarchy in Videogames and other medias, then PETA is no different on this one. Complaining pokemon and such
Sorry, Marshan, but you’re a teenager, so your opinions don’t really matter very much outside of a classroom. Keep studying and might be able to support your opinions sooner than you think. If you go to an underfunded American public school, you can take education into your own hands by learning some formal logic. It’s pretty useful.
You little spotty inbreed. So young and soooo useless to this world.
U should be skinned alive
Stupid kid
Why post a horrid vulgar video if nothing can be done to the evil pos who committed the torture. Your crazy intelligent, track them down. One less animal abuser = justice for 1 voiceless animal.
My god! How ignorant are you? Do you not realise that if this does not get out. nothing will be done at all??? Spread it as far and wide as possible! Only by way of hitting these disgustingly cruel “people” in the pocket can we make headway and stop this.
You bury your head in the sand as you are no use to these poor animals.
Dogs are not endangered species nor they’re some highly intelligent animals, so it’s perfectly fine to eat them.
Probs have more sense than you redhat you sick cunt
so its perfectly fine to skin them alive to? dickhead…
You’re clearly not very intelligent either judging my that stupid ass statement you just made. Why don’t I eat you as well?
fck u redhat. dogs are mans best friend. i hope you haave read articles of how many times animals have save human life. i guess you’re just another fcked up teenager. get well soon. sick bstard!!!
and i hope that your spelling could improve over your stupid life, considering that he’s a ‘teenager’ who has far superior writing skills than yours, also dont say that he’s another ‘fucked up teenage’ since we to have the right to speak just like you.
Ha ha ha. Look at yours for fuck sake! It’s pathetic. I always have a big laugh at some prick who tries to correct someone’s grammar and spelling. ” and” And. “considering that he’s a ‘teenager’ who has far superior writing skills than yours,” Full stop. Also…
What a wanker!
🙂 yes you do… teenager… speak.. YELL…. get mad… you are our future..passing you the throne…. help these poor animals… 🙂
Well, that qualifies for you too. But, just let me correct you. Because you’re illiterate, I will make it easy. Dogs, cats and other animal are far more intelligent than a twat that can’t even write properly.
u fuckin prick faced bastard…some slinty eyed fuck shud skin u alve….
ur a real piece of shit.. i suppose u come from some shit hole called china , india, vietnam some part of south or north korea… only real cunts would say that shit.. miserable stupid young cunt thinks the way u think
Waste of oxygen
I agree with you Redhat! You’re not as highly intelligent as well. You peabrain
Look if certain people in China feel the need to eat dogs then I suppose there is nothing that can be done about it, unless the government kind of likes the idea because maybe they get a kick back or something. But, the main issue compassionate people have is the WAY the poor domesticated animals are being murdered. Instead of killing them quickly, they throw a dog, who had been someone’s prior pet, into a boiling vat, or skinning a trusting puppy alive or beating them to death. The fact that these certain people in China are able to torture these animals is what sickens me. I couldn’t care less what their diet is. I don’t agree domesticated animals should be eaten (dogs or cats), but if that is some kind of necessity in their country, then the least these barbarians could do is “Murder” them in a less Torturous, Brutal, Cruel, Evil manner. How about (uthanize, or something else). It just shows the low mentality of the person’s who can do that kind of thing to these animals. If they can torture these sweet defenseless animals, and not feel a thing, then what does it tell you about them as a so called, human being? If someone has no feelings for animals, then they are hopeless. You can’t fix evil. I don’t respect anyone who can torture a helpless animal, for their fur or meat. I do believe there is something wrong with their brains to be able to justify doing such a thing. Disgusting people. The government should at least “change” the way these animals are being killed. Why they don’t set rules and guidlines to follow is very strange and it makes me think the government may be all for it.
Is there a link to an article in Chinese? The campaign must be made strongest there – these old rural types will only get their back up if they hear foreign voices complaining. What is needed is millions of Chinese voices against this barbarism.
🙂 me 2
I would love to see a china man skinned alive, if we ever go to war thats the first thing i am going to enjoy.
same… WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE CHINA MOTHER FUCKING MURDERERS… OMG.. THIS IS SICK… JUST GOD DAMN SICK…. POOR ANIMALS… in the hands of human monsters…. I hope they feel exactly what those dogs feel.. + some.
It’s ok for them to eat dogs, it’s not ok because of the inhumane way this butcher does it. It doesn’t have to be alive and crying out for mercy. Stun or blunt force to the head and this poor soul could have stopped suffering. I’m so sorry for all animals that are treated with disrespect and torture.
Petition to sign guys…
It is time to boycott all goods from China. I know this is a monumental undertaking but if we could start this……no Chinese take out…no shopping at Wal-Mart anything labeled from China. And shame the Chinese government. No animal deserves this type of torture. These people also take live turtles and other small creatures put them in plastic and sell them in keychains till they suffocate to death. These acts must be stopped in this civilized world.
I agree with you. Any kind of torture to an animal shows there is something seriously wrong with the people who can inflict pain on these animals. And, with that being said, the so called humans who can torture these animals would probably do just about anything, to humans as well. Their mentally deranged. Unfortunately that is the mind set of China. I realize not everything over there agrees with what is happening to these poor domesticated pets, but what bothers me is that the government does not care, in fact, they probably get kick backs from it.
I lived Asia and not only was the treatment of animals severely revolting it made me a vegetarian the whole time I lived there..
Later I found out about how in a recent political coup (in the 1960’s) people in villages( women and children esp.) we’re subjected to barbaric torture and death at the hands of their fellow countrymen…Many times having to presently live amongst the very people who committed these crimes as they are in power as local sheriffs, politicians and neighbors.
This is animal rights propaganda. By PETA and Associates
This angers all of us. The people with big hearts for animals. The ones that do this, will get theirs. anti-sec, anonymous, black hats and The Lord make sure of this daily.
They are a little Fag boys with little dicks. We as adults can see this.
les asiatiques ont indéniablement de sacrés problèmes de respect de l’humanité, et d’eux mêmes par la même occasion !!
Au regard de tous leurs remèdes contre l’impuissance sexuel qu’ils ont mis en place, il est de notoriété mondiale qu’ils ne doivent pas être des dieux au pieux !!!!!
En décimant allégrement et de façon barbare la faune précieuse de notre planète, non seulement ils avouent leur impuissance sexuelle qui les poursuit sur plusieurs générations (pour un peuple si fier, très étonnant !!) mais en plus il provoque pour le reste de la terre un fort besoin de leur vomir (dessus lorsque l’on a le courage de regarder l’humain dans sa laideur ? les tripes ? le bon anxiolytique ? ou terriblement habitué aux horreurs ? ……) de regarder en face ce dont ils sont capables.
En ce qui me concerne, j’ai déjà vu une autre vidéo d’animaux (visons) pelés (vivants naturellement 🙁 )pour en faire commerce dans l’industrie de vêtements de luxe (importation chinoise). Nauséabonds, détresse, horreur digne des camps de concentration, …
Pour être cruel avec les animaux, ils ont des couilles. Pour en faire usage au lit avec leur femmes, ils ont besoin de remèdes “miracles” !!
Chers voisins de loin, vous êtes l’horreur et la risée du monde !!
ok, good.
ok, good.
We should just nuke China,world would be a much better place without these twisted sick individuals.they don’t even have respect for human life
We may not be able to directly affect the persons that perform these acts. IF we did not buy shit from the chinese until they cleaned up their act that may effect a cure. and i mean buy nothing. no plastic toys no electronics no nuts and bolts, no clothes etc.. totaly isolate them. ..
These videos turn me on like a fucking light switch