Leon Brittan, a former Home Secretary and once Margaret Thatcher’s protégé, has now been named as a suspect in the Westminster pedophile ring. [1] Since his death in January, an influx of concerns have surfaced about the politician who once had files in his possession containing the names of some of Britain’s elite in a pedophile ring. It has since disappeared, after it was handed by him to the authorities.
Lord Brittan, who was appointed Home Secretary in 1983 as the youngest holder of the title since Winston Churchill, always denied the allegations. At the time of his death, investigations over allegations that he had raped a woman when he was a young man were being conducted, as well as investigations claiming he’d intentionally covered up a dossier that had contained the names of other VIPs, including other politicians. The files were reportedly handed to MP Geoffrey Dickens who in the same year, had accused Brittan of being a pedophile, and were subsequently lost from the Home Office.
Amidst the swirl of allegations, Thatcher has been accused of concealing Sir Peter Hayman’s involvement in the ring as well. Ordering officials not to name the senior diplomat in relation to the pedophile ring, she later re-employed him to lead her political campaigns in the 1990’s. As early as 1978, Hayman was under police investigation after obscene materials were found in a parcel on a London bus. Other pornographic materials were later found at his London address, and connections to the Pedophile Information Exchange were investigated. This confirmed Sir Peter Hayman’s presence, with which he intended to make “contact with adults with whom he could exchange obscene material.” He died in 1992, without a conviction. [2]
The incitement by Thatcher [3] to hush the naming of suspected but rumored pedophiles who worked within her government, is now under scrutiny.[4]
Key dates:
November 1983: Geoffrey Dickens reveals a dossier of names detailing allegations into a pedophile ring involving the British establishment.
March 1984: Leon Brittan receives the file, and claims it has been passed on to authorities for investigation. The dossier however is missing, with no action taken.
May 1995: The death of Geoffrey Dickens. Along with his death, his wife reportedly destroys the only other known copy of the dossier. The third copy sent to the DPP had allegedly been misplaced or destroyed.
Early 2012: Sir Jimmy Savile is linked to the pedophile ring after his death. The case is gaining momentum. Dozens of victims emerge with details of abuse.
October 2012: Labour MP Tom Watson acknowledges the links between a pedophile network and parliament.
November/December 2012 – February 2013: Investigations begin to take serious turns, with Scotland Yard formally setting up Operation Fairbank to investigate the Elm Guest House where a majority of abuse was taken place against young children by prominent politicians and entertainment personalities.
2013 – 2014: Several prominent names are investigated and listed as alleged paedophiles, with Brittan also being investigated for rape.
2014 – 2015: Thatcher under scrutiny for a government cover-up involving politicians and the pedophile ring.
[1] Himes, N. (2015, March 6). How Thatcher’s Government Covered Up a VIP Pedophile Ring. The Daily Beast]. Retrieved from http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/03/06/britain-s-horrific-vip-pedophile-cover-up.html
[2] Hines, N. (2015, January 23). Thatcher Protégé Leon Brittan Was a Pedophile Suspect. Retrieved from http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/01/23/pedophile-claims-against-leon-brittan-thatcher-s-prot-g.html
[3] Gander, K. (2015, February 3). Thatcher stopped officials publicly naming Sir Peter Hayman as suspected paedophile. [The Independent. UK]. Retrieved from http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/thatcher-stopped-officials-publicly-naming-sir-peter-hayman-as-suspected-paedophile-10020852.html
[4] Chorley, M. (2014, July 27). Thatcher’s bodyguard says he warned her about underage sex rumours about close aide amid claims senior ministers were named in dossier. [Mail Online]. Retrieved from http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2707333/Thatcher-s-bodyguard-says-warned-underage-sex-rumours-close-aide-amid-claims-senior-ministers-named-dossier.html
Other Anon links:
Pedophile Paradise: Bill Clinton Named in Sleazy Sex Lawsuit
Anonymous #OpDeathEaters Targets High Profile Pedosadists
Anonymous – Exposing UK Pedophilia Ring in #OpDeathEaters
Anonymous to Expose Child Sex Abuses Among The UK’s Royal Family and Other Elite Groups
Where has this blogger gone? He has been silent now for over two months. Anon should archive the information in this blog in case it disappears: