US Vice President Joe Biden Flirtatiously Snuggles US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter’s Wife

Joe Biden’s long list of on-air flirtations just got a bit longer. During Ashton Carter’s swearing-in ceremony recently, Biden welcomed Ashton’s wife, Stephanie, to...

Anonymous Hactivist Refuses To Be FBI Spy. The ‘Crime’ Gets Him 6 Months In...

The US Department of Justice charged 28-year-old Fidel Salinas of Texas and an Anonymous Hactivist, with 44 felony counts of computer fraud and cyber...

Anonymous Activist Protests In Ferguson, Faces 3 Years In Jail

Alex Poucher of STL Anonymous, who came to the attention of St. Louis Police after his meeting with Frank Ancona, leader of the Traditionalist...

10 Hard-Hitting Photos That Show How Children Live In Guatemala

Tens of thousands of children cross the Guatemala-Mexico border fleeing violence, poverty, and repression in their native Central American home to the United States. Photographer...

Lizard Squad DDoSes 8Chan

On Thursday, the Lizard Squad's voyage through internet shame proceeded as the group acknowledged a distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) attack against the...

A Canadian Muslim Blindfolds Self, Trusts Strangers to Hug Him

Canadian activist, Asoomii Jay, has received death and even rape threats for being a Muslim. In order to raise awareness of growing 'Islamophobia,' she...

British Police Arrests Lizard Squad Member

The police were able to find an eighteen-year-old member of the Lizard Squad who was involved in the Sony PSN & Microsoft Xbox Live...

Security Concepts: A Hackers Guide Book

They say that learning is a lifelong process. The more you learn, the more knowledge you gain. The more knowledge you gain, the more...

Anonymous’ Famous Revolunary DoS Attack Explained

What is a 'denial of service' attack (or 'DOS' attack)? To break it down as simple as possible, it is a malicious attempt wherein...

Reputable Bitcoin Exchange Hacked – More Than $5 Million Stolen

A Bitcoin exchange, Bitstamp, lost twelve percent of its bitcoins; that equates to almost 18,866 bitcoins that were stolen. One bitcoin is currently worth...